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April 17, 2024 - Comments Off on March 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation attends the 3rd Summit for Democracy in Seoul, South Korea

March 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation attends the 3rd Summit for Democracy in Seoul, South Korea

Digital Rights Foundation participated in Seoul for the 3rd Summit For Democracy  to bring Pakistan's perspective from the recent elections. The primary focus was on fostering democracy for future generations. Around 300 delegates including government officials, representatives from international organizations, academia, and civil society, gathered in Korea to discuss policy enhancements and strategic pathways to shape a better future for future generations.

In S4D3’s session 'Upholding Information Integrity Online to Reinforce Democracy and Human Rights' in Seoul, DRF's Senior Project Manager Hyra Basit, spoke about how Pakistan's 2024 General Elections highlighted the dark side of online discourse. DRF’s social media monitoring and intensive research during the election period were also highlighted. 


Policy Initiatives: 

International Women’s Day 2024

DRF’s team shared heartfelt stories about the remarkable women who have inspired them in celebration of International Women's Day 2024


In celebration of International Women’s Day, Privacy International sparked a meaningful dialogue that resonated deeply with us. They highlighted the remarkable women who are leading the charge in safeguarding privacy rights and fostering a more just world.

As part of this conversation, they asked the DRF team to share our reflections on the significance of privacy for women. It was an opportunity for us to explore and celebrate the unique perspectives and contributions of women in this vital field. Our comments are below: 

Maya Ki Kahani | 16 Days of Activism

DRF launched an animated video telling the story of Maya. Maya is a trans woman who works in a department store to make a living. Maya is constantly harassed at work because customers take her photos and videos without her consent. Maya's images are then used to mock her online and spread around the internet. Why is Maya being ridiculed online for simply doing her job? Is Maya being attacked online because of her identity? Does the law protect Maya from this type of abuse?


You can watch the entire video here:


In the video, we aimed to educate the audience about important sections of the Prevention of Electronics Crimes Act (PECA) 2016 relating to Section 24 on taking pictures and videos without the consent of a natural person. The video also had information about section 20 of PECA around the dignity of a natural person and sharing content on social media containing false information and violating the privacy of a user.


DRF’s Cyber Harassment Helpline Guide

Have you or someone you know experienced any of the following?


  • Your personal or private picture was uploaded online without your consent
  • Your face was edited onto an inappropriate image
  • Your information, such as your picture, phone number, or home address, was shared online to harass you
  • A fake profile was created using your identity
  • Your Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp account was hacked


If your answer is yes, and you're in need of assistance, please contact the Cyber Harassment Helpline at 0800-39393, and find out how we can help you.


DRF’s WhatsApp Disinformation Tipline

During election days, memes, videos, posts, and messages circulate widely on social media. Mithu is conducting research and he needs your help. If you come across any content spreading false or misleading information, especially regarding female or transgender politicians, please share it with Mithu via WhatsApp.


To send a message, click on the WhatsApp button on our Instagram and Facebook profiles or go to this link:

Alternatively, you can directly send a WhatsApp message to this number: 

0301 3249539


How to use ‘Ab Aur Nahin’

We launched a tutorial on how to use ‘Ab Aur Nahin’, DRF’s confidential legal and counselor support service specifically designed for survivors of harassment. You can easily access legal counsel and support tailored to your area through this user-friendly platform. 

Click, connect, and take charge of your rights today. You are not alone, and you do not need to fight alone!


You can access the website here:


Press Coverage: 

Nighat Dad on X shutdown on Geo News

DRF’s Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke with Geo News about the X shutdown in Pakistan. Nighat emphasized the importance of transparency in these actions, in accordance with international standards. And our local laws should address online disinformation and defamation without jeopardizing free speech. She went on to say that we need to work on improving existing laws as well as addressing the misuse of Generative AI right away.


Watch the entire interview here:


A session with Suno FM Radio 89.4-96 ( Aao Bat Krain ) 

Anmol Sajjad delivered a virtual session on online harassment on 6th March 2024, with Suno FM Radio 89.4-96 with Bushra Iqbal. The session focused on online harassment in the digital era, and I also covered its legal aspects. It was focused on online harassment, its common forms, and its impact on physiological and social life. The prevention of online harassment and digital security was also discussed during the session. 


Watch the entire interview here:


Nighat Dad speaks about the Resolution to Ban Social Media | Bol News

DRF's Executive Director, Nighat Dad spoke with Bol TV about the resolution in the Senate to ban social media in Pakistan. She expressed her frustration with this way of thinking and how these actions damage Pakistan's image on the international stage. She went on to say that a blanket ban on social media or even internet shutdowns will not stop online disinformation; instead, we must identify the root of the problem and address it structurally, as well as reform our society's thinking that allows people to cause harm through online platforms.


Watch the entire interview here:


DRF in Press


Independent Urdu پاکستان میں سوشل میڈیا پر پابندی کی قرارداد ’آئین کا مذاق‘
Dawn Amid X outage, ban sought on all social media
Deccan Herald Pakistan Senate to take up resolution seeking permanent ban on social media sites
Pi News Senator calls for total ban on social media sites in Pakistan
The Nation Digital Regression
DND Civil Society voices concern on continued internet shutdowns & social media platform blocking in Pakistan
Arab News 28 civil society organizations demand immediate restoration of X in Pakistan
Context Pakistan's WhatsApp death sentence case spotlights blasphemy law
Index on Censorship The journalists being threatened with artificial intelligence
Asia Network News X already banned when new government took over: Pakistan’s Information Minister
Cryptopolitan Is AI Cyber Harassment Endangering Press Freedom in Pakistan?
Soch Fact Check Ataullah Tarar falsely claims X is not blocked in Pakistan
Geo News Meta asked to end blanket ban of word 'shaheed'
Global Village Space Meta's oversight board advises to lift ban on the word shaheed
Pakistan Today Meta’s content moderation board advises company to loosen restrictions on word ‘shaheed’
Al Jazeera Meta’s oversight board urges Facebook, Instagram to lift ban on ‘shaheed’



Synthetic Elections: are we prepared for generative AI in 2024? 

Organized by Demos and the UCL Digital Speech Lab, the event provided valuable perspectives on safeguarding democratic integrity amidst technological advancements. Nighat Dad shared her insights on navigating Generative AI in election cycles. The discussion centered around the impact of Generative AI, which has rapidly become a global concern. Policymakers, industry leaders, and the public convened to address the challenges posed by its exponential growth. Notable examples, such as AI-generated political audio and chatbot misinformation during elections, highlighted the urgency of the issue. She cautioned against overreacting to AI developments, emphasizing the need for balanced responses. 


Watch the entire discussion here:


Nighat Dad on a panel at HRC55 of UNHRC 

At #HRC55 of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Nighat Dad spoke on a panel ‘A Guiding Compass for the Global Digital Compact’ and she highlighted how human rights should be addressed in the framework of the Global Digital Compact. The Global Digital Compact is an initiative proposed in the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres's Common Agenda. 


Read more here:


South and Southeast Asia Regional Stakeholders Forum on Cyber Sexual and Gender-Based Violence 

DRF also participated in the conference held by the Caught in the Web entitled ‘South and Southeast Asia Regional Stakeholders Forum on Cyber Sexual and Gender-Based Violence’ held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. During this, DRF’s Legal Manager, Irum Shujah, spoke in an “ Understanding the Perspective and Prospects of the Legal Sector” session and provided a Pakistani perspective to the participants. Overall Focus during the sessions was on sharing experiences, tools, lessons learned, and challenges of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engaged in addressing Cyber Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (CSGBV) and Online Gender-Based Harassment (OGHS) in South Asian countries, with a focus on discussing and disseminating these insights to facilitate learning and integration within their respective countries and across the region.


DRF at Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse’s Conference in Kenya


DRF also participated in the conference held by the Global Partnership entitled ‘Preventing and disrupting the spread of gendered disinformation in the context of electoral processes and democratic rollback’ held in Nairobi, Kenya. DRF’s participation provided the perspective on gendered disinformation used to target vulnerable identities including journalists, and the use of AI, the abuse of which was heightened during the recent elections, and what DRF is doing to counter such threats to safe online spaces and democratic processes. 


Legal Clinic (Live on Instagram)

DRF conducted a live legal clinic on Instagram, creating an interactive space for public engagement. Both the Legal team and Helpline team participated and addressed the queries shared by the audience through comments. The clinic primarily focused on the nature of cases received by the Helpline Team at DRF and the subsequent process of DRF’s legal team processing these cases. The live clinic catered to questions asked by the audience, ranging from ideas about handling evidence to a discussion about the form of online harassment faced by the public at large.


Digital Literacy sessions in schools

This month DRF held four schools in Lahore with their Digital Citizens program. 735 students (females and males) and 44 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms in case of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.


A Session with Inspiring Women Pakistan 

DRF delivered a virtual session on 31st March 2024. The session focused on online harassment in the digital era, and we covered its legal aspects as well. There were a total of 30 participants in the session; 15 girls were from Pakistan, and 15 were from South America. We focused on online harassment, its common forms, and its impact on physiological and social life. The prevention of online harassment and digital security was also discussed during the session. 


A workshop on Perpetrator Data and Evaluating OGBV Tools

DRF attended an online session organized by the World Wide Web, focusing on Perpetrator Data and Evaluating OGBV Tools. The workshop centered on assessing the effectiveness of the emerging research roadmap in real-world scenarios and gathering feedback for refinement. 


International Conference on Transformative Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Law and Legal Education

Minahil Farooq from DRF’s Legal team participated in a two-day International Conference on the Transformative Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence, organized by the University of Central Punjab. The sessions delve into valuable insights at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Legal education. The conference's objective was to explore strategies for integrating AI into legal education, providing a comprehensive understanding of its transformative potential. 


Webinar on Navigating Gender Rights in the Judiciary in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
On 14 March 2024, DRF attended a webinar titled “Breaking Barriers: Navigating Gender Rights in the Judiciary in the Era of Artificial Intelligence” organized by National Law University Delhi, co hosted it with UNESCO and Lawyer's Hub on Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary. In light of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), this webinar included a panel discussion consisting of a retired senior judge, a policy analyst, and stakeholders from civil society. The webinar started with a discussion on the scope of AI, its role, and its implications within judicial systems. The discussion led to the European Ethical Charter for AI, highlighting its five core principles emphasizing respect for fundamental rights, non-discrimination, quality and security, transparency, impartiality, fairness, and user control. Insight was also provided about the inherent risks of AI-generated outcomes, particularly considering the situations when algorithms do not have adequate training, potentially leading to severe human rights violations. During the webinar, recommendations were also outlined, stressing the recognition of human biases in AI tools, understanding tool development purposes, maintaining system testing and feedback mechanisms, and promotion of awareness through training. 


DRF Updates: 

Cyber Harassment Helpline 

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 317 complaints in total in March 2024. 50 of these complaints were about NCUI, or Non Consensual Use of Information, which may include images, name, phone number etc. Our helpline prioritizes helping women and transgender individuals. 


