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June 9, 2023 - Comments Off on DRF launched the Cyber Harassment Helpline Annual Report 2022

DRF launched the Cyber Harassment Helpline Annual Report 2022

DRF launched its Cyber Harassment Helpline Annual Report 2022. The Helpline reports over 2500 Cases of Digital Harassment in 2022 and a total of 14,376 cases reported in the last six years.

Click here to read the report:


Online Campaigns:

World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2023

3rd May marks World Press Freedom Day and today we pledge to make our spaces more inclusive, safe and free for journalists and the press. DRF initiated an online campaign to mark the day and held a Twitter space with renowned women journalists to discuss pressing issues that journalists face in this day and age.

This World Press Freedom Day DRF held a Twitter Space with Asma Shirazi, Afia Salam and Mehmal Sarfraz on this year’s theme of #WPFD2023 on Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a driver for all other Human Rights.

You can tune into the conversation here:


DRF joined Free Press Unlimited in a #CensorshipAwareness campaign to mark the #WPFD2023 under which a custom font #Erased erases 363 words, one for every imprisoned journalist across the globe. We stand up for journalists & highlight the importance of free press because we can’t read what is never published.

Policy Initiatives:


CSOs from the Asia Pacific are highly alarmed by the newly proposed guidelines by UNESCO on regulating digital platforms. We ask for a review of these guidelines keeping in mind the human rights framework. #PushbackUNESCO

Press Coverage:

DRF’s Cyber Harassment Helpline Annual Report 2022

The Cyber Harassment Helpline Report 2022 has been extensively covered by media outlets in the country.


Express Tribune:

Samaa English:


The News:

Daily Times:

The News editorial:

Tribune editorial:

Tribune editorial 2:

Dawn editorial:

DRF on Dawn News

DRF's Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News about whether our devices are secure and highlighted if WhatsApp is really secure and what other alternative options are available.

DRF at Geo Pakistan

DRF's Nighat Dad spoke to Geo Pakistan about the need to use social media platforms in a responsible manner.

Appearance on ‘Suno Pakistan’

DRF was invited to Suno News’ morning show ‘Suno Pakistan’ to talk about its Helpline report, digital safety tips and responsible digital citizenship.

The news segment can be accessed here:


Stockholm Internet Forum:

DRF was invited to participate in SIF’23 held in Stockholm, Sweden from 30-31 May. The first panel held on Day 1 was titled ‘Disinformation and everyday surveillance: lessons from locally-led responses to democratic crises, natural disasters, and conflicts’ where DRF highlighted three ways in which disinformation manifests in Pakistan currently, including attacks on women journalists and the transgender community, and how it affects democracy. On Day 2, Nighat Dad spoke on the panel titled ‘Internet shutdowns; Weaponizing of access’, where she underscored the different ways in which an internet shutdown can take place other than just blanket bans, and the massive economic burden of the shutdowns in Pakistan.

Palestine Digital Activism Forum

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke on the Palestine Digital RigHTS Forum on a fireside talk around how Meta moderates content in Arabic and Hebrew with 7amleh.

Training at Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) on cybercrime and redressal pathways

Nighat Dad delivered a training workshop to participants on May 19 from across Pakistan on digital harassment and gender-based violence for first responders. The workshop entailed appraising participants of ways to address cases relating to digital spaces keeping in mind gender-sensivity, consent and data privacy of survivors.

Training with journalists during Workshop on ‘The International Human Rights System and its Uses for the Safety of Journalists in Pakistan’

Organised by OHCHR, PCHR and PFUJ, DRF delivered a session on online challenges faced by journalists in Pakistan on May 19 in Lahore. The workshop focused on digital safety and disinformation as major reasons digital insecurity of journalists and media practitioners in Pakistan.

GNMI Consultation on GBV Literature

Zainab Durrani and Zoya Dawar from the Digital Rights Foundation attended a multi-stakeholder consultation conducted by the Global Neighbourhood for Media Innovation (GNMI) on Thursday the 25th of May, 2023. The consultation included members of the civil society, NGO representatives, journalists and human rights activists who were gathered by GNMI to offer feedback and validation to the 3 recent publications that have been published by them under their Gen-J (Gender Justice) project.

The literature was well-researched and put together as a tool for journalists and GBV survivors both, and included reporting and referral mechanisms and a directory of relevant laws. Ms. Durrani commented on the need for focusing on tech-facilitated GBV (TFGBV) in digital spaces and calling for platform accountability, as a core avenue for advocacy, to strengthen the much-needed work GNMI is doing around GBV in Pakistan.

Ms. Dawar shared how streamlining issues faced by a survivor can be streamlined by introducing a collective which keeps a survivor updated with the tools and practices that they can facilitate the process of receiving justice. It was also discussed how DRF facilitates this through their helpline for cyber harassment cases. Contact information and the number of the helpline was shared with different shelter homes, journalists and NGOs which were present at the meeting.


DRF participated in the Digital Rights Asia-Pacific Assembly (DRAPAC) organized by EngageMedia and held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 22-26 May. Four sessions were hosted by the DRF team during the intensive week, including ‘Investigating VPN censorship with Open Data: landscape survey and research questions’, ‘Technology exacerbated new forms of online gender-based violence (OGBV)’, ‘Decolonizing Data for Data Justice’, ‘Defaming criticism: the use of defamation laws to silence voices’. The DRF team members were also asked to speak on two other panels: ‘Building Momentum on Digital Rights’ and ‘Internet Shutdown: Risks, Needs and Challenges’. The week was full of insightful conversations, and eye-opening learnings with the opportunity to connect with peers working in digital rights spaces from the Asia Pacific region.

Peace Connects Consultation on Youth-Centred Digital Peacebuilding in South and Southeast Asia


DRF participated in Peace Connects Consultation arranged by UNDP in Bangkok. Amongst the multiple sessions conducted during this 2-day consultation - DRF representative, Ms. Irum Shujah spoke about the digital harms in the context of Pakistan and DRF’s role in actively engaging with those online ills.

The session brought together individuals from various backgrounds and explored ways to employ comprehensive analytical frameworks to tackle digital harm effectively. The key takeaway from the session was starting the dialogue about the need to identify a "hateful environment" on the internet and the much-required sensitization of everyday internet users. The panel discussion also shed light on the fundamental imbalance of accountability within the tech industry.

Justice Project Pakistan organized a Consultative dialogue with UN OHCHR's Ms. Christine Chung

On 17 May 2023, DRF’s Shafia and Aqsa joined a consultative dialogue arranged by Justice Project Pakistan in Lahore titled “Consultative dialogue with UN OHCHR's Ms. Christine Chung” which included a panel consisting of lawyers, human rights activists, and stakeholders from the civil society. This consultation was held in light of the upcoming pre-session of Pakistan's review by the Human Rights Committee, as well as the ongoing international accreditation process of the National Commission for Human Rights under the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, and the role of civil society in these matters. During this consultation, issues encountered by NGOs during the registration procedure, and challenges pertaining to human rights enforcement were discussed. The objective was to collaboratively devise a plan to address these challenges effectively.

ICRC and RSIL Diplomacy Law and Policy Roundtable on Cyber Security and Law

On May 17th 2023, DRF’s Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed, was invited to a roundtable discussion on Cyber Security and the Law hosted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Research Society of International Law (RSIL) in Islamabad as part of their Diplomacy, Law and Policy (DLP) initiative. The roundtable featured experts in the field of technology, policy,  human rights, security and international law that weighed in on the applicability of international humanitarian law on cyber-warfare and the effectiveness of Pakistan’s cyber-security legal and infrastructural framework.

