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October 29, 2015 - Comments Off on DRF & The Last Word Are Battling The Cybercrime Bill! (Event)

DRF & The Last Word Are Battling The Cybercrime Bill! (Event)

Battling The Cyber Crime Bill 2015

Battling The Cyber Crime Bill 2015

People of Lahore! The Digital Rights Foundation is partnering with The Last Word to shed light on the highly controversial upcoming cybercrime bill, and how its passage will result in a disturbing and universal clampdown on freedom of speech.

At present the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2015, as passed by the IT Standing Committee of the National Assembly, is due to be presented in an upcoming National Assembly session. In its current form the bill exposes all of us to prosecution solely for the expression of our political affiliations, our outrage against injustice, and in some cases, just for holding an opinion contrary to the ruling class.

This is an assault on our civil liberties and we don't want this to be the last time we're able to use social media to agitate and fight against an injustice.

Come join us and our speakers: Asma Jehangir, Saroop Ijaz from Human Rights Watch Nighat Dad from Digital Rights Foundation , Asad Jamal from Human Rights Commission of Pakistan & Angbeen Mirza. Join us in battling this vexing bill at 6.30 pm on Friday, October 30th at The Last Word.