If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

March 15, 2024 - Comments Off on February 2024 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at the Munich Security Conference

February 2024 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at the Munich Security Conference

Nighat Dad shared her insights at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) alongside Google CEO Sundar Pichai and former President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid, moderated by Ian Bremmer, delving into the crucial intersection of geopolitics, AI, and electoral integrity.

She highlighted AI's broader societal impact, including inclusivity and human rights, beyond mere technology. While Western regulations are crucial, they may not address global challenges adequately. The Global South's voice gained recognition through the UN's High-Level Panel on AI. Nighat urged platforms to increase resources for human rights and transparency. Empowering researchers and reassessing governance are essential for fair AI. She emphasized integrating human rights into AI security discussions and promoting transparency. Finally, she called for civil society involvement and anchored regulations in human rights for effective AI ethics.

Policy Initiatives:

DRF Election Desk

Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk. It is a mapping project to document instances of network shutdowns and infringements on free speech via the targeted closure of specific social media sites and access to the internet overall. It consolidated all the latest resources and showcased the legal analysis of different parties’ manifestos in relation to digital rights. This endeavor seeks to uphold democratic values and ensure a transparent and open dialogue during such critical events.

For more:

Legal Framework for Financing Election Campaigns in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is responsible for overseeing election processes, including campaign financing. The legal framework for campaign financing is primarily governed by the Election Act of 2017. This Act sets limits on election campaign expenditures by candidates. It requires candidates to keep detailed accounts of their campaign expenses and submit these accounts to the ECP.

Important note: Section 132 does not explicitly differentiate between offline and online election activities, and the provision can be broadly interpreted to cover both offline and online campaign financing.

Accountability around Political Ads on social media platforms of Pakistani Political Actors leading to elections

The regulation of online and social media campaign financing is a relatively new and evolving area. While entities like Meta have implemented their own policies for political advertising, including background checks and transparency requirements in various countries, the ECP's policies do not explicitly address the specifics of online campaign financing or the regulation of political ads on social media networks.

Meta has made their ad library public and you can view the spending for political ads on DRF’s Election Desk website:

What to do on polling day?

DRF Election Desk brought people a guideline on what to do on election day - especially for first time voters the day before Pakistan’s General Elections.

  1. Check your polling station
  2. Go early
  3. Bring your original CNIC
  4. Main order and queue



Difference between our Cyber Harassment Helpline and WhatsApp Disinformation Tipline

DRF’s Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) condemned the use of TFGBV and Gen AI to attack and silence women journalists

More than 60 journalists signed Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWDJR)'s statement condemning the use of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) and Generative AI to attack and silence women journalists.

Read the full statement here:

WhatsApp Hacking Awareness Video

DRF has observed a spike in WhatsApp accounts getting hacked.  We shared an instructional video on how to avoid it.

You can watch it here:

Press Coverage:

How the Digital Rights Foundation Fights for Privacy and Better Internet Governance

Nighat Dad talked to XMTP and her insights offered an essential perspective on the role open and decentralized protocols play in countering the prevalent centralized models of data collection and ownership.

Read more:

Important Analysis of Nighat Dad on Legality of the Decision in Iddat Case

Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News as a member of WAF (Women Action Forum) about the Iddat case and provided critical legal analysis.

More here:

Nighat spoke to DW Urdu about Pakistan’s General Elections and Internet shutdown

Nighat Dad spoke to DW Urdu and talked about how the use of the internet is also done to obtain information, so the shutdown of mobile and internet services on the day of general elections in Pakistan is a violation of the democratic and fundamental rights of citizens.

Watch here:

In this opinion piece, Nighat Dad discusses the prevalence of internet shutdowns during election cycles in Pakistan, highlighting their detrimental impact on society and the economy. She emphasizes how shutdowns hinder access to crucial information, disrupt economic activities, and impede democratic processes. Additionally, Nighat argues that internet shutdowns exacerbate tensions, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine trust in the democratic system. She calls for the government to refrain from shutting down the internet during elections, stressing the importance of maintaining an open and free internet for democratic participation and accountability.

More here:

Digital Campaigns

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, penned an opinion piece where she talks about the lack of regulation and oversight by Election Commission of Pakistan on online political advertising.

Read here:

Data Privacy: Elections and Beyond

Zainab Durrani discusses the impact of technology on Pakistan's 2024 elections, highlighting concerns about deepfake disinformation and the use of voter data. She points out the lack of a national data protection framework, raising questions about the source and misuse of voter contact information. Durrani emphasizes the vulnerability of citizen data held by entities like NADRA and telecom providers, with documented breaches compromising privacy. She calls for amendments to proposed data protection laws and stresses the need for accountability in political campaigning practices. Additionally, she criticizes outdated election laws for failing to address digital campaigning methods, underscoring the importance of protecting privacy in democratic governance.

Read here:

DRF in the Press
The Friday Times Pakistan's Network Of Women Journalists For Digital Rights Demand Accountability And Support For Domestic
Medium Chapter I — How to prevent sexting abuse on WhatsApp in Pakistan?
Deccan Herald Feminists, women lawyers lash out at Pakistan judge for hurting woman's dignity in marriage case verdict
Ifex What’s new and old in 2024: Repressive laws, attacks, and election disinformation in Asia
The Current The ever-looming threat of disinformation in Pakistan
France24 Pakistan suspends mobile service for election day
Samaa TV HRCP demands immediate restoration of internet, mobile services across country
Barron's Pakistan Counts Ballots With Khan In Jail, Vote Marred By Mobile Outage NWJDR Condemns Online Attacks On Women Journalists In Pakistan
The Friday Times Technology-facilitated Gender-based Violence And Generative AI Used To Abuse Women Journalists
Dawn Online attacks on women journalists condemned
IFEX Pakistan Press Foundation condemns smear campaign against journalists in post-election turmoil
ERR Kaljulaid in Munich: EU's AI legal act best for global governance, minus fines Speculation Abounds As X Suspension In Pakistan Enters Third Day
Dawn X faces disruption for third consecutive day
Express Tribune X becomes govt's first target
Global Village Space X faces a nationwide shutdown amid political turmoil - Global Village Space
The News International X access restricted in Pakistan for seventh day
The News International X shutdown enters 7th day in Pakistan
Geo News X shutdown enters 8th day in Pakistan with VPN services also restricted
Times of India Social media platform 'X' shutdown continues for eighth day ..
Arab News Rights activists say free speech ‘critically under threat’ in Pakistan as X disruption enters eighth day
Bolly Inside Social Media Platform X Shutdown Continues for Eighth Day in Pakistan, Users Face Blackout
ANI Pakistan: Social media platform 'X' shutdown continues for eighth day Civil Society Condemns Ichhra Incident
KTN News HD Violence in the Digital World | Insight with Najia Mir


Global Symposium Technology Facilitated Gender Based Violence

DRF actively participated in this year’s virtual Global Symposium hosted by the UNFPA. On Day 1, Nighat Dad set the scene during Panel 1.1 ‘Now and the Future’, where she spoke about the regulatory gaps and challenges in addressing the intersection of artificial intelligence and online abuse, the lack of effective legal responses to the rise in the TFGBV, and the role that social media and tech platforms need to play in combating TFGBV. On Day 2, Hyra Basit was on the panel entitled ‘Responding to TFGBV’ where she highlighted the Cyber Harassment’s journey, its successes, and challenges.

Watch the entire panel here:

Striking the Right Balance: Moderating Online Content During 2024 Elections

The session explored important topics like misinformation, foreign interference, targeted advertising, and the role of algorithms in shaping user attitudes and behaviors. Nighat shared her insight about how with social media's influence on public opinion and elections worldwide, it is crucial to understand how to effectively manage these platforms for fairness and transparency in electoral processes.

Nighat Dad speaking at MobilinkHer Event

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, shared her thoughts on #MobilinkHER - during Mobilink Bank's flagship women returnship program launch. She talked about the importance of creating a supportive & inclusive work environment that enables women to foster holistic economic development and bolster Pakistan’s economy.

APAC regional conversation and consultation

DRF briefed the Global Coalition for Tech Justice partners regarding the elections held on 8th February and around the findings of DRF’s election desk cell on the 21st of February. The consultation was DRF’s attempt to share best practices with partners around monitoring content on platforms in this election year of 2024.

Navigating Online Harms and Gendered Disinformation in Pakistan

DRF conducted a session at LUMS with the Saida Waheed Gender Initiative (SWGI) on  Navigating Online Harms and Gendered Disinformation in Pakistan. The session was facilitated by Seerat Khan and Danish Umar. DRF’s team went over the proliferation of gendered disinformation and how it contributes to the exacerbation of gender-based violence. The team also shared ways in which students can protect themselves online. and spot generative AI content.


Source Verification and Fact-checking workshop for Journalists during Elections held in Islamabad

DRF conducted a session on source verification and fact-checking in Islamabad with Meta's support, keeping in mind the upcoming general elections. The one day workshop addressed the emergence of disinformation and misinformation during elections and how to tackle and report dis/misinformation during this time and was attended by 31 journalists from Islamabad and adjacent areas.

Digital Literacy sessions in schools

This month DRF held four schools in Lahore with their Digital Citizens program. 735 students (females and males) and 44 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms in case of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.

Session:  Introducing all feminist Helplines

Anmol and Hyra participated in an online session on 29 Feb 2024, focused on introducing all the feminist helplines within their community. The session provided a platform for various helplines to present their work, emphasizing their roles in addressing gender-based violence. We have discussed and delved into the specifics of how helplines operate, including the processes involved in providing support and assistance to individuals facing gender-based violence. The session aimed to foster collaboration and mutual understanding among the different helplines, ultimately enhancing their collective efforts in combating gender-based violence within the community.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 236, with 118 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


February 13, 2024 - Comments Off on January 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk

January 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk

Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk. You can follow the initiative on social media through #DRFElectionDesk. And on our website -

Policy Initiatives: 

DRF Election Desk

6 Point Agenda on Digital Rights Protections For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos

DRF's Election Desk has identified six key digital rights issues, and we urge political parties to include them in their manifestos due to the inextricable connection between online and offline spaces. 

Read the entire agenda here:


6-Point Agenda on Media Freedom And Journalist Safety For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos

More than 100 journalists and members of civil society signed the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights'  6-Point Agenda on Media Freedom And Journalist Safety For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos.


Read the entire agenda here:


Spotting Generative Content

  1. Unnecessary details: Extra fingers and warped backdrops.
  2. Repetitive imagery: Keep an eye on skin, clothing, or items.
  3. Disruptive lighting: Physics-defying highlights and shadows!
  4. Background error: Look for smooth or distorted backdrops!
  5. Unusual objects: Search for colors spilling over lines or floating hair!
  6. Reflections and Transparency: AI may alter reality in reflective materials!
  7. Facial features and movements: Distorted features? AI could be at play!
  8. Text errors: Typos, incorrect fonts, or formatting issues? Artificial intelligence could be the culprit!
  9. Lack of Analysis: Short sentences, repeated words, and meaningless content - classic AI giveaways!


WhatsApp Disinformation Tipline

If you come across misleading content online, please contact Mithu via our WhatsApp Disinformation Tip Line at +9203013249539.