Online Awareness Session in collaboration with Forman Christian College University (FCCU) on laws dealing with domestic violence in Pakistan

DRF participated in a session on domestic violence in Pakistan arranged by FCCU society in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Ms. Aqsa Javed and Ms. Shafia Imran Lati spoke to FCCU students and the female participants from a local village on the Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act, 2016, and the relevant provisions of the Pakistan Penal Code. The speakers elaborated upon the relevant procedure and the basics of domestic violence. The overall session revolved around the discussion on how to change the behaviour of individuals toward domestic violence. Ms. Shafia and Aqsa also addressed the queries raised by women related to their cases and their personal circumstances.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 182 complaints in April, with most cases being around financial fraud. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

DRF NCHR Complaint Cell for Journalists

DRF and NCHR are operating a Complaint Cell to support journalists that have been the target of human rights abuses. The contact information for the Journalist Complaint Cell is available on the NCHR website at

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.



May 9, 2023 - Comments Off on April 2023 Newsletter: Digital 50.50 Edition on Innovation and Technological Change for Achieving Gender Equality in the Digital Age

April 2023 Newsletter: Digital 50.50 Edition on Innovation and Technological Change for Achieving Gender Equality in the Digital Age

digital 50.50

Digital 50.50 feminist e-magazine Edition 1 on Innovation & Technological Change for achieving gender equality in the digital age is now live on our website.

Policy Initiatives

Nadra launches ‘Ijazat Ap Ki’ Service by Zainab Durrani

DRF's new blog post reviews the newly launched 'Ijazat Ap Ki' service by Nadra and how it works. According to news coverage 'Ijazat ap ki' is a service which will be using a one-time password (OTP) to collect the authorization of the individual before verification of their Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). The development of the app and safeguarding the rights of Pakistani citizens in digital spaces, especially through data privacy, is a positive first step  and one that must be accompanied by the principles of transparency and accountability by Nadra. We'd also like to acknowledge Chairperson Tariq Malik and Nadra for being forthcoming about the app & we reiterate the need for data protection legislation in the country. DRF will continue to monitor the developments under this new service & state of privacy in the country.

Read the blog here:
Feminist Approaches to Digital Safety: Perspective from the Global South

DRF’s Shmyla Khan wrote about Feminist Approaches to Digital Safety: Perspective from the Global South'.

Link to blog:
Analyzing Content Regulation and Model of the Council of Complaints of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)

DRF published an analysis of PEMRA’s regulations, particularly in light of the C.P. No.3506 of  2020, PEMRA etc vs ARY Digital judgment by the Supreme Court this month authored by Justices Mansoor Ali Shah and Ayesha Malik on the composition of the Council of Complaints, process of decision-making within PEMRA and powers of regulating broadcast content.

Access here.

DRF partners with organizations across South Asia on Gendered Disinformation Project

DRF partnered with other organizations for a project of documenting gendered disinformation in South Asia as part of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Knowledge for Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children Research Grant 2023. DRF will be working with lead organization Meedan for the project which will focus on weaponization of false information and narratives to silence and target women and gender minorities across South Asia.

Press Coverage

Digital rights activist makes Pakistan’s presence felt at democracy summit

DRF’s Nighat Dad speech from the democracy summit was featured at Dawn News. She emphasized the importance of margnalized groups being included in conversations online.

Read the full piece here:
DRF’s Irum Shujah speaking about Digital Right’s Foundation’s scope of work and impact

DRF’s Irum Shujah spoke to Sophie Flemming from Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) in a short online interview wherein she spoke about Digital Rights Foundation’s scope and its subsequent impact. The prevailing issue of digital crimes and cyber harassment in Pakistan were discussed. The interview also entailed introduction of the DRF’s Cyber Harassment Helpline and its role in helping survivors of the crimes committed in cyber spaces.

Online Campaigns


This Girls in ICT Day let's aim to ensure greater access of girls to digital devices and the internet to ensure gender equality on Hamara Internet and offline spaces.

Twitter Space &  launch of Digital 50.50 magazine on Innovation & Technological change for achieving gender equality

DRF’s Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) took part in our twitter space & launch of our latest edition of the Digital 50.50 magazine on Innovation & Technological change for achieving gender equality.

Listen to the conversation here:


Always make sure to sell or exchange your items in a public setting and avoid being alone.????

☎️ You can contact our Cyber Harassment Helpline for further queries at 0800-39393, [email protected] or on our socials.

International Health Day

This International Health Day we'd like to highlight our work on Data Privacy in Pakistan's Healthcare Sector and why it's important.

Here's our findings on Data Privacy in the healthcare sector:

#HealthForAll #WHO75


TED Conference 2023

DRF’s Nighat Dad attended the annual Ted Conference at e West Coast of North America, the TED Conference. The conference was attended by more than a thousand people attend for five-days discussing Technology, Entertainment and Design -- as well as science, business, the arts and the global issues facing our world. There were over 70 speakers on the main stage to give talks and shorter presentations, including music, performance and comedy.

Technology Facilitated Gender Based Violence (online event)

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke in an online webinar with the International Feminist Legal Network (IFLN)  on technology-facilitated gender-based violence.

Disinformation, Censorship and Eternal Search For Truth

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the International Journalism Festival at Perguia Italy on how to tackle online disinformation in post-truth world. #ijf23

DRF Talk at Accountability Lab’s #ackCorruption Hackathon

Project Manager Zainab Durrani virtually addressed the participants at the second #ackCorruption Hackathon organized by Accountability Lab Global in Nepal on the 28th of April 2023. The theme of the conversation was around the concept of ‘Digital citizenship to constrain corruption’ where Ms. Durrani highlighted the importance of using technology to build the anti-corruption movement.

She also spoke about the open data and open governance movements and underscored the importance of transparency as the key element in eradicating corrupt practices and systems.

The talk was attended by participants from Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan who had been brought together for the 3-day event to brainstorm and present their ideas on tackling the epidemic of corruption in the region.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 182 complaints in April, with most cases being around financial fraud. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


April 12, 2023 - Comments Off on March 2023 Newsletter: Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age

March 2023 Newsletter: Advancing Democracy and Internet Freedom in a Digital Age

Nighat Dad spoke at a high-level panel at the Summit for Democracy along with US Secretary of Sate Tony Blinkin, Ambassador of Argentina Jorge Argüello, and Funke Opeke. Nighat raised spoke about the important role of civil society in upholding digital rights and the ways states can strengthen democracies in their context and worldwide. #SummitForDemocracy

Policy Initiatives

Submission to the UN Global Digital Compact

In March, DRF held two online consultations to consolidate findings for their submission to the UN Global Digital Compact. The consultations were on the following topics: building climate change resilience in internet technologies and overcoming language barriers by developing technologies around local languages and contexts. DRF invited and interviewed experts and stakeholders in the field of law, policy, climate change, technology and design.

Online Campaigns

International Women’s Day 2023

DRF celebrated International Women’s Day and this 8th March we salute and celebrate the resilience, strength and power of all women and gendered minorities.

#HamaraInternetSabKaInternet #OnlineSafetyForAll

DRF concluded it’s campaign on #HamaraInternetSabKaInternet #OnlineSafetyForAll which highlighted the importance of fact checking information online and curbing misinformation and disinformation in online spaces.