Statement by Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) - Demanding Accountability, Transparency, and Support for Domestic Violence survivors/victims in the Media Industry

83 journalists, including male journalists, signed Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights’ statement raising their voices against domestic violence, condemning the alleged case of domestic violence committed by a TV anchor, and demanding the state take measures to address this menace. 


Read the full statement here:


Hamara Internet Mahfooz Internet - Digital Citizenship Program

DRF’s 'Hamara Internet Mehfooz Internet' project brought a wave of digital literacy & safety to Lahore's public schools by the end of 2023.


Training 1417 students, 138 teachers, and 31 digital rights youth ambassadors, this initiative is about building a safer digital world for our youth.


Data Privacy Day 2024

Digital Rights Foundation conducted research on 'Data Privacy in Pakistan's Healthcare Sector'. And on this #DataPrivacyDay2024, it is critical to highlight the research available to us to work on data privacy in Pakistan and it is time to #TakeControlofYourData.


Cyber Harassment Helpline Awareness

Press Coverage: 

Nighat speaking to Wilton Park, Executive Agency of Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office UK

Speaking at Wilton Park’s  event on human rights and new & emerging technology,  DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad reflected on the need to safeguard human rights in tech development & design.


Nighat Dad on Bol News Network

Executive Director of DRF, Nighat Dad, spoke with Bol News about the challenges of combating disinformation in the era of AI and Generative AI. She says we're not prepared to deal with disinformation in this manner.


The deepfake elections are here | Context

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, wrote an opinion piece for  Context: "The harsh truth is that deep fakes and synthetic media can indeed influence the mindset of voters, and eventually affect the results of elections."


Nighat Dad on PTV News 

Nighat Dad, DRF’s Executive Director, went on PTV News to talk about Pakistan’s General Election 2024 and the rampant disinformation online. She explained the meaning of fake news, deep fake & AI generated disinformation that will impact General Election 2024 in Pakistan & how we are just not prepared to handle it.


Nighat Dad on Neo TV

Nighat Dad went on Sahafi program on Neo TV to answer some important questions in relation with the General Elections of Pakistan 2024: 

How is propaganda done? How can deep fake and fake news be countered? How prepared is Pakistan to tackle fake news?

Watch it here:


DRF on Jhoot Such

DRF’s Program Lead Seerat Khan spoke to PTV News’s Jhoot Such about Cyber Stalking and the perils associated with it.


Link to talk:

DRF’s Sr. Project Manager Zainab Durrani talked to PTV’s Jhoot Such about the role of AI and Gen AI in the upcoming General Elections in Pakistan 2024. 


Link to talk:


DRF on Awami Mukalma: Countering Online Hate Speech in Pakistan’s Election Discourse 

DRF’s Programs Lead Seerat Khan spoke on Awami Mukalma on countering hate speech in Pakistan’s Election Discourse. Seerat shared insights on what is hate speech and the importance of countering hate speech and reporting it during election time. She was joined on the panel by Asad Baig from Media Matters for Democracy and journalist Adil Shahzeb. 


Link to talk:


DRF in Press

1 Electronic Frontier Foundation Joint Statement on the Proposed Cybercrime Treaty Ahead of the Concluding Session
2 Economic Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
3 The Hindu Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
4 Telecom | The Economic Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
5 Phone World Doctored Videos Of Politicians Circulate In India, Pakistan Ahead Of Elections 2024
6 The Friday Times Political Parties Urged To Include Digital Protections In Electoral Manifestos
7 BNN Digital Rights Foundation Calls for Inclusion of Digital Rights in Pakistan’s Electoral Platforms
8 The Current Legal fraternity criticizes Justice Naqvi’s resignation over expected perks
9 The CS Monitor Could TikTok hoaxes tip upcoming South Asian elections?
10 Context News The deep fake elections are here
11 Urdu Point Digital rights activist calls for public awareness of fake news
12 Dawn Online rallies, AI script: New threats loom ahead of 2024 polls
13 Pi News Digital rights activist calls for public awareness of fake news
14 Minute Mirror Digital Rights Foundation unveils 6-point agenda on media freedom, journalist safety ahead of general elections
15 The Nation Social media, internet services reportedly down again in parts of Pakistan
16 The News Fintech industry for kids faces cybersecurity risks: experts
17 100 Journalists Sign Agenda For Inclusion Of Media, Digital Rights In Party Manifesto
18 Gulf Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before polls
19 Ifex Looking ahead: Censorship, AI, disinformation, and repression undermining elections
20 Nikkei Asia Pakistan social media outages squeeze Imran Khan party's last bastion
21 The Nation Demanding accountability, transparency, and support for domestic violence survivors/victims in the media industry
22 The Media Line Press Under Fire: Concerns Rise for Journalistic Freedoms in Pakistan After Reporters Summoned for Defaming Judiciary
23 TechPolicy.Press A Growing Number of Women Activists Confront Technology and Gender-Based Violence
24 The Minute Mirror 83 journalists of Pakistan take firm stand for Nomaika Ashfaque Satti



DRF at Alan Turing Institute at London School of Economics

DRF's Research Lead, Maryam Saeed, spoke at a panel hosted by the Alan Turing Institute in collaboration with the London School of Economics' Media and Communications Department. Alan Turing's data justice documentary was also shown at the event as part of their Advancing Data Justice Research Project, which included DRF as one of 12 global policy partners.


Watch the documentary here:


Policy Dialogue at LUMS

DRF's Legal Team, represented by Irum Shujah and Shafia Imran, attended the Policy Dialogue event organized by the Directorate General Social Welfare & Bait ul Maal, Punjab, at LUMS. The legal team actively shaped the discourse around the forthcoming policy document to the Social Welfare and Bait ul Maal Department, Punjab.


During this dialogue, the legal team advocated for crucial aspects of digital inclusion and protection while emphasizing the need for digital literacy programs, robust data protection measures, and the importance of user-friendly online services. Additionally, the team underscored the importance of cybersecurity awareness and proposed collaboration with DRF to tackle evolving digital challenges.


TikTok CPC Training

DRF was invited to attend a training session on the new escalation system designed by TikTok. The Cyber Harassment Helpline team attended and has already started to use the new portal for escalating user complaints. 


Capacity building workshops in Islamabad and Karachi

DRF organized a series of three in-person capacity building workshops on navigating technology-facilitated online harms during the upcoming elections in Pakistan. Through our series of workshops, we aimed to build the capacity of social media users on different forms and nature of technology-facilitated online harms and the best practices to ensure that the digital spaces are accessible and their participation is safe in the charged political environment during the elections. The second workshop was held on 11th January in Islamabad with 25 participants and the third workshop was held on 18th January in Karachi with 28 participants from diverse religious backgrounds. They shared their experiences of online spaces and how it has impacted their lives in the real world.


Digital Citizen Program in Government Schools:

After the winter break, DRF held two sessions in government high schools in Lahore. 355 students (females and males) and 33 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms in case of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.

Cyberbullying and online safety session at LGS International 

DRF’s program lead Seerat Khan conducted a session on ‘'Cyberbullying and online safety’' at the LGS International school which was attended by 80 students from middle school. Students enthusiastically participated in the session and asked questions about specific online safety practices they should be keeping in mind. 


Source Verification and Fact-checking workshop for Journalists during Elections held in Peshawar 

DRF conducted a session on source verification and fact-checking in Peshawar with the support of Meta keeping in mind the upcoming general elections. The one day workshop addressed the emergence of disinformation and misinformation during elections and how to tackle and report dis/misinformation during this time and was attended by 30 journalists from Peshawar and adjacent areas. 


DRF Updates: 

Cyber Harassment Helpline 


The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 260 complaints in total in January, with 127 complaints by men. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

January 11, 2024 - Comments Off on December 2023 Newsletter: DRF holds Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities Conference

December 2023 Newsletter: DRF holds Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities Conference

Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) held a conference ‘Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities’ on 15th December 2023 in Islamabad. The conference brought together experts from across the country to discuss digital safety, online religious freedoms and building a safer Hamara Internet and countering hate speech and disinformation for greater access to the internet for all.

Press Coverage:

We News
Pak Profile
Jehan Pakistan
Express Tribune
Pak Observer
The Friday Times
Minute Mirror
The Destination
The Spokesman
Islamabad Post
DRF’s Legal Team wins case against ARY in favor of Journalist Asma Shirazi

We laud the recent decision of the Islamabad High Court by Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani in "Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 16 of 2023, Asma Shirazi versus Council of Complaints through Secretary" in support of Asma Shirazi, a senior female journalist in Pakistan. Represented by the all-women legal team from DRF, which included Nighat Dad, Irum Shujah, Aqsa Javed, Shafia Imran Lati, and Minahil Farooq, this legal victory against the state-owned media watchdog's complaint body marks a significant milestone. It signifies a crucial step in holding accountable those responsible for spreading disinformation, especially when their targets are women journalists. This verdict represents a noteworthy moment in Pakistan's legal landscape. We appreciate the established precedent that now empowers journalists to raise their voices against entities and individuals attempting to tarnish their credibility and work.

Read the judgement here:

Nighat Dad at UNSG AI High Level Advisory Board meeting

Nighat Dad attended the UNSG AI High Level Advisory Board meeting where she worked on setting a robust foundation for a report on AI harms, opportunities and AI governance. This report poised to shape how AI intertwines with our societal fabric. Nighat worked with Antonio Guterres, UN General Secretary, who amidst the Security Council meeting, spent number of hours to engage in discussions about AI governance with the members of the High-Level Advisory Body on AI.

Policy Initiatives:

High-Level Advisory Body on AI | Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity

The United Nations' High-Level Advisory Body on AI launched its "Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity" discusses the global governance deficit in AI and makes preliminary recommendations. The report emphasizes the importance of inclusive, public-interest-focused governance, integrating AI with data governance, and basing AI governance on the UN Charter, International Human Rights Law, and the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines the institutional functions required for international AI governance, such as conducting regular assessments of AI's future directions, developing standards, and promoting international collaboration. The report advocates for a balanced approach in which AI benefits humanity while mitigating risks.

Read the entire report here:

#16DaysofActivism Campaign
  • Digital Art Competition: DRF’s program team held a digital art exhibition of feminist digital art in Pakistan with 6 digital artists on the topic ‘AI and Generative AI’s Impact on Technology- Facilitated Gender-based Violence in South Asia.’
  • Digital Art Competition Winners Live Chat:

  • Link to video:
  • Countering Digital Threats Toolkit Launch | X Space
  • DRF’s legal team discussed our “Countering Digital Threats” toolkit. They shared information on cybercrimes, relevant laws, and steps on how to keep yourself safe online. It is a go-to manual for a secure online world.

    Link to space:

  • 75th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Saanjhi Kahaniyan

DRF's communications team wrote & co-directed 'Saanjhi Kahaniyan: Diverse Experiences of Individuals Online', a theater play about DRF's Cyber Harassment Helpline cases. The play depicted vulnerable people's online experiences.