#IWD2023 - International Women’s Day

DRF went live on Instagram this International Women's Day with its program managers to showcase the important work they do to make online spaces a safe place for all.

Press Coverage

Women push back in Pakistan, coup anniversary, BBC raid, and silencing independent media across Asia

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke with IFEX speaking about digital rights and women's rights in Pakistan.
Empowering Women and Girls through Digital Access and Technology

The World Justice Challenge network showcased DRF’s work highlighting our work on educating women & girls about online harassment.
Digital rights activist makes Pakistan’s presence felt at democracy summit

DRF’s Nighat Dad attended the US democracy summit highlighting the struggle to create room for the majority in the virtual space dominated by technology companies and governments.


Global Launch Event of a policy guide on Addressing Hate Speech through Education

DRF's Nighat Dad spoke at UNESCO Costa Rica’s Global Launch Event of a policy guide on Addressing Hate Speech through Education at the University of Peace in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Listen to the conversation here:

Catalysing Collecting Action to End Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence

DRF’s Nighat Dad talks about transparency and accountability being the key for social media companies. She highlights how countries and tech platforms can be better partners to activists and civil society to address online harassment and abuse. #CSW67

Regional Consultation on the Adoption of the Bangkok General Guidance for Judges on Applying a Gender Perspective in South and Southeast Asia

DRF’s Nighat Dad participated at the Regional Consultation on the Adoption of the Bangkok General Guidance for Judges on Applying a Gender Perspective in South and Southeast Asia by ICJ Asia and Pacific.

Refresher Workshop for Prosecutors & Legal Aid Lawyer on Marriage Rights and Violence against Women

DRF’s Legal Team attended a one (01) day refresher workshop organized by Musawi in collaboration with the Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors, for prosecutors and legal aid lawyers on “Marriage Rights and Violence against Women on 22 March 2023. The primary objective of the workshop was to involve prosecutors and legal aid lawyers in a dialogue about their roles in upholding rules/regulations and by-laws on women’s marriage rights in Punjab, such as Muslim family laws, including those related to child marriage, statutes on violence against women, and provision of legal aid regulations in Punjab. Furthermore, the workshop also covered a discussion on the practical implementation of laws including but not limited to the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016, the Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) Act 2021, the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961, and the Punjab Legal Aid Act 2018, and others.

Virtual Awareness Session about the Importance of Digitalization

DRF spoke for Water Environment and Sanitation Society (WESS) at the Virtual Awareness Session about the Importance of Digitalization in Quetta online with girls and boys. Around 30 people attended the session and learned about how to protect themselves online.

Oxfam: From Hashtags to Action: Leveraging Digital Spaces for Feminist Activism

DRF’s Seerat Khan spoke on Instagram Live by Oxfam Asia on the topic ‘From Hashtags to Action: Leveraging Digital Spaces for Feminist Activism’ highlighting how women and margnalized groups are using online spaces to amplify their causes.

DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality

DRF’s Programs and Comms Lead Seerat Khan spoke on International Women’s Day on the panel “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” Leveraging Technology to support the elimination of Gender-Based Violence and Women’s Empowerment. Seerat focused on technology-facilitated gender-based violence emphasizing the policy and legal solutions and gaps for survivors.

International Conference on Sustainable Development in Pakistan: Exploring local discourses and Seeking Solutions

The University of Home Economics, in collaboration with its internal Departments and other partners, collaborated to hold a dialogue about the problems and their solutions in the current circumstances where gender disparity has become an indefinite reality. Ms Irum Shujah, Senior Legal Associate at DRF, spoke in the conference’s first session, “Gender, Law and Social justice: Applied Perspectives”. She mainly discussed the possibility of the digital avenue(s) becoming hosts of gender-based violence and, in light of the same, elaborated upon the prevalent risks in the digital spaces which are faced by an average Pakistani woman on a daily basis. She shared her relevant experiences from courts while assisting complainants of cyber harassment and other cases registered under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016. The discussion revolved around online modesty and she concluded her part by giving possible solutions to these online abuses.

Panel Discussion: Hate Speech & Disinformation – Protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces

DRF took part in a panel discussion hosted by the British High Commission at March 17, 2023 on digital hate speech to understand the specific issues of digital hate speech directed towards women and the transgender community focusing on the role of regulation.

Panel: “Internet for All”

DRF took part in the panel discussion titled “Internet for All” at EconFest 2023 organised by Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) on March 12, 2023 discussing issues of internet access, particularly around the gender digital divide.

MozFest 2023: Building escalation channels for online abuse: learning from fact checking systems to protect human rights defenders and journalists

DRF partnered with Meedan’s Check platform and PEN America to co-host a participatory and inclusive workshop on escalation channels in terms of the challenges faced, the models that can be adopted and recommendations to improve these channels.

WoW Festival

The Women of the World Festival was held in Karachi on 4th and 5th March, 2023. DRF participated in the festival by moderating the panel ‘Protecting Yourself Online’, which brought together Dr. Saiqa Imtiaz and Anusheh Naveed to discuss the ways in which women’s personal information and financial vulnerabilities have been targeted by online scams and what can be done to guard against these.

Session with IMC

To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, the International Medical Corps invited DRF to address a virtual session with their employees titled ‘Digital Rights, Online Harassment, and Way Forward’. The session was interactive and the participants engaged thoroughly with topics such as consent, online harassment and legal protections available.

Creating Safe and Empowering Spaces for Women Online

DRF’s Nighat Dad, ahead of #InternationalWomensDay spoke on an Instagram Live session by Meta’s oversight board, looking at some of the ways we can make the digital world safer, more inclusive, and more equitable.

Shimshal Youth Forum: Digital Rights and Safe Spaces for Women

DRF was invited to speak at the Shimshal Youth Forum on the 3rd of March, 2023. Legal team member Shafia Imran, Helpline team member Zoya Dawar and Project Manager Zainab Durrani joined the session virtually and spoke with young girls from Shimshal, Gilgit Baltistan. The theme of the session focused on ‘Digital Rights and Safe Spaces for Women’, which allowed DRF experts to go over the basic parameters of Pakistan’s digital rights landscape.

Ms Shafia discussed the basic concepts related to privacy, and digital security under the ambit of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 and the accompanying legal framework surrounding cyber crimes such as that cyber stalking, cyber harassment and child pornography. The legal part of the discussion aimed at educating its audience about their fundamental digital rights in the digital spaces.

Ms Zoya spread digital awareness for girls in secondary schools and above; what constitutes online harassment and the common forms of online violence. It was also discussed how these attacks are usually gendered and what can be considered informed consent. Some digital security tips were provided to the children and different ways to secure their devices were shared.

PTA Digital Gender Inclusion Strategy

DRF was invited to attend the PTA’s Validation Workshop on Digital Gender Inclusion Strategy on 28th March, which was attended virtually. During the workshop, the draft strategy was introduced and the research methodology was explained after which input and questions were taken from the participants.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 225 complaints in March, with most cases being around the non-consensual use of information. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


March 13, 2023 - Comments Off on February 2023 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at UNESCO’s Internet For Trust Conference

February 2023 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at UNESCO’s Internet For Trust Conference

DRF’s Nighat Dad joined UNESCO’S #InternetForTrust conference speaking on content moderation in crisis: the oversight board model. She highlighted that while we are looking at other content moderation mechanisms, we need to look at what’s already there. If we want to create a good framework, we must look at international human rights law. She also spoke about civil society spaces in some contexts are diminishing. How do we do a true multistakeholder process without having civil society meaningfully engaged.

Online Campaigns


This Safer Internet Day DRF strives to work towards making the internet a safe and inclusive space for all. #SaferInternetDay

Recent cases of women getting trapped in unsafe situations while going for job interviews

Recent reports have indicated women getting trapped in unsafe situations leading to harassment while going for job interviews. Before you go for an interview observe the following things about the situation.For further assistance and help contact our cyber harassment helpline on 0800-39393, [email protected] or our socials.

Policy Initiatives

DRF strongly condemns the downgrading of access to Wikipedia in Pakistan

DRF strongly condemns the downgrading of access to Wikipedia in Pakistan. The PTA has 'degraded' access to Wikipedia for 48 hours with the possibility of completely banning the platform if it does not comply with their requests. #SaveWikipedia

Press Coverage

Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News about the Prevention of Electronics Crimes Act (PECA)

DRF’s Executive Director spoke to Dawn News regarding Sikander Sheikh’s arrest with three-year jail by using PECA. She highlighted how this particular incident is an attack on free speech and the fundamental rights of the citizens.

Link to video:
DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News on Internet Censorship and the recent Wikipedia ban.

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News, highlighting the ban on Wikipedia in Pakistan. She shared how a 'disabling' environment is being created for the IT and communications industry despite the industry's major contributions to the economy.

Link to video:
Nighat Dad on Bol News speaking about loan application scams

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke on Bol News about the recent online loan application scam and how social media platforms are being used by mafias to scam innocent people.

Link to video:
DRF's ED Nighat Dad is showcased on the current as Boss Ladies of South Asia.
Read the piece here:
DRF launched its report on Data Privacy in the Healthcare sector

Coverage of the healthcare data privacy report is below:


UN Women Panel: CSW 67: Addressing online and technology-facilitated GBV

DRF’s Executive Director Nighat Dad took part in a panel hosted by UN Women in preparation of the CSW 67 in March 2023 on tech-facilitated GBV. Nighat spoke from her extensive experience on the issue on adopting a holistic approach to tackling TFGBV, particularly investing in survivor-centric approaches.

Nighat Dad at #MSC2023

During #MSC2023 for the BMW Foundation, Nighat Dad emphasized on how technology looks in next democratic paradigm, and how we should bear in mind that govt regulation of platforms alone may not be a “cure-all.” It can even leave the door open for less democratic regimes to suppress free speech online.

Panel Discussion on ‘Think Before You Type: A Discussion on Cyberbullying in Pakistan’ at LUMS

DRF’s executive director Nighat Dad spoke at LUMS on a panel discussion on ‘Think Before You Type: A Discussion on Cyberbullying in Pakistan’.  Experts on the panel dissected various aspects and types of cyberharassment, the legal repercussions and policy framework, the gender inequality and lack of safety, in the digital spaces in Pakistan.

#TSCollab Meta Oversight Board - how's it going so far?

DRF’s Executive Director spoke for the #TSCollab on how has the Board evolved from conception to practice. She spoke about her work on the board and the lessons learned in building a first-of-its-kind institution

Details of the online event below:
Panel Discussion on “Ending Digital Violence Against Women” at LUMS

Shmyla Khan, director for research and policy, spoke at a panel hosted by VoicePK at LUMS titled “Ending Digital Violence Against Women”. The panel included parliamentarian Mehnaz Akber Aziz, Senator Ali Zafar and Punjab Cyber Crime Wing FIA Director Jahanzeb Nazir Khan, and hosted by Muneze Jahangir and Usama Khilji. The panel discussion was proceeded by the screening of a documentary on online gender-based violence. The documentary can be seen here.

Link to panel recording.
Panel coverage in Dawn.
Regional Event: Inclusive and Intersectional Digital Safety in South Asia

On 16th February 2023, Digital Rights Foundation in partnership with Meedan hosted a webinar on the issue of digital safety and human rights issues in South Asia on Zoom with pre-registered attendees.The webinar titled “Inclusive and Intersectional Digital Safety in South Asia” included a panel consisting of digital rights and security experts from across the South Asian region. The experts included Debarati Das, co-leader of Grassroots Capacity Building at Point of View, a feminist non-profit in India working with women, girls, gender minorities, and people with disabilities; Kat Lo, Content Moderation Lead at Meedan and Research Affiliate at the Center for Responsible, Ethical, and Accountable Technology (University of California, Irvine); Namya Gunawardena, Project Lead of ‘Prathya’ (an ecosystem of support for persons affected by Online Gender- Based Violence) at Hashtag Generation Sri Lanka; and Seerat Khan, Programs and Comms Lead at DRF. The panel was moderated by Senior Research Associate, DRF, Noor Waheed.

Training of Trainers (ToT) at Sukkur on 4th and 5th Feburary 2023

DRF conducted a pre and post-assessment of the participants attending the training of trainers with 33 participants, out of which 28 were trainees from the adjacent areas of Sukkur. The aim of the training was to build the capacity of the trainers so they’re able to deliver the tools and material provided to them ahead to their students as master trainers.

Twitter Space: Making digital safety more accessible in Pakistan

DRF hosted a Twitter space on how to make digital safety and security more accessible to general population in the country, particularly those communities which lack digital literacy. The space was hosted by Shmyla Khan with Noman Fareed, Digital Security Expert as speaker. A recording of the space can be heard here.

Workshop: Digital Safety at Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

DRF’s trainers conducted a workshop on Digital Safety at HRCP working with pariticipants on how to stay safe online while using social media, instilling basic digital safety tools such as strong passwords and 2FA.

WISE Virtual Cafe

Project Manager Zainab Durrani appeared in a Virtual Cafe webinar organized by WISE (Women in Struggle for Empowerment) on the 15th of February, 2023. The online session was cast live via the WISE Facebook page and focused on ‘Gender and Power in Digital Spaces’

Zainab shared the situation of the gender digital divide in Pakistan, the limited access provided to the women and girls in Pakistan and the dynamics of gender and privacy specific to the country.

The video can be found here:
‘Data Privacy in Pakistan’s Healthcare Sector’ Report Launch

DRF launched its latest report ‘Data Privacy in Pakistan’s Healthcare Sector’ on February 27th with an event that was hosted at the Parklane Hotel in Lahore. The event started off with a brief discussion on the current status quo of healthcare privacy, led by Program Manager and lead researcher Zainab Durrani. This was followed by a comprehensive overview of the main objectives, key outcomes and findings of the study.

The session remained interactive throughout with great input from the audience which included healthcare workers, public health researchers and health IT specialists. Additionally, the second half of the event focused on gathering feedback from the attendees through a session titled ‘Pathway Building for Safer Data Practices’.

The report was well received and remarked upon as ‘the need of the hour’ by the attendees. Many of them also noted an interest in any future collaboration on the issues surrounding health IT and devisement of next steps that we can all take, as members of the civil society.

Consultation: ‘Gender Digital Divide in Pakistan’

Digital Rights Foundation was invited to present their expert opinion on the consultation hosted by the National Commission on the Status of Women on the topic ‘Gender Digital Divide in Pakistan’. The contribution focused on the state of online gender based violence in Pakistan and suggestions on how all stakeholders can tackle the problem.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 273 complaints in February with most cases being around financial fraud. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.


IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.




February 15, 2023 - Comments Off on January 2023 Newsletter: DRF’s Nighat Dad at YGL Forum at World Economic Forum Davos

January 2023 Newsletter: DRF’s Nighat Dad at YGL Forum at World Economic Forum Davos

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad represented Pakistan at the young global voices leader forum at the world economic forum in Davos this year touching key issues around digital rights and evolving technologies on the forum. She made essential interventions around digital rights & inclusion & around regulatory mechanisms sharing her work with Meta’s Oversight Board. Nighat highlighted the ethical, political, social & economic concerns around AI & regulatory mechanisms and the need to include global voices in these conversations to make these mechanisms more inclusive.

Online Campaigns


DRF launched an online campaign in January titled, ‘Online Privacy Checkup’ in which infographics around data privacy were shared. The infographics covered important topics like sim spoofing, scams and safe ways to use Play Store apps.

Policy Initiatives

Policy Paper: Unpacking Content Moderation in Local Languages

DRF published its policy paper on the content moderation of non-English content by focusing on Dari and Pashto content to understand the unique challenges in moderating content in religional languages. Our findings were similar other research outcomes from across the Global South: automated and human-moderated systems particularly fail users from areas where English isn’t the primary mode of communication.

The policy paper can be accessed here.


This data protection day DRF showcased our work on data privacy and its various scopes on healthcare data. Data privacy is paramount in our everyday lives, especially in hospitals, during the pandemic. Our research 'A Privacy Perspective The Collection & Use of Heath Data in Pakistan' highlights the importance of health care data.

Link to study:

#DataProtectionDay  #DataPrivacyDay

Press Coverage

DRF Condemns the violent death of an 18 year old in Charsadda over a dancing video by her father

DRF worked on a statement highlighting the violent death of an 18-year-old in Charsadda over a dancing video by her father.

Read the statement here:

Nighat Dad Speaks On Digital Rights And Inclusion At Davos

The Friday Times covered DRF Executive Director Nighat Dad’s speech in Davos around digital rights and inclusion.

Read the piece here:


Nighat Dad speaking at UNESCO headquarters on gendered disinformation and platforms

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at UNESCO headquarters on gendered disinformation and what steps platforms can take. She identified gaps as the Oversight Board member in their recent case decision and the recommendations they’ve given to Meta. She highlighted the aims of the oversight board and laid a special emphasis on Gender as their priority.

Cyber Laws and the Constitution of Pakistan

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at FC College on Cyber Laws and the constitution of Pakistan. She highlighted the current legislation along with the identity of each citizen being digital and the importance of the digital identity of students.

Interventions for Ending Online Violence Against Women in Politics

Shmyla Khan participated in the virtual launch of the ‘Interventions for Ending Online Violence Against Women in Politics’ organised by NFI. The panelists (Kat Lo from Meedan, Fernanda K. Martins from Internet Lab, and Catherine Gicheru from Pesa Check) shared their insights to how platforms can support women in politics globally.

The report can be access here.
DRF's ED Nighat Dad spoke at the School Education Conference at Lacas

DRF's ED Nighat Dad spoke at the School Education Conference at Lacas on 31st January on Safety in the Digital World. Nighat talked about online privacy for young adults and how support systems with parents and teachers are important for teens who're using the internet.

Open Tech Fund (OTF) Summit 2023

DRF took part in the OTF Summit held in Austin, US where it facilitated a workshop on “Government Regulation of VPNs: An Emerging Trend” and participated in a panel discussion on digital safety from a global south perspective. The Summit was an excellent opportunity to meet partners from across the world working to make the internet a safer and more free place.

FutureFest 2023

On 8th January 2023, DRF’s Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed was invited as a keynote speaker to FutureFest, a national conference featuring leaders in the field of technology from all over Pakistan and abroad, to discuss “Is the Youth Ready for the Future? Using Media for Advocacy”. Here, Noor shared DRF’s  findings from their report Visions of Youth: Battling Myopia in Internet Regulation: How the Pakistani Youth Envisions the Internet in 2022 and discussed the importance of including young people in the conversation around media, technology and advocacy in Pakistan.


DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 266 complaints in January with most cases being around financial fraud. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


Climate change has had devastating consequences for the country and with the ongoing flood crisis there has been immense loss to property and life. It’s important to donate in this hour of crisis, however it’s also important to verify who you’re donating to.

The following resources are available for anyone who wants to donate during this crisis.


January 11, 2023 - Comments Off on December 2022 Newsletter: Digital 50.50: 16 Days of Activism on Gender-Based Violence

December 2022 Newsletter: Digital 50.50: 16 Days of Activism on Gender-Based Violence

Online Campaigns

Digital 50.50: 16 Days of Activism on Gender-Based Violence

This 16 Days of Activism Digital 50.50 released its final edition on Gender-based violence and looking back at the year 2022. The pitches focused on different forms of violence against women and gendered minorities.

Digital 50.50 New Edition:


25th November marks the beginning of the 16 days of Activism highlighting the violence against women throughout these 16 days. Let's join hands to fight this violence and create safe spaces for women and gender minorities. #EndViolenceAgainstWomen


This human rights day DRF's women HRD's who shared their experiences & challenges in the field & focusing on the importance of the human rights principal model.

Listen to the conversation here:

Policy Initiatives

Policy Paper: Unpacking Content Moderation in Local Languages

DRF launched its policy paper on the subject of content moderation in the regional context by conducting research on content shared in local languages on Facebook. Focusing particularly on Dari and Pashto, the policy paper makes important observations regarding the challenges faced by tech companies and automated systems in moderating content from different regional contexts.

The policy paper can be accessed here

Cyber Harassment Helpline completes 6 years of operation

These 16 Days DRF compiled 6 years at the Cyber Harassment Helpline with a total of 14,165 complaints received. Overall 60% calls have been by women whereas 32% by men in the last six years.

Click here to view the video:

DRF’s Nighat Dad joins Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web

The Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web will chart a clear and action-oriented roadmap for future online ecosystems to protect users’ rights, support innovation, and center trust and safety principles.

Press Coverage

Samavaya Podcast: Nighat Dad in Conversation with Savera Weerasinghe

DRF’s Nighat Dad joins the conversation with Savera Weerasinghe on the Samavaya podcast on free and fair internet for women across the globe.

Thoughts on Safety and Survival on Twitter from the rest of the world- Nighat Dad

Nighat Dad pens her thoughts on safety and survival on Twitter emphasizing on building solidarity at the center of experiences from marginalized communities.

Click here to read the piece:

Q&A with Meedan partner Digital Rights Foundation on digital rights and gender violence in South Asia

DRF’s Shmyla Khan speaks to partner Meedan in a blog post about her experience promoting digital rights in Pakistan and throughout South Asia, and her insights on the gendered dimensions of digital security and emerging challenges around online electoral violence.

Click here to read the piece:

16 Days of Activism: Legal Remedies Available in GBV Cases

DRF's Senior Legal Associate/Program Manager, Irum Shujah spoke on FM 100 on legal remedies available in Gender Based Violence cases. Different scenarios and queries were posed which were then answered by Ms. Shujah.

DRF joined the radio session virtually to discuss the challenges and the non-implementation of the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016. It was further discussed that the country has laws for the protection of women but they are insufficient if not enforced, respected and implemented in letter and spirit without discrimination across the country.