Watch the play here:

Press Coverage:

Nighat Dad speaks to Hum News about AI

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad talked to Hum News about how AI has the potential to change the world, but we must take into account the dire consequences of misusing AI and Generative AI & find ways to govern it globally. This is what she as a member of UN's AI Advisory Body focus on.

Unmasking the Epidemic of Womens Abuse | Daily Times

The article discusses the severe issue of women's abuse in Balochistan, Pakistan, particularly focusing on teenage girls facing cyberbullying. It highlights the situation in cities like Quetta and Turbat, where young girls preparing for medical college admission tests are subjected to cyberbullying. The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) is mentioned in reference to its 2018 report, which revealed that 72% of Pakistani women subjected to cyberbullying experienced various forms of online persecution, impacting their education and well-being. The article calls for comprehensive strategies to address these issues, including educational reforms and legal measures.


Nighat Dad at the 75th Anniversary of Genocide Convention - Human Rights Council

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke on the 75th Anniversary of Genocide Convention - Human Rights Council addressing the role of social media platforms in response to content that incites violence and discrimination.

Watch it here:

Nighat Dad speaks at Human Rights 75 – High-level Event by UN

Nighat Dad spoke at the UN 75 High-level Event "The Future of Human Rights and Digital Technologies," and said that now that we're talking about emerging tech and how governments will make frameworks and policies, we should take a pause and actually think about what we've done in the past 15 years, and whether we're not making the same mistakes as before. Are we thinking about the existing international human rights frameworks and CSO interventions? That, I believe, should be our starting point.

Watch it here:

One Day Self-care Wellbeing Workshop

DRF in collaboration with Dr. Nabiha Chaudhary held a one-day participatory workshop with women human rights defenders on 12th December 2023. The workshop addressed the specific needs of woman human rights defenders relating to self-care and well-being and also addressed burnout that individuals face in the field.

Source Verification and Fact-Checking Workshop During Elections

DRF in collaboration with Meta held a one-day workshop on source verification and fact-checking workshop in times of elections in Lahore with 30 journalists. The workshop addressed election-specific disinformation, misinformation and hate speech and presented tools to participants for verifying the authenticity of the news.

Capacity Building Workshop in Lahore

DRF is organizing a series of three in-person capacity building workshops on navigating technology-facilitated online harms during the upcoming elections Pakistan. Through our series of workshops, we aim to build the capacity of social media users on different forms and nature of technology-facilitated online harms and the best practices to ensure that the digital spaces are accessible and their participation is safe in the charged political environment during the elections. The first was held on 12th December in Lahore with 36 participants from diverse religious backgrounds. They shared their experiences of online spaces and how it has impacted their lives in the real world.

IFEX Generative AI Cafecito

DRF attended the session “Hey, ChatGPT? We have Questions!” - IFEX’s virtual Cafecito on the implications of Generative AI for our work and our world on 5th December. The event focused on the adoption of generative AI and the human rights implications due to it. Conversations around the potential impact of generative AI on the work of human rights defenders and civil society also took place in the session in breakout groups. DRF’s programs lead Seerat Khan facilitate a breakout session for the closed event.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 159 complaints in total December, with 90 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

December 13, 2023 - Comments Off on November 2023 Newsletter: DRF begins its 16 Days of Activism Campaign

November 2023 Newsletter: DRF begins its 16 Days of Activism Campaign

DRF launched its Whatsapp Disinformation Tipline


Digital Rights Foundation is documenting instances of gendered disinformation through our Disinformation Whatsapp Tipline. You can send us a screenshot or link on DRF's Whatsapp Tipline on 03013249539 and help us document and counter gendered disinformation online!


DRF launched the 4th Edition of Digital 50.50 - ‘Elections in the Digital Age’

This edition examines how digital tech will affect elections, democracy, and social media in the upcoming Pakistan elections.

Our team also held an X space to discuss the edition with our contributors.

Read it here:


Policy Initiatives: 

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

DRF began the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign. It will include the 5th Edition of Digital 50.50, a Digital Art Competition, two animated videos and the launch of Countering Digital Threats Toolkit.


Follow the campaign through #16DaysofActivism


In Collaboration with Coalition Against Online Violence 


DRF with the support of Coalition Against Online Violence (CAOV), produced 6 animated videos, arranged a play and developed a comic book to highlight the lived experiences of the most marginalized people in Pakistan. Keep a lookout on our campaign with the hashtag #SaanjhiKahaniyan.


Press Coverage: 

Nighat Dad becomes Ciarb’s first female Muslim Pakistani Trustee


Nighat Dad on Geo News

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad talked about her new role in the UN's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advisory Body and how most AI development is happening in isolation and that there are concerns about the lack of safety guardrails for this exponential growth.

Watch here:


Nighat Dad on Bol News

In her interview with Bol News about becoming a member of the UN Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (AI), DRF Executive Director Nighat Dad praised the inclusion of people from the global south, who have traditionally been excluded from AI governance discussions. She went on to say that it is critical for the government of Pakistan to support initiatives that advance artificial intelligence in Pakistan while adhering to the international frameworks established for AI governance.


Jhoot Such Segment | PTV News

Digital Rights Foundation’s Senior Legal Associate, Irum Shujah, appeared on PTV News’ “Jhoot Such”. Throughout the segment, she provided her perspective on the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016, delving into its impact on the general public. The conversation also delved into digital literacy, exploring the responsibility associated with using these platforms. Furthermore, the discussion covered topics such as cyberstalking, maintaining modesty in online spaces, and other crucial concepts related to cybercrimes.


Jhoot Such Segment | PTV News

Seerat Khan, DRF's program lead, appeared on PTV's Jhoot Such to discuss the rampant spread of mis/disinformation, particularly through credible sources. She believes it is because media houses are competing to be the first to break news.


A year after Elon Musk bought Twitter, X is now a 'worthless' platform some say is no longer safe for activists | ABC News

Nighat Dad, DRF’s Executive Director, told Reuters that the impact of Mr Musk's staff cuts was felt immediately. Previously, when female political dissidents, journalists, or activists in Pakistan were impersonated online or experienced targeted harassment such as false accusations of blasphemy that could put them in danger, Ms Dad's group had a direct line to Twitter.

But when Mr Musk took over, Ms Dad said they struggled to get responses to requests for urgent take-downs of such high-risk content.


RSF and 16 partners unveil Paris Charter on AI and Journalism | Reporters without Borders

Nighat Dad, Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation, was named as a Committee member of Paris Charter on AI and Journalism that defines ethics and principles that journalists, newsrooms and media outlets around the world will be able to appropriate and apply in their work with artificial intelligence. It was created by a commission initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and chaired by journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa.


The digital gender gap, a major obstacle to the fight for equality for women in Pakistan | EL PAÍS International

Digital Rights Foundation’s Cyber Harassment Helpline’s Annual Report was quoted in this article that stated that forty percent of Pakistani women have experienced some form of online harassment.


Digital apartheid and the use of social media algorithms in humanitarian crises | Global Voices

DRF’s Project Lead Seerat Khan penned this article. It explores the concept of "digital apartheid" in the context of social media platforms and their alleged bias in censoring, shadow banning, and removing content related to the Palestine-Israel conflict. It expresses concerns about selective amplification or suppression of voices, drawing parallels with previous incidents such as Myanmar's Rohingya crisis. The article highlights censorship-evading user tactics such as "algorithm breaks" and "fooling the algorithms." The article emphasizes the role of social media in documenting humanitarian crises and condemns perceived discrimination as a violation of human rights, resulting in digital apartheid.



Relaunch of Ab Aur Nahin

DRF relaunched its Ab Aur Nahin portal. It is a confidential legal and counselor support service portal specifically designed for survivors of harassment. It was marked through a X/Twitter space. The speakers discussed the promotion of a safer online environment for all and raise awareness about the importance of combating cyber-harassment through reporting. 

Listen to it here:


Press Release:


Visit for more details. 


Press Coverage


The Friday Times
Ananke Magazine


Annual Pakistan Association of Pathology conference 

DRF was represented at the 44th Annual Pakistan Association of Pathology (PAP) Conference held on the 18th of November, 2023. DRF’s Senior Program Manager Zainab Durrani joined the conference virtually and shared highlights of DRF’s 2023 research study on ‘Data Privacy in Pakistan’s Healthcare Sector’, which maps the state of privacy as it pertains to patients and medical practitioners in Pakistan’s public and private healthcare sectors. The report sheds light on the dearth of understanding around data confidentiality and heightened protections required for personal medical data in particular, as they pertain to citizens of Pakistan.


Digital Citizen Program in Goverment Schools

Since last month, DRF has held 7 sessions in different schools across Lahore. 1170 students (females and males) and 123 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms incase of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.


Nighat Dad attended Paris Peace Forum 2023

Nighat Dad met the French President Macron at the Paris Peace Forum, where they discussed AI governance during a working dinner. Nighat has recently joined UN’s Advisory Body on AI.


Consultative Meeting on Disrupting Harm Project by the National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC)

On November 17, 2023, the NCRC held a meeting involving its stakeholders and members of civil society. The purpose was to gather insights and recommendations regarding cases of physical and sexual abuse involving minors. This meeting was convened to fulfill the mandate outlined in Section 15 of the NCRC Act, 2017. The Digital Rights Foundation actively participated in the session, contributing by sharing cases and statistics from its Cyber Harassment Helpline, particularly highlighting instances of online violence against minors."


Digital Well-being and Safety Fellowship

Digital Rights Foundation held the digital well-being and safety fellowship with 10 women journalists from across Pakistan from 30th October to 1st November 2023. This year DRF’s team received 170 applications from across Pakistan and 10 were shortlisted for a three-day intensive convening on online safety, legal recourse, misinformation and disinformation and well-being and self-care for women journalists. The fellowship is the third of its kind with women journalists. 


Virtual Roundtable on WhatsApp Channels

DRF’s programs lead Seerat Khan and Cyber harassment helpline manager Hyra Basit participated in a virtual roundtable on WhatsApp channels by Meta in which a discussion around how to use WhatsApp channels for social causes was discussed in detail. These channels provide an enhanced way to connect with different communities, similar to other social media applications. Now, we can utilize WhatsApp Channels to improve our communication and engagement strategies across various platforms. This development opens up new possibilities for collaboration and outreach.


SIRIUS Annual Conference 2023

DRF’s program lead participated in the SIRIUS Annual Conference by EuroJust in the workshop titled, ‘Scrolling for truth' workshop’. The panel focused on Data preservation and content moderation when facing international crimes. DRF’s Seerat Khan talked in detail about DRF’s comments to Meta’s oversight board and platform accountability in content moderation policies. 


Meta Trusted Partner Roundtable: Pakistan

DRF’s program team was part of Meta’s trusted partner roundtable from Pakistan focusing on online content trends in Pakistan. DRF’s team highlighted the importance of countering misinformation and disinformation on platforms particularly when elections are emerging. Concerns around the emergence of AI and deep fake technology in targeting human rights defenders, journalists and public figures was also discussed in detail. NGO network meeting

Anmol, Hyra, and Ayesha attended a virtual meeting on November 22. We talked about new things and tools that can help make it easier for people who make complaints. This means we are looking at ways to improve how our system works so that it's simpler and better for the people reaching out with their concerns. We want to ensure we use helpful features to make things easier for everyone.