Furthermore, the concept of cyber harassment was also elaborated upon and the general procedure of filing an FIA complaint with the Cyber Crime Wing was also discussed. Overall, the session aimed at educating the audience of their basic rights and responsibilities.

Link to listen:

Nighat Dad on podcast on Examining Meta’s Cross-Check Program

Nighat Dad spoke on the podcast The Sunday Show to discuss policy advisory opinion on how Meta moderate content for its most powerful users.

You can listen to the full episode here:


Nighat Dad at the 10 Years of UN Plan of Action Islamabad Journalist Safety Forum

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the 10 years of UN Plan of Action Islamabad Journalist Safety Forum sharing about the cyber harassment helpline in 2022 and how the helpline received 55 complaints from Pakistani journalists, with women journalists facing disinformation campaigns, harassment, and abuse whereas male journalists faced inquiries under PECA and losing access to their social media accounts.

Nighat Dad speaking on ‘US & International Law & Policies: A global perspective and response’

Nighar Dad spoke at UNFPA event on "U.S & International Laws & Policies: A global perspective & response" around online gender-based violence along with representatives of bumble and the National Domestic Violence Hotline amongst others.

DRF’s Nighat Dad on Twitter Space by Oversight Board

DRF’s Nighat Dad joins a Twitter space session about the oversight board’s findings and recommendations on cross-checking and an overall discussion around how Meta treats its most powerful users.

Nighat Dad at the Danish Parliament on Free Speech

Nighat Dad spoke at the Danish Parliament on issues of free speech and where we are today in the age of disinformation.

Online Training on Digital Safety for South Asia

DRF conducted an online training workshop for participants from across South Asia on the issue of online safety in partnership with Meedan as part of its Global Check program. To learn more about this work, you can read a recent blogpost by Meedan on the subject.

Digital Safety Sessions with Human Rights Defenders in Karachi and Lahore

Digital Rights Foundation’s digital safety team conducted four successful workshops with human rights defenders in Karachi on December 12, 16, 18 and 19 with support from the Norwegian Human Rights Fund. The sessions brought together members of civil society from across the city to understand the emerging challenges for them in the digital space and to equip them with the necessary skills to carry out their work in a safe manner.

Instagram Live Session with Instagram Influencer Baekartoot

DRF held an Instagram Live Session with Instagram Influencer Baekartoot and answered pertinent legal queries regarding digital rights and online spaces.
The procedure to register a complaint with the Federal Investigation Agency, Cyber Security Wing and all nuances regarding that, was also detailed in the session.


Countering Online Misinformation in Pakistan - Training Workshop - Islamabad

The third training workshop was organized by DRF in collaboration with CFLI in Islamabad on 3 December 2022. The purpose of the workshop was to identify misinformation and disinformation, document online disinformation and misinformation patterns, and improve fact-checking abilities. 19 people from varied backgrounds attended. After the session, participants were asked to report their encounters with misinformation on the internet and how the workshop will affect their future online interactions and personal communication.

Countering Online Misinformation in Pakistan - Training Workshop - Karachi

DRF, in collaboration with CFLI, also held the fourth and final training workshop on "Countering Online Misinformation in Pakistan" on December 17, 2022 in Karachi. The training drew 24 participants from Karachi and surrounding areas in Sindh. This platform was used to discuss the growing issue of online disinformation and misinformation directed at marginalized social groups. The goal of this workshop was to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and document misinformation/disinformation online, as well as to develop fact-checking skills that can be used to combat misinformation/disinformation online. All attendees participated enthusiastically, sharing their personal experiences as well as providing suggestions for policy interventions and recommendations to address this growing problem.

HRCP Training Workshop

On the 26th and 27th of December 2022, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) held a two-day training workshop titled 'Human rights and advocacy for civil society groups'. Anam Baloch, Project Manager DRF was in attendance. The training seminar centered on the fundamental rights outlined in the Constitution of Pakistan, the international human rights framework, the intricacies of advocacy, and online safety.

Asia Pacific Justice Forum 2022

Digital Rights Foundation was invited to present their initiative under the 'Smart Regulations for a Healthy Information Ecosystem' interactive session at the Asia Pacific Justice Forum. The event was hosted by the World Justice Project in Jakarta, Indonesia from 8-9 December. As part of the 'best practices and innovations' segment, DRF presented the Cyber Harassment Helpline and how the initiative has helped to increase access to justice for women, minority groups, and vulnerable occupations in Pakistan.

IGF 2022

DRF hosted two workshops at the Internet Governance Forum this year. The IGF was held in hybrid mode (28 November to 2 December), and DRF hosted the two sessions ,'Cutting ties: Citizens caught between conflict and tech' and 'Safe Internet Use for All: Helplines working with communities’ virtually.


The former session aimed to start a discussion on the effect of cutting off internet access and online platforms by states and digital platform companies on the citizens of a country, particularly marginalized groups. The panel included Nighat Dad of DRF, Mona Shtaya of 7amleh, Tanzeel Khan of Kashmir Digital Rights, and Eliška Pírková of Access Now.

The second session was a networking session and an opportunity for IGF attendees to share their initiatives and experiences of providing direct support to victims of online harassment, and to learn from one another.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 216 complaints in December with 116 of these from women. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.



December 20, 2022 - Comments Off on November 2022 Newsletter: Paris Peace Forum 2022

November 2022 Newsletter: Paris Peace Forum 2022


DRF participated in the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum (PPF) from November 11 to 12 in Paris, France. The Forum brought together global leaders and innovators from across the world. DRF’s Executive Director Nighat Dad participated in three panels and roundtables along with our Director for Research and Policy. The discussions can be accessed virtually below.


“Managing AI risk: perspectives from around the world”, Nighat Dad can be heard here.

“AI in International Development” can be accessed here.


“International Mobilization for the Observatory on Information and Democracy” to be seen here.

“Framing freedom of speech in the digital age” which can be accessed here.

The fourth session of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy & the Rule of Law at the UN General Assembly

Nighat Dad spoke at the Fourth session of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy & the Rule of Law at the UN General Assembly on the Accelerated digital transformation and the seismic shift that will shape the 21st century. She spoke about accelerated digital transformation and highlighted the importance of online spaces & tech that provide make a global connection. She recognized that technologies have the ability to educate, unite & mobilize & widen democratic participation & discourse.

 Online Campaigns

25th November marks the beginning of the 16 days of Activism highlighting the violence against women throughout these 16 days. Let's join hands to fight this violence and create safe spaces for women and gender minorities. #EndViolenceAgainstWomen


This International Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) Day let's stand in solidarity and support WHRDs across the globe and acknowledge the important work that they do in the field. #InternationalWomenHumanRightsDefendersDay

Digital 50.50

Edition 3 of this year's Digital 50.50 is focused on the impact of climate change on women with writings from women journalists from all across Pakistan.

Click here to read the edition below:

Policy Initiatives

RSIL CLC BLOG: “INTO THE METAVERSE: Insights from Meta’s Oversight Board Cases on the Conflict in Ethiopia”

DRF’s Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed wrote an article analyzing Meta’s Oversight Board decisions as they relate to war and conflict using Ethiopia as a case study which was published in the Research Society of International Law (RSIL) Conflict Law Center Blog.