Disinformation, Elections, and the Role of Platforms: Case Studies from Asia

DRF’s program lead spoke on a consultative roundtable on disinformation, elections and the role of platforms particularly from Asia. Partners from the Philippines, Pakistan and Bangladesh discussed methods of monitoring platforms during elections and countering disinformation during this time. 


“I4T global epistemic community” supported by UNESCO

On November 10, 2023, the DRF took part in a UNESCO meeting focused on shaping the concept of an "Internet for Trust Global Epistemic Community." This conversation aimed to aid in the oversight of digital platforms with a global lens. The session invited various stakeholders and members of civil society to contribute, fostering a "network of networks." This was envisioned as a multi-stakeholder environment for discussions and the exchange of best practices related to regulating digital platforms. DRF participated in this initiative, sharing its observed best practices in online spaces and contributing insights toward building an epistemic online community.


Policy Committee Meeting by Global Network Initiative 

On 16 November 2023, the Global Network Initiative (GNI) held a Policy Committee meeting involving different stakeholders and members of civil society. During the meeting, a comprehensive discussion was held on the Online Safety Bill currently under consideration in the Sri Lankan Parliament. The session delved into the legal challenges and concerns regarding its potential impact on fundamental rights and the democratic principles of Sri Lanka. Additionally, UNESCO guidelines were also discussed during the meeting. UNESCO stressed the importance of "multistakeholder discussion" and expressed intent to collaborate with networks such as GNI in fostering civil society participation in this initiative.


DRF Updates: 

Cyber Harassment Helpline 

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 190 complaints in total October, with 87 complaints by men. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

November 12, 2023 - Comments Off on Nighat Dad becomes a member of UN’s new Artificial Intelligence Advisory Body

Nighat Dad becomes a member of UN’s new Artificial Intelligence Advisory Body

nighat Digital Rights Foundation’s (DRF) Executive Director Nighat Dad has joined the United Nations Secretary General's high-level advisory board on Artificial Intelligence (AI) along with esteemed distinguished individuals from across the globe. The board will address the overarching theme of addressing global governance of AI.

Press Coverage:
Geo TV
Samaa TV
We News
Voice pk
The Express Tribune
The Nation
Arab News
The News
Dunya News
Pakistan Observer
Yahoo Finance
Business Plus
Associated Press of Pakistan
Bol News
Digital Rights Foundations signs an MOU with DC Lahore to conduct Digital Safety and Literacy Sessions for Young Adults

Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) and Deputy Commissioner (DC) of the Lahore District Administration Rafia Haider signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on a series of upcoming digital safety and literacy sessions for young adults titled, ‘Hamara Internet Mahfooz Internet’.



Press Coverage:

The Urdu Point
Voice PK
Digital Rights Foundation, along with many other Civil Society Organizations signed the  petition to 'Stop War Crimes in Gaza'

Policy Initiatives:

World Development Information Day

On #WorldDevelopmentInformationDay, DRF reaffirmed its commitment to empowering human rights defenders, especially women, in the digital realm.

In Collaboration with Coalition Against Online Violence

DRF with the support of Coalition Against Online Violence (CAOV), produced 6 animated videos, arranged a play and developed a comic book to highlight the lived experiences of the most marginalized people in Pakistan. Keep a lookout on our campaign with the hashtag #SaanjhiKahaniyan.

World Mental Health Day

Digital Rights Foundation collaborated with Tiktok to produce and publish content regarding World Mental Health Day (WMHD).

Press Coverage:
MM News
The Nation

Press Coverage:

Jhoot Such Segment | PTV News

DRF’s Program Lead Seerat Khan was featured on PTV News Jhoot Such program where she talked about looking beyond the headlines especially in the time of rampant misinformation.

Online, unsafe and censored | The News | Big News Network

The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF), in this article where women journalists share how they’re met with threats, abuse and harassment in online spaces, reports that, in 2022, its helpline received 75 complaints from journalists, with 51 of them related to cyber harassment, emphasizing the pressing need for secure online spaces for female journalists. The report highlights that Punjab accounted for the highest number of complaints. Despite the alarming rise in digital violence, women often hesitate to report incidents to law enforcement agencies, citing a lack of confidence in the seriousness of their complaints.

Resilient media voices | IFEX

IFEX member Digital Rights Foundation hosted a gathering which recognized the role of the nationwide network of women journalists in building a “safe space where women turn to each other for support and solidarity in the absence of support mechanisms.”

'They're afraid of joy': Pakistan's trans community fights hate | The Manila Times

Digital Rights Foundation, a nonprofit that also runs Cyber Harassment Helpline, has recorded 74 complaints registered by the trans community since the start of the hate campaign.

Online freedoms | Opinion | Dawn

Nighat Dad, the Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation, emphasized the alarming use of AI by governments for digital repression and misinformation, as highlighted in the Freedom on the Net 2023 report. She called for global collaboration, autonomous oversight, and prioritization of data protection to address the escalating challenges to internet freedom.

OurNet: The Internet Is Ours | The Internet Society

According to Nighat Dad, the adverse effects of Internet fragmentation disproportionately affect marginalized communities, lacking access to resources or knowledge to safeguard their digital rights. As a human rights lawyer and digital rights advocate, she asserts that the offline gender gap in Pakistan is mirrored online, motivating her to tirelessly offer a platform for marginalized voices to be amplified.

OurNet: The Internet Is Ours

Mobilising for Data Justice | The Alan Turing Institute

In the concluding episode of the Advancing Data Justice series, Shmyla Khan discusses the myriad complex and systemic challenges on the path to data justice. She also shared insight into the transformative activism and advocacy efforts, revealing the actions required to disrupt longstanding structures of inequity as individuals and communities worldwide pave a hopeful path toward data justice.

Human rights organizations call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza | Global Voices

Global Voices, alongside 140+ civil society organizations and activists, has joined the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Israel amid the escalating crisis. Digital Rights Foundation has signed on for this collective plea that emphasizes the urgent need to halt violence and prevent further loss of innocent lives.

Human rights organizations call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza


Digital Rights Foundation at United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum 2023

Digital Rights Foundation actively participated in the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum held in Kyoto, Japan from 8 to 12 October. Starting off with the pre-events, DRF was one of the co-organizers of the day-long Gender at the GDC conference, which was attended by civil society members as well as representatives of various governments. On Day 0, DRF hosted a lightning talk titled ‘Global South Perspectives on Governing AI’ which comprehensively covered the AI policy in consideration in Pakistan and a comparison with other AI policies introduced around the world. On Day 3, DRF was part of a panel and networking session hosted by NDI titled ‘Networking for Information Integrity in Asia and Globally’, in which we gave an overview of our extensive work on promoting information integrity. The second session of the day was titled ‘Viewing Disinformation from a Global Governance Perspective’. Nighat Dad was invited to the panel by APC, and she spoke strongly about the effects of disinformation on democracy and regulating disinformation.

Hamara Internet, Mahfooz Internet Session at Public School

The first session of 'Hamara Internet Mahfooz Internet' was a success, with the Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) engaging students and educators in public school. This milestone marks the start of DRF's impactful journey to provide essential tools for online safety, ethical social media use, and resilience against digital threats to the youth.

Resilience Workshop

The Digital Rights Foundation recently organized a Resilience Workshop in late October. The workshop had a transformative objective of strengthening interpersonal and employer-employee relations within our workplace. The session, facilitated by an experienced professional, was designed to enhance communication skills, support mental well-being, cultivate trust, and encourage collaboration. Everyone actively participated in interactive exercises, acquiring practical tools to effectively navigate workplace dynamics. The workshop has garnered positive feedback, with attendees expressing a newfound sense of confidence in effectively managing day-to-day challenges.

Lincoln Corner Workshop with Fatima Jinnah University

DRF’s Senior Project Manager and Digital Security Trainer conducted a ‘Securing Digital Spaces’ workshop with Lincoln Corner Pakistan. It aimed to empower women by significantly enhancing their digital security prowess, fostering a safer and more confident online presence.

Training of Trainers Workshop | Digital Safety Awareness Sessions for Marginalized Communities | Lahore

DRF's Communications and Engagement Manager and Digital Security Trainer led a training of trainers workshop for marginalized communities' digital safety. It included a digital security roadmap as well as reporting and legal mechanisms for protecting oneself online. Participants came from a variety of backgrounds and actively participated and provided constructive feedback.

Freedom on the Net 2023 | Report Launch

The Digital Rights Foundation's Executive Director, Nighat Dad, spoke at the Freedom House event to launch "Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial Intelligence." The event aimed to shed light on key findings from the 2023 report against the backdrop of increasing scale, speed, and efficiency of digital repression driven by advances in artificial intelligence. The event, which featured eminent speakers such as Michael J. Abramowitz, Allie Funk, Audrey Tang, Teresa Hutson, and Kara Swisher, provided a thorough examination of global trends, country-specific developments, and best practices to protect internet freedom in the face of evolving challenges.

DRF’s Online Safety Training Session at Maati TV

On 5th October, DRF’s communications manager and digital security trainer gave a training at the Interactive Resource Centre for Maati TV residency workshop Digital Storytelling and Social Media Advocacy. They talked about digital safety  content creators from all over Pakistan.

Gender Sensitive Campaigning during Elections Workshops for Simorgh

DRF in collaboration with Simorgh held Gender Sensitive Campaigning during Elections Workshops in Kasur from 12th to 13th Octobar, 2023 and in Tob Tek Singh from 18th to 19th Octobar, 2023. The workshop aimed to explain to the political party members the concepts of elections and democracy, emphasizing the importance of conducting fair elections in the country. In addition to this, the trainers delved into discussion differentiating between gender and sex within the framework of patriarchy, emphasizing the need for women's participation in politics and elections for the country’s welfare.

Further, a detailed discussion was held regarding Pakistan's election-related laws as well as its legal obligations to the international community. Toward the end of the workshop, all participants engaged in an activity of making manifesto points for women, disabled, Khawaja Sira, children, and religious minorities.

Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR), Digital Well-being and Safety Fellowship 2023

The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) in collaboration with the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) conducted a three day Digital Well-being and Safety Fellowship, of which second day was spent on focusing the legal dimensions of journalism. The fellowship featured insightful sessions by the DRF legal team on 31 October, 2023,  focusing on defamation laws and the PECA Act of 2016, along with in-depth discussions on the correlation between freedom of expression, hate speech, and responsible reporting. This initiative aimed to empower journalists, especially women, equipping them with the necessary legal and ethical knowledge for safe and ethical digital reporting in today's media landscape. The fellowship fostered impactful conversations and collaborative solutions for challenges in the digital journalism sphere, highlighting the commitment to a safer and more responsible online environment.