Link to post:

META’S Oversight Board Decision on UK Drill Music

Meta released its decision on its UK Drill Music case (2022-007-IG-MR) in November. For this case, DRF’s Research Team submitted a public comment advising the board by  highlighting policy and freedom of expression considerations of the case. In its final decision the Oversight Board took cognizance of some of the points raised by DRF including the need for greater transparency and adherence to due process especially when working with law enforcement officials.

Read the full decision here:

Read the full public comment here:

End Impunity Against Journalists

DRF collaborated with the National Commission of Human Rights (NCHR) on 2nd November on End Impunity Against Journalists highlighting to make online and offline spaces safer for journalists. DRF and NCHR also mapped a timeline of attacks against journalists in Pakistan and those who faced violence for sharing their voices and work on the Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists.

Press Coverage

Impact of Climate Change on Women (Radio show)

DRF hosted a radio show between journalists who discussed the impact of climate change on women on the 13th of November on FM96 (Multan).

16 Days of Activism: Violence against Human Rights Defenders (Radio show)

DRF hosted a radio show between Communications Officer at NCHR and Program Manager at the Cyber Harassment Helpline on the 29th of November on FM100 (Lahore).

Morning show at PTV News

DRF’s Legal Manager, Irum Shujah spoke on the morning show hosted by Sabookh Syed from PTV news. She joined the show virtually to discuss the role of DRF and its Helpline and then elaborated on the assistance that team DRF usually provides these survivors with. She also spoke about the forms of cyber harassment faced by social media users, DRF’s legal work, laws regarding online violence in Pakistan and the impact of legal irregularities on the criminal justice system in Pakistan.


High-level panel on Implementation of the UN Plan of Action in the Digital Age

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the high-level panel “Implementation of the UN Plan of Action in the digital age – tackling new challenges” at #SoJ2022 Vienna organized by UNESCO and MFA Austria. She focused on the challenges and solutions too. The panel served as an essential touchpoint for stakeholders to continue the discussion and create new synergies in the fight to make the online sphere one that continues to be conducive to the freedom of expression


DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the #IBAMiami on 2nd November at a panel. She represented the Oversight Board and talked about holding Meta accountable on the panel. She also focused on marginalized groups such as women & gender minorities, who are vulnerable to online violence. The panel was chaired by Baroness Helena Kennedy. Nighat shared when she started working on the issue of online violence, it was ignored but over the years we have seen this become endemic and have real-time implications for women across the world particularly women in the Global South, journalists, and human rights defenders.

IGF 2022: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly; online gender violence

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the panel ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly; online gender violence’ at IGF 2022. Nighat Dad addressed the primary work of DRF around online gender-based violence through training, legal advice, and mental health support as well as training sessions around the world regarding online safety. It was shared that up to 70% of online harassment cases were reported by women. The main goal of the foundation’s helpline is to make women and girls safer and make them more confident and educated about how to protect themselves online.

Gender Sensitization Training ISB

DRF hosted its gender-sensitive workshops on the 9th of November in Islamabad attended by 24 journalists.

Gender Sensitization Training LHR

DRF hosted its gender-sensitive workshops on the 24th of November in Lahore attended by 16 journalists.

9th National Privacy Conference

DRF hosted its 9th annual National Privacy Conference on the 19th of November, 2022  in Lahore. The conference brought together experts from different fields to discuss this year’s theme of the conference “People & Privacy”, shedding light on the all-encompassing nature of privacy rights and violations that we experience in different strands of society.

The keynote speech was delivered by Angbeen Mirza, a legal academic and an Assistant Professor at the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL), LUMS. Angbeen stated that Article 14 of the Constitution guarantees our privacy, however it is important to operationalize it through a law that protects our right to privacy.

The first panel ‘People on Privacy’ included transgender activist Jannat Ali, journalist Amel Ghani, and Barrister Jannat Kalyar. The panel highlighted the importance of privacy in social movements from a people’s perspective and the need for popularizing privacy and making it more accessible to the masses.

After the panel a debate took place on the topic: ‘This house believes that privacy is a western concept’. The lively debate was led by two teams, each representing participants from DRF’s legal team, Shehrzade Amin and Ms. Aqsa, as well as students from Forman Christian College (FCCU) and Government College University (GCU) Maria Waqar, Muhammad bin Munir, Muhammad Hamza Aziz, and Ali Zar.

The last panel ‘Ensuring Dignity in Privacy Rights’ included Bushra Mahnoor from the Mahwari Justice Campaign, Umer Rajpoot from Todd’s Welfare Society, journalist Mehmal Sarfaraz and senior lawyer and activist Saroop Ijaz. The panel took a different approach and focused on dignity-based perspectives on privacy, centering privacy subjects above all else. The perspectives shared by the panelists highlighted privacy rights in the realities of marginalized populations.The guest of honor and concluding remarks were given by activist and former chairperson of NCSW Khawar Mumtaz. In her closing remarks, she emphasized the importance of art, posters, poetry, and performance in ensuring social change within the feminist movement in Pakistan, and has the potential to change attitudes regarding privacy rights. Ms. Mumtaz announced the winner of the artwork competition Maha Bint Abid who won a cash prize at the event with her artwork which was also displayed at the conference.

Countering Online Misinformation in Pakistan

DRF hosted a second training workshop in Peshawar in collaboration with CFLI on 21st November, 2022. The workshop's goal was to identify misinformation/disinformation, document disinformation and misinformation patterns online, and strengthen fact-checking skills. It was attended by 29 people from various backgrounds. Following the training, attendees were invited to report their experiences with disinformation on the internet, as well as how the workshop will influence their future online interactions.

Workshops with working women on feminist cities and tech

The DRF team hosted a two-day focus group discussion with 10 women from middle and working class backgrounds to get an intersectional understanding of the city and internet infrastructures. The workshops used art as a tool of engagement, and resulted in some amazing feedback.

Regional Convening on Feminist Digital Rights and Justice

DRF took part in the “Regional Convening on Feminist Digital Rights and Justice” in Thailand from November 28 to 29, 2022. The convening was a coming together of feminists and digital rights organisations and activists from across Asia Pascific to chart the future of a feminist and fairer internet.

Design4Democracy (D4D) Coalition Event: Meta Consultation on Ensuring Global Access

In September, DRF was invited to be part of a global stakeholder workshop that drafted recommendations on platform data access for researchers to be presented to Meta’s Data Access Team.  Based on that consultation, DRF’s Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed was selected by D4D from a global cohort to be one of 6 presenters of the final draft of the recommendations to the Data Access Team which consisted of Nicole Lyons (Strategic Partner Manager, Academic Partnerships at Meta), Lindsay Hundley (Countering Influence Ops at Meta)  and Olga Belogolova (Security Policy at Meta). The event held on 3rd November 2022 was hosted jointly by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

RSIL Conflict Law Center Podcast: “Social Media and War”

DRF’s Director of Research and Policy, Shmyla Khan and Senior Research Associate, Noor Waheed were invited by the Research Society of International Law to their Conflict Law Center’s (CLC) Podcast hosted by Team Lead and Research Fellow, Ayesha Malik. In the podcast, DRF’s team discussed the relationship between war and social media.