Insta live - Launch of Legal Toolkit

DRF conducted an Instagram Live to launch our "Countering Digital Threats" Toolkit. In the Instagram Live, along with our Legal intern, Ali Abbas Gillani, we talked about the growing need for an easy-to-read toolkit in the current landscape of social media usage, providing accessibility to online users on how to safeguard themselves against digital threats and approach online safety redressal mechanisms as well as know more about the legal recourse available to the public.

DRF conducted two workshops with the journalist community on Capacity building on Gender Sensitive reporting in the Media

As part of DRF’s ongoing work on online safety, DRF conducted two workshops in October with the journalist community to build their capacity to use online space safely and effectively. The workshops titled ‘Capacity building on Gender Sensitive reporting in the Media’ were held on the 16th and 26th of October and were attended by 24 and 29 journalists respectively. The workshop was focused on enhancing the ability of journalists to better utilize online platforms for their work.

Twitter space:  Artificial Intelligence and Bias

DRF organized a Twitter Space where we delved into the themes of the 3rd edition of Digital 50.50, focusing on 'Artificial Intelligence and Bias: Implications for Women and Minorities.' We were honored to host three distinguished contributors, namely Anmol Irfan, Zunaira Rafi, and Sadia Mazhar from Digital 50'50, with the aim of expanding the reach of their insightful articles. This engaging session took place on October 17, 2023.
You can access the recorded session here.

A session with Tech Sahelis

Digital Rights Foundation conducted a workshop on online harassment, the consent model, and the legal framework around harassment in Pakistan. This four-hour session includes an in-depth segment on digital literacy and security skills necessary for youth. The workshop were held on the 10th and 11th of October and was attended by more than 100 students.

Community session on Legal Certification of Digital Evidence

On 19th October, Minahil Farooq from the DRF Legal team participated in an online community session hosted by Digital Defenders Organization. This session was centered around sharing best practices for the legal certification of digital evidence to use in legal proceedings. This session aimed to foster discussion on how various feminist helplines handle digital evidence that they receive and to exchange insights on the processes, requirements, tools, platforms, methodologies, and strategies used in different countries. During the session, Minahil presented how the Legal team at DRF handled evidence received from its helpline and its effective use in legal proceedings.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 190 complaints in total October, with 87 complaints by men. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

October 17, 2023 - Comments Off on September 2023 Newsletter: DRF celebrates seven years of resilient voices in the media

September 2023 Newsletter: DRF celebrates seven years of resilient voices in the media


DRF celebrated it’s conference on seven years of resilient voices in the media in Islamabad on 15 September 2023 which marked the celebration of DRF's engagement with the media community, particularly women journalists. The conference brought together journalists, civil society, government representatives, and other stakeholders to discuss the state of media and the challenges that women journalists face in the country and celebrate their achievements despite the difficult circumstances they face working in the field. The conference had an exciting line-up of three panels to delve into DRF’s engagement with the journalist community in Pakistan and showcased an art exhibition of hand-drawn illustrations from DRF’s e-magazine, Digital 50.50.

Press Coverage for the event:

The Friday Times

Sehrish Khan Pakistan

Bunjaarun - Youtube Channel


The Nation

 The News International

Associated Press of Pakistan

Daily Times

Urdu Point

Online Campaigns:

In Collaboration with Coalition Against Online Violence

DRF with the support of Coalition Against Online Violence (CAOV), produced 6 animated videos, arranged a play and developed a comic book to highlight the lived experiences of the most marginalized people in Pakistan. Keep a lookout on our campaign with the hashtag #SaanjhiKahaniyan.

Identity Crisis: Roadblocks In Women's Access To Basic Id Documentation In Pakistan |

To mark Identity Day 2023, DRF highlighted this article written by our Program Manager, Zainab Durrani and it talks about the discrimination by public service departments from a gendered and intersectional approach particularly in the case of accessing digital and passport ID for women in Pakistan.
Read it here.

Did you know? | Social Media Public Service Announcements Series

DRF has started on an online campaign on ‘Did You Know?’, to create mass awareness regarding the digital landscape in Pakistan and the rights afforded under it. It started as a part of The International Day for Universal Access to Information.

Press Coverage:

Nighat Dad on Bol News Network about weaponization of CCTV in educational institutes

DRF's Executive Director, Nighat Dad appeared on Bol News Network at the start of September 2023, to shed light on the weaponization of CCTV cameras in educational institutes. She emphasized on the lack of regulation, accountability & oversight regarding the use of CCTV cameras in schools & universities in Pakistan.

Nighat Dad explains how public comments play a vital role in making decisions by the Oversight Board | Oversight Board Twitter
Pakistan: Groups win some concessions, but new laws threaten free speech | IFEX

The article provides a round-up of events related to free expression in Asia-Pacific in August 2023. It highlights the worsening repression in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, with a significant impact on media outlets and women's rights. Digital Rights Foundation was mentioned as an IFEX member and our analysis of the data protection bill was quoted.

Ahead of election, Pakistan introduces new laws to stifle dissent | Global Voices

Digital Rights Foundation was mentioned in this article because we raised concerns and provided recommendations regarding the Data Protection Bill, particularly emphasizing issues related to data localization and the independence of the proposed Commission, fearing they might infringe on digital rights and hamper the free flow of information.

Digital detox: Making internet safer for all age groups in Pakistan | Dunya News

DRF’s work was highlighted in the piece Digital Detox: Making Internet Safer for all age groups in Pakistan in Dunya News. The piece discusses the challenges of e-security and cyberbullying in Pakistan particularly in reporting and addressing issues faced by women. There is a need for strengthening laws and increasing awareness to create a secure and inclusive social media environment in Pakistan.

Youth at risk: cyberbullying epidemic grips Pakistan | Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) (Digital)

The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF)’s Cyber Harassment Helpline is highlighted in this article as its data showcases the prevalence of cyber harassment, with a majority of victims falling in the youth sector. To address these issues, there is a call for strengthening laws and increasing awareness to create a secure and inclusive online environment in Pakistan.

The Nation

The Express Tribune
Explainer: What’s the debate over the wages paid to junior lawyers by law firms? | Dawn News

The article discusses the ongoing debate among junior lawyers in Pakistan about insufficient remuneration, especially for those working in law firms that primarily practice litigation. The issue was brought to attention during a panel discussion and has led to discussions about low pay, discrimination against female lawyers, and the lack of formal regulations in the legal profession. Various lawyers and experts have weighed in on the matter, highlighting the challenges faced by junior lawyers and the need for standardization and better compensation policies. Nighat Dad was quoted in this article.


Concordia Annual Summit | A Global Guideline for Digital Information

Nighat Dad, Executive Director of DRF, spoke at the Global Guideline for Digital Information event on 19th September during the 13th session of the Concordia Annual Summit, a leading public-private sector forum held alongside the UN General Assembly. Nighat spoke about examining how misinformation threatens democracy and development and what can be done to address it.

Berkman Klein Center - Harvard University | Now & Next: Platform Accountability and Content Governance - Oversight Board Mock Deliberation

At the Berkman Klein Center - Harvard University, DRF’s Nighat Dad participated in a live deliberation on 22nd September of the cases Oversight Board receives and examined the challenges and successes the board has faced in its first three years.

NIC Peshawar | Safeguarding Women against Online Abuse and Cyber Crime

The session on ‘Safeguarding Women against Online Abuse and Cyber Crime’ was conducted by Digital Rights Foundation’s Communication Manager and Digital Security Trainer in NIC Peshawar on 5th September, 2023. The training's goal was to provide an overview of digital safety awareness as well as knowledge of combating online abuse and cyber crime. The audience consisted of Peshawar women from various sociocultural backgrounds.

Leadership Institute CHANAN


On September 17th, DRF's Digital Security Trainer conducted a training workshop for participants from across Pakistan on Digital Safety and Security for Human Rights Defenders.
The workshop covered the holistic security approach for civil society organizations in order to protect both offline and online spaces.

Driving National Action against Child Sexual Abuse Online Using the Model National Response - the Experience of Indonesia

DRF attended the webinar organized by UNICEF in collaboration with WeProtect Global Alliance on Malaysia’s experience in implementation of the Model National Response (MNR). MNR was introduced in 2015 and used by many countries across the world to deal with online child sexual exploitation and abuse. Experiences and challenges on implementation, call to action and updates on MNR were shared with attendees.

Landscape of Hope (LoH) Meeting

DRF’s Programs Lead Seerat Khan attended the network meeting of landscape of hope (LoH) from 6th to 8th September 2023 in Beirut Lebanon. The meeting brought together organizations from across the globe majority in an annual meeting focusing on making cross collaborations and strengthening the network across the region.

Gender Sensitive Election Campaigns One Day Workshop with Simourgh

DRF conducted one day workshops on gender sensitive election campaigns on 20th and 21st September with political workers in collaboration with Simourgh Women’s Resource and Publication Centre. The workshop highlighted the importance of a gender sensitive approach in campaigning during the upcoming elections and have a human rights based manifestos.

HIVE Fellows visit DRF | Collaborative Meeting on rights of a marginalized community and combating extremism

Fellows from HIVE, a Pakistani social-impact organization dedicated to addressing extremism and marginalization through community-led efforts and collaboration, met with DRF team on  21st September 2023 to discuss shared research interests and their mutual commitment to uplifting marginalized communities in pursuit of inclusivity, equality, and peace in Pakistan.

Source Verification and Fact-checking workshop for Journalists during Elections held in Karachi

DRF and CEJ conducted a session on source verification and fact-checking in Karachi with the support of Meta keeping in mind the upcoming general elections. The two day workshop addressed the emergence of disinformation and misinformation during elections and how to tackle and report dis/misinformation during this time.

Driving national action against child sexual abuse online using the Model National Response webinar

DRF attended a webinar on Driving national action against child sexual abuse online using the Model National Response webinar. Ms.Anmol and Ms. Asma attended the webinar. In this webinar, speakers explored how Indonesia uses the  Model National Response in their response against child sexual exploitation and abuse online, the challenges they have encountered, and the lessons they have learned.

Webinar: State of Pakistan’s Digital Democracy


This year on the 14th of September, DRF hosted a webinar to commemorate the International Day of Democracy with legal, policy, media and human rights experts to discuss the latest developments in Pakistan that are undermining basic democratic freedoms, especially in the context of internet rights.

We were joined by noted journalist Afia Salam, Legal Counsel Human Rights Watch (Asia) Saroop Ijaz and CEO and Founder of Katalyst Labs, Jehan Ara. The session was moderated by Senior Program Manager Zainab Durrani.

 The panel discussed the recent onslaught of legislative and policy changes looking to overhaul the digital landscape in the country and summarize the impact it is having on most of Pakistan’s citizens, industries and human rights movements. Their valuable insights provided much needed context to the equation and also put forward clear policy points on how to mitigate the effects of such spirited attempts at overregulation.

The live talk can be viewed here.

Women Journalists' Collective Well-being Residency Retreat

Digital Rights Foundation held its annual residency for women journalists from 16-18 September 2023. The Residency is a space where women journalists create and nurture personal and professional bonds which are long lasting and help them in their professional career. The Residency had a line-up of sessions over two days focused on networking, online safety skills and story pitching.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 185 complaints in total September, with 122 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

September 12, 2023 - Comments Off on August 2023 Newsletter: DRF joins the Global Network Initiative (GNI)

August 2023 Newsletter: DRF joins the Global Network Initiative (GNI)

Nighat Dad meeting with UK High Commisioner to Pakistan Jane Marriott

DRF’s Nighat Dad met with the UK High Commissioner to Pakistan Jane Marriott in Lahore to discuss the current state of Digital rights in Pakistan among other civil society leaders.

Policy Intiatives:

Digital Rights Foundation Joins Global Network Initiative (GNI)

DRF is thrilled to join GNI; GNI helps companies respect freedom of expression and privacy rights when faced with government pressure to hand over user data, remove content, or restrict communications. They are a growing alliance of Internet and telecom-munications companies, human rights and press freedom groups, investors, and academic institutions from around the world. We are pleased to be part of a network that works on advancing accountability to advocating for laws and policies that protect free expression and privacy rights worldwide, our members are working together to get results.

DRF issues statement on the horrible Jaranwala incident

DRF launches Exploring Jurisprudence on Transgender Rights: A Comparative Study on Modern Islamic Frameworks, Equality, Privacy Rights and Gender-based Violence.

In light of the recent Federal Shariat Court judgment on the ‘Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018’, DRF conducted a study understand the legality of transgender rights from a constitutional, Islamic jurispduence, privacy and gender-based violence perspective.

Read here

Review of 2023: Digital Rights in Pakistan

DRF's interns Rameen Durrani and Maham Sohail this year developed a Review of 2023: Digital Rights in Pakistan of the digital rights space. The review seeks to study the impact on the digital economy due to frequent internet shutdowns.

Read here

Intern Blogs: Creative Freedom vs. Societal Sensitivities

Our brilliant intern Rameen Durrani wrote a thought-provoking and timely blogpost on the limitations placed on creative expression through vague and arbitrary decisions by regulatory bodies in Pakistan.

Read the blog here.

National AI Policy

DRF submitted a comprehensive analysis on the current National AI policy including a section by section breakdown with international best practices and the current complementary legislation. Read in detail here

Legal Analysis: Personal Data Protection Bill 2023

DRF published a legal analysis of the personal data protection bill 2023 introduced in Pakistan’s parliament. Digital Rights Foundation welcomed the progression of the Personal Data Protection Bill, and raised questions regarding data localisation requirements and independence of the proposed Commission.

Read the detailed analysis here

DRF gives Public Comment on Meta Oversight Board Political Dispute Ahead of Turkish Elections cases

DRF submitted its public comment in a case where the Meta Oversight Board overturned Meta's original decisions to remove the posts of three Turkish media organisations containing a similar video of a politician confronting another in public. DRF’s comment also posited that the removal was against norms of free speech, speaking from its experiences of political speech being censored in Pakistan.

Link to DRF’s comment.

Link to OSB decision.
Press Coverage:
Muzzling digital media | The News

DRF’s Director of Research and Policy wrote about the barrage of legislation that are tightening the noose on digital rights in Pakistan and making it hard for the average person to keep up with all the new developments.

Link to article:

Ambassador Amina Mohamed, Kenya’s former Cabinet Secretary for Education and Foreign Affairs to lead Commonwealth observers for Zimbabwean Elections | The Zimbabwean

The Executive Director of Digital Rights Foundation, Nighat Dad, was mentioned in the article as one of the Commonwealth Observer Group members.

Link to article:
Ahead of election, Pakistan introduces new laws to stifle dissent | Global Voices

DRF’s Legal analysis of the Personal Data Protection Bill 2023 was cited in this article and the critique and recommendations in the article were highlighted and it was mentioned that it was presented to the government in July 2023 to enhance the bill draft's quality.

Link to article:
AI Charter in Media: 10 individuals and 6 additional partner organisations join with RSF before the first working session | Reporters Without Borders RSF

Nighat Dad, Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation was mentioned

Link to article:
Decolonising Data for Data Justice

DRF’s programs and communications lead wrote a piece for on Decolonising Data for Data Justice and highlighted the social injustices through the datafication of our lives.

Read the piece here
Nighat Dad’s interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation

DRF’s Nighat Dad’s interview was featured in the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation highlighting her journey as a digital rights feminist activist working in Pakistan and the journey of Digital Rights Foundation as an organization tackling cyber harassment in the country.

Link to piece


DRF Executive Director’s meeting with NCRC Pakistan Chairperson

DRF's Executive Director, Nighat Dad met with National Commission on The Rights of Child (NCRC) Pakistan Chairperson Ayesha Raza Farooq. discuss online abuse, digital safety, and ways to protect children from cyberbullying and online sexual abuse.  The two also discussed measures to be adopted in light of the country's growing number of child abuse cases.



DRF attended a consultation hosted by HRCP on Tackling Misinformation Surrounding The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act

DRF provided its input based on its research on gender disinformation and rising trends of disinformation targeting the transgender and khawajasira community in Pakistan. The consultation was held on August 8, 2023 by a range of lawyers, journalists, and members of civil society.

Read DRF’s comparative study on the jurisprudence regarding transgender rights here.
AprIGF 2023: Malicious Convergence: Addressing Emerging Trends of Gendered Hate Speech in South Asia

DRF conducted a session with POV and Hashtag Generation on Malicious Convergence: Emerging Trends of Gendered Hate Speech in South Asia at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum 2023. Shmyla Khan the research and policy director at DRF moderated the session and Seerat Khan programs and communications lead spoke on the panel. The session highlighted the emerging trends of hate speech in South Asia. Saritha Irugalbandara from Hashtag Generation spoke about similar trends in Sri Lanka and Prarthana Mitra from POV India also presented case studies from India. Rumky Farhana from Article 19 also shared insights from Bangladesh and moderated the session on-site. DRF’s team also presented the work of the cyber harassment helpline and resource mechanisms available to counter gendered hate speech.

Splice Media Workshop

DRF attended a workshop hosted by Splice Media, supported by Free Press Unlimited. The workshop focused on strategies to build a viable and sustainable media start up.

Provincial Ombudsperson Punjab organized a meeting/discussion on better implementation of the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 (Amendment 2012)

On 28 August 2023, DRF attended a meeting titled “Better Implementation of Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 (Amendment 2012)” arranged by the Ombudsperson, Ms. Nabila Hakim Khan, in Lahore. In light of the increasing number of harassment cases within educational institutions, this meeting included a panel discussion consisting of human rights activists, lawyers, and stakeholders from civil society. Starting with a brief presentation on the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2010 (Amendment 2012), the meeting then led to a discussion about introducing methods for public awareness regarding anti-harassment laws, while also addressing challenges pertaining to human rights enforcement. The objective of the meeting was to collaboratively devise a plan to address challenges regarding the effective implementation of the law and to propose amendments and recommendations for strengthening the application of anti-harassment laws.

Training with Human Rights Defenders by DRF’s Legal Team:

On 17 August 2023, DRF conducted a training session with human rights defenders. The session was initiated with a brief overview of the FIA and proceeded to cover the comprehensive discussion on Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights), Act 2018, cyber laws, and defamation law concerning human rights defenders and activists. The discussion further focused on the recent Shariat Petition verdict, which striked down some provisions of Transgender Act, and explored its impact on the community.

Investigative Fact Checking Skills Training with Africa Women Journalism Project (AWJP)

DRF conducted an online training workshop with women journalists from across Africa on the issue of gender disinformation on August 30, 2023. The session built the capacity of these journalists to monitor, document and report on gender disinformation trends in their region as well as providing an opportunity for knowledge-sharing across the Global South.

Peacemakers Program about Social Media and Hate Speech

DRF representatives partook in a session at the Grief Directory and the session was about making young adults aware of the different ways in which hate speech manifests on digital platforms and the safety measures we can take address the issue. This was arranged for their summer interns.

DRF’s Online Safety Training Session at Maati TV

DRF’s communications manager and digital security trainer  gave a training at the Interactive Resource Centre and Maati TV residency for Digital Storytelling and Social Media Advocacy workshop for journalists and content creators from Multan and Quetta.

DRF at Meta APAC Youth & Safety Summit

The Digital Rights Foundation was invited to join in the Meta Youth & Safety Summit that took place in Singapore from the 28th-30th of August 2023.

Program Manager Zainab Durrani represented the organization and delivered a spotlight presentation on the work our Cyber Harassment Helpline does and the partnership DRF maintains with Meta through which non-consensual image sharing can be reported. The portal then designates a unique identity to each reported image and ensures said data cannot be shared online.

Additionally, the Summit allowed for a robust exchange of ideas, trends and projects that each organization has accomplished or is currently working on, with excellent strategies and initiatives coming to light from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and many more Asia Pacific countries.

Centre for Excellence in Journalism Session:

The Digital Rights Foundation was represented in a session held by the IBA Centre for Excellence in Journalism on the 1st of August 2023.

The session ‘Data Protection: Is the law actually protective?’ was conducted online and streamed live via CEJ at IBA’s Facebook as well and can be viewed here.

Zainab Durrani, Program Manager for DRF’s data privacy portfolio participated in the session and addressed queries regarding the latest (2023) draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill by the Ministry of IT, including reservations and our legal analysis of the proposed legislation.

The session was moderated by Farieha Aziz of Bolo Bhi and other esteemed panelists included Mubariz Siddiqui of Carbon Law, Misbah Naqvi of i2i Ventures and Imran Moinuddin of VentureDrive.

Consultation Session with National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC):

DRF attended a consultative meeting with NCRC and civil society organizations on “Child Rights Issues, Challenges and Way Forward in Punjab.” The meeting was chaired by NCRC chairperson Ayesha Raza Farooq. The purpose of the meeting was for civil society organizations to discuss the challenges and rights violations that children in Pakistan experience, and civil society organizations’ experiences and hurdles in working on child rights issues.

DRF highlighted that while the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 was passed, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) lacks the resources and staff to deal with the sheer number of cases they receive. This results in many cases being overlooked as FIA has to prioritize based on the severity of cases. DRF explained the need to take preventive measures related to online harms by raising awareness of the youth and educators on privacy and consent, online safety, responsible online behavior and how to report cyber harassment. DRF also spoke about its current efforts with the Punjab Education Department to start digital literacy and safety training with students and teachers in public schools.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 198 complaints in total August, with 130 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


August 16, 2023 - Comments Off on Digital 50.50: Women Technology & the Gig Economy

Digital 50.50: Women Technology & the Gig Economy

DRF released its new edition of Digital 50.50 on 'Women, Technology & Gig Economy' in July. The edition focused on the role of women in the digital gig economy in Pakistan and its opportunities and challenges. You can read our new features in the link below:


DRF Strongly condemns the recent incident of sexual exploitation and harassment at the Islamia University Bahawalpur.

DRF Strongly condemns the recent incident of sexual exploitation and harassment at the Islamia University Bahawalpur. This distressing turn of events marks the third high-profile case in many years. In 2019, a similar incident like this took place at the University of Balochistan, Quetta, and later at the King Edward Medical University Lahore.

Incidents like these are indicative of an alarming pattern of misconduct emerging, where at least two of the known cases implicate the chief of security as the primary accused.

Click here to read our statement:

Online Campaigns:

The Digital Rights Foundation spoke on the judgment of the Lahore High Court (LHC) dated 13th of July, 2023.The judgment is a seminal development in terms of creating a precedent that highlights the importance of the right to privacy, with respect to seizure of devices, particularly mobile phones, during an investigation.

Here the LHC reads Articles 13 and 14 of the Constitution of Pakistan in conjunction to highlight privacy of individuals and declares spying or extraction of data without a Court order to be unconstitutional and illegal.

DRF is heartened by the take of the honourable justices of the provincial High Court, who have placed emphasis on the protection of the crucial right to privacy.

Policy Initiatives:

July was a busy month for DRF as we worked on policies and proposed laws put forward by the government. DRF is committed to providing feedback to all government stakeholders to improve laws and policies and ensure they are in compliance with international best practices and responsive to local context.

Feedback on ‘Draft National Artificial Intelligence Policy 2023’

DRF submitted it’s detailed feedback to the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications (MOITT) on the ‘Draft National Artificial Intelligence Policy 2023’. Emerging technologies such as AI are rapidly informing our everyday lives and it is essential that regulation takes into account human rights and Pakistan’s specific context. Our submission seeks to provide a digital rights perspective and signpost loopholes within the existing policy.

The feedback document can be accessed here.

Legal Analysis: Personal Data Protection Bill 2023

The Cabinet has approved a draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill on July 27, 2023 and the Bill is expected to be presented in Parliament soon. DRF has consistently been providing feedback on all versions of the Bill since 2018 and has produced an updated analysis of the latest publicly available version of the Bill (dated May 2023) raising concerns regarding data localisation requirements and independence of the proposed Commission, among other issues.

The updated analysis can be found here.

Blog Post: Digital Rights in Pakistan: A Review of 2023

DRF’s research interns this summer, Maham Sohail and Rameen Durrani, put together a timeline of digital rights-related events in the first six months of 2023 highlighting issues of internet shutdowns, new digital policies and prosecutions based on digital speech.

The blog can be accessed here.

Exploring Jurisprudence on Transgender Rights: A Comparative Study

In light of the recent Federal Shariat Court judgment on the ‘Transgender Persons

(Protection of Rights) Act, 2018’, DRF conducted a study understand the legality of transgender rights from a constitutional, Islamic jurispduence, privacy and gender-based violence perspective.

The study can be found here.
Submission to Meta Oversight Board on Gender-based Violence

DRF submitted its comments for the Meta Oversight Board (OSB) two cases regarding Gender-based Viiolence (2023-002-IG-UA and 2023-005-IG-UA ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (SWEDISH)), the judgment for was issued by the Board in July 2023. DRF’s submission (available here) highlighted the importance of digital spaces in raising issues of Gender-based Violence and how removing content raising awareness regarding these issues is tantamount to gender discrimination.

Cyber Harassment Helpline Policy Brief 2022

DRF launched its cyber harassment policy brief of 2022. The policy brief aims to analyze the work of the helpline with cases of online harassment and violence against journalists and media practitioners.

Link to policy brief:

Link to Press Release:

Press Coverage:

DRF received 75 cases of Online Harassment of Journalists

DRF’s policy brief was covered by Ananke magazine highlighting the 75 cases of online harassment the helpline received in 2022.

Link to article:
75 Journalists reported Cyber Harassment in 2022

DRF’s policy brief was covered by Dawn in detail particularly about the 75 online cases the helpline recieved.

Link to article:


Nighat Dad at TrustCon

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at TrustCon on a panel discussing  her role at the task force report on the future of web by Atlantic Council. On the panel at the event Nighat also spoke to importance of not just saying “civil society” as if a monolith. Being a civil society group in Pakistan is not the same as US. We don’t always engage w/ those most impacted, or prioritize what they flag. Folks not talking about this years’ Pakistan elections

You can see the newly launched report here:

Scaling trust on the web

Twitter Space: the role of women in the gig economy

Digital 50.50 contributors Wajiha Hyder, Sabin Muzaffar and Aneela Ashraf were part of a twitter space on the role of women in the gig economy highlighting their contributions in the second edition of Digital 50.50.

You can listen to the conversation here:

Training with Human Rights Defenders on Digital Safety and Legal Recourse

DRF conducted a series of workshops with human rights defenders on legal recourse and digital safety in the month of July. The team discussed relevant laws with respect to human rights defenders and activists along with online safety tips for them. The workshops took place on the 13th, 17th, 19th and 21st of July.

Workshop on Geolocating Images: Methods, Tools, and Creativity - ETI - 20 July 2023

DRF’s Aqsa Javed attended a workshop on “Geolocating Images: Methods, Tools, and Creativity” which was organized by ETI, on the 20th of July 2023. The workshop was initiated with a brief introduction to the concept of geolocating and image analysis and then led to an overview of how geolocation technology works. Following the initial overview, the workshop delved into a comprehensive discussion of tools, and methods employed for geolocating images by using different techniques, including map markings. Furthermore, the workshop touched upon real-life examples and different online platforms that are available for geolocating images effectively.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 250 complaints in total July, with 112 complaints by women and 5 from transgender persons. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

DRF NCHR Complaint Cell for Journalists

DRF and NCHR are operating a Complaint Cell to support journalists that have been the target of human rights abuses. The contact information for the Journalist Complaint Cell is available on the NCHR website at

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


July 12, 2023 - Comments Off on DRF at RightsCon 2023

DRF at RightsCon 2023

DRF attended RightsCon this year in San Jose, Costa Rica from July 6th - 8th. The organisation hosted three sessions and spoke at

DRF hosted a dialogue on “Demystifying Self-Regulation Models for Tech Accountability” with Catalina Botero-Marino and Pamela Saint-Martín from the Meta Oversight Board, Mark Howard Stephens, and Maria Luisa Stasi, Head of Law & Policy for digital markets, Article 19. Furthermore, DRF co-hosted two workshops on “Responding to online gender-based violence: co-creating guiding principles for the global south” along with other organisations from South Asia, Delete Nothing and Point of View and on “Co-designing guidelines with first responders”.

The organisation’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, spoke at 8 panels and Director of Policy and Research at 3 panels on subjects varying from digital regulations, data localisation, transparency, internet shutdowns, online gender-based violence, and digital futures.




Online Campaigns:


This #InternationalDayForCounteringHateSpeech let's pledge to make our online spaces more safe and inclusive for all.


Cyberbullying refers to threatening or harassing individuals online using electronic mediums through intimidation and discriminatory messages.

Let's pledge to put a stop to cyberbullying on this #stopcyberbullyingday

DRF Annual Report 2022

DRF's Annual Report 2022 is out now! You can see what we've been up to in 2022 and all our achievements in the link below:

Policy Initiatives:

Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web’s report

DRF’s Nighat Dad is now part of the steering committee and bringing the perspective of the global majority in the report by the task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web.

Click here for more information:

Press Release:

Gender and the Disaster Response Framework in Pakistan

Last year, our contributor for Digital 50.50, Sana Rizwan Gondal, wrote about Gender & the Disaster Response Framework in Pakistan. A year ahead, we are sharing this to shed light on how relevant it is to talk about disaster response amid the current monsoon & flooding situation.

Read the piece here:


Chatham House Rules Cyber Conference 2023

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the Chatham House Cyber Conference and discussed how we can make an open and free internet a reality in an increasingly fragmented world.

London Tech Week

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the London Tech Week focusing on how the internet has empowered women and how technological innovations are important in this day and age.

DRF at NUR Student Leadership Program

DRF’s Seerat Khan conducted a workshop with Nur Student Leadership program on Anti Cyberbullying and Digital awareness with young adults from olevels and alevels. A discussion around what is cyberbullying, consent and safe practices online took place at the workshop.

Sub Regional Launch Addressing Hate Speech Through Education - Nepal 20 - 21 June 2023

DRF was part of the sub-regional launch addressing hate speech through education in Nepal with other UN agencies, regulatory bodies, internet and social media companies, educational stakeholders and youth leaders throughout South Asia in Kathmandu, Nepal on 20 and 21 June 2023. The event marked the launch of the new policy guide published in English – Addressing Hate Speech through Education: a guide for Policy-makers. The event explored the root causes of hate speech in the region and the role that education can play to counter-narratives of hate and promote global citizenship and digital citizenship based on human rights.

Legal Experts Consultation on the Implementation of the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence (Amendment) Act 2022

DRF participated in a consultation arranged by the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law, LUMS, Social Welfare Department Government of Punjab, Punjab Women Protection Authority (PWPA) and Dastak Charitable on the 5th and 6th June. The dialogue between the participants entailed reviewing and discussing the implementation of the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016 in light of Sindh’s approach. Besides the procedural and legal ambiguities persistent within the Act, the problems faced by lawyers and human rights defenders were also elaborated upon. The consultation was a healthy discussion about basic women rights and the available forums for women to seek redressal for their domestic issues.

DRF conducted two workshops with the journalist community in Lahore and Islamabad on the 14th and 21st June 2023

As part of DRF’s ongoing work on online safety, DRF conducted two workshops in June with the journalist community to build their capacity in using online space safely and effectively. The workshops were held on 14th and 21st June and were attended by 33 and 27 journalists respectively. The workshop was focused on enhancing the ability of journalists to better utilise online platforms for their work.


DRF was invited to address Meedan’s weekly in-organization meeting on 21 June. The presentation focused on the ways in which gendered disinformation manifests in Pakistan and its effects. The Meedan community engaged enthusiastically with the presentation and had a lot of questions for Nighat and DRF.

HRCP National Consultation on Enshrining the Right to Health

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) conducted a national consultation on enshrining the right to health in the Constitution of Pakistan on the 16th of June, 2023 in Islamabad. The event included policymakers and parliamentarians as well as healthcare and public policy veterans, leading to a robust conversation from a myriad of relevant perspectives.

Program Manager Zainab Durrani attended the consultation on behalf of DRF and shared our report on Data Privacy in Pakistan’s Healthcare Sector while highlighting the need to push for privacy and confidentiality protections within the right to health that HRCP and the civil society are seeking to constitutionally codify and protect.

Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford) Community Consultation on UNESCO’s Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms (Version 3.0)

On June 20th 2023, DRF’s Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed,  participated in a hybrid online/in-person community consultation organized by the  Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford to discuss UNESCO’s v3.0 draft of the Guidelines on Regulating Digital Platforms. The session brought together a remarkable group of participants from various stakeholder groups, including doctoral candidates, researchers, policy makers etc. each offering unique research interests and global perspectives, and valuable insights on contentious perspectives that had emerged in previous rounds of consultation.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 195 complaints in June, with 55% of the cases being of women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

DRF NCHR Complaint Cell for Journalists

DRF and NCHR are operating a Complaint Cell to support journalists that have been the target of human rights abuses. The contact information for the Journalist Complaint Cell is available on the NCHR website at

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.