Link to podcast:

Roundtable Discussion on Academic Practice and Information Infrastructure in the Digital Transformation

On November 1st 2022, DRF’s Research Team was invited to participate in a roundtable discussion hosted by LUMS Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law. The roundtable was led by Dr. Katharina de la Durantaye, Professor of Law at Freie University (Berlin, Germany) and Dr. Eric Steinhauer, Lawyer and Head of Hagen University Library and Honorary Professor at Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany). The discussion centered around the legal framework especially in the areas of copyright, platform regulation and digital human rights. Other participants included lawyers, policy experts and academics.

Gender-based Violence Strengthening Response Mechanism in Punjab’ in collaboration with Aawaz II, Peace and Justice Network and British Council

DRF’s legal team participated in the “Gender-based Violence Strengthening Response Mechanism in Punjab” consultation arranged by Aawaz II and Peace and Justice Network. The sessions had a diverse panel which included Ms. Rafia Kamal, Chairperson of Punjab Women Protection Authority, Ms. Nabila Hakim Khan, Ombudsperson and Ms. Imtiaz Fatima, representing persons with disabilities.

Other than the social challenges and the steps being taken to eradicate Gender Based Violence, the panel discussed prevailing practices which silently condone gender discrimination and violence. They also highlighted the first trans-school opening in July 2021 in the city of Multan and the significance of the recently passed Enforcement of Women’s Property Right Act, 2021, which allows women to approach the Ombudsperson and the civil court simultaneously.

Helpline and Legal session conducted in Bloomfield Hall School Secretariat

Helpline team along with Ms Sheherazade Amin, legal team, went to Bloomfield Hall to deliver a session to the students regarding their digital rights and safeguards that they should be aware of while being present in online spaces. DRF’s team and the students had an interactive session, in which the students posed their personal queries and the team assisted them as much as they possibly could.

Online Safety and Legal Landscape in Pakistan with marginalized groups - 28 November 2022

Legal and DST team delivered an online safety and legal landscape session to almost 15-20 participants. The legal session highlighted the online and offline threats normally faced by the trans community and the related misconceptions related to the Transgender Persons (Protection of Riqhts) Act, 2018. Other than the basic rights, police powers and responsibilities were also discussed. The overall session was interactive, and the participants shared their queries and personal experiences in detail.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 263 complaints in November with 134 of these from women. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


Climate change has had devastating consequences for the country and with the ongoing flood crisis there has been immense loss to property and life. It’s important to donate in this hour of crisis, however it’s also important to verify who you’re donating to.

The following resources are available for anyone who wants to donate during this crisis.


November 15, 2022 - Comments Off on October 2022 Newsletter: 2022 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

October 2022 Newsletter: 2022 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

DRF was pleased to be a part of the upcoming Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform "ON/OFF Implications of Digital Connectivity on Human Rights" on 18th October.In the first panel DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke about the human rights implications of digital connectivity for surveillance, interception and data collection.

Online Campaigns


1st October commemorates Cyber Security month in which we focused on the different online threats that individuals face and what remedies one can adopt to protect themselves online.

#CyberSecurityMonth #CyberSecMonth #ThinkB4UClick



This International Day of Girl Child let's aim to make Hamara internet safer for girls. To report child pornography and sensitive child sexual abuse online go to and report anonymously.


Policy Initiatives

Collaboration Between DRF & NCHR

DRF and NCHR are collaborating together with the launch of a complaint cell for women journalists facing online abuse.


Reporting and Collecting Evidence for Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

DRF’s legal team and ED shared an information breakdown of collecting evidence in cases of domestic abuse, sexual harassment and assault. The Twitter thread carefully curates the procedures and necessary evidence needed to record domestic violence abuse.

Link to thread:

Press Coverage

Content Moderation and Free Speech on Sky FM89

DRF conducted a session on “Content Moderation and Free Speech” as part of the Digital 50:50 campaign with their organization’s Research and Policy Director informing viewers regarding reporting content on social media and governmental and company policies.

View the program here.

Personal is Political

DRF's Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) members Rabbiya Arshad and Sabah Bano Malik spoke on FM 100 on Personal is Political.

You can listen to the conversation in the link below:

DRF’s ED and Legal Team Advice For Domestic Abuse Victims

Here’s news coverage on the legal advice:


DRF at #AJCONF on Crisis of Constitutionalism

DRF’s Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke on the onslaught on civil society in social asia on regulating social media: freedom but under what on October 23rd.

Role of the private sector in the spread of online hate speech

DRF’s Director for Research and Policy spoke to the panel “Role of the private sector in the spread of online hate speech” the regional convening on Challenging Hate Narratives in Asia on 4 October, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. DRF joined the discussion virtually to discuss the role of the private sector, and especially social media platforms, in the spread of hate speech and the effectiveness of their response to this situation.

Women Journalists Well-being and Residency Retreat

DRF, in collaboration with the Free Press Unlimited, held a Well-being Residency Retreat for Women Journalists in the hills in northern Pakistan. The retreat was attended by 24 journalists from the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights. The five-day long Retreat was an opportunity for women journalists to engage in networking with other journalists from across the country and also get time to unwind from the everyday hustle and stressors of the profession. During the retreat, the journalists attended two days of intensive sessions on stress management, self care and digital detox as well as skills to ensure their online safety. They built peer coaching relationships to further enhance the solidarity of the network and help each other in whatever capacity possible.

DRF’s legal team was also engaged for a short session during the retreat. The session started with a quick recap of applicable laws and short animated videos were shown to the participants. These videos covered various facts and the relevant laws. Thereafter, the participants and the trainer had a dialogue about their basic understanding pertaining to the concepts behind different legal issues which they come across in their daily journalistic practices.

Countering Online Misinformation in Pakistan

DRF, in collaboration with CFLI, held a training workshop in Lahore. The purpose of the workshop was to identify misinformation/disinformation, document disinformation and misinformation trends online, and build fact-checking abilities. It was attended by 18 participants from diverse backgrounds. After the training, the participants were asked to share their experiences with misinformation online and how the workshop will inform their future online interactions.

Digital Well Being and Safety Fellowship 2.0

DRF in collaboration with FNF held the Digital Well Being and Safety Fellowship 2.0 in Shangrila Hotel Murree from 21st to 22nd October 2022. The fellowship was attended by 10 women journalists from across Pakistan who were part of a three-month extensive program for women journalists. It started out with a pre-assessment exercise, with the trainers determining the level of legal knowledge of the participants. After the exercise was concluded, the trainers delved into various laws such as the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, Sedition Laws, the Protection of Women at the Workplace Act, the Defamation Ordinance, the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act etc.

The trainers were particular about walking the participants through the complaint filing procedure with the Federal Investigation Agency Cyber Crime Wing and other fundamental procedural necessities were elaborated upon. The trainers also focused on the mental health and well-being of the participants and the pressures women journalists face in the field.

META: Women’s Safety Roundtable

On 6th October 2022, representatives from the Legal, Research and Helpline teams at DRF attended the Women’s Safety Roundtable conducted by the South Asian contingent of Meta’s policy team. In the discussion, new initiatives regarding women’s safety on Meta’s platforms were shared with stakeholders which included other notable civil society organizations across South Asia. Additionally, DRF and others shared their insights on potential improvements to these initiatives to better ensure women’s safety and privacy online.

Technology, Social Media and Regulation in South Asia

DRF spoke at the ISAS Panel Discussion (webinar) titled “Technology, Social Media and Regulation in South Asia” on 13 October 2022. The panelists included experts from the region: Meg Chang (Content Regulation Policy Manager, Head of APAC, Meta (Facebook), Singapore), Shahzeb Mahmood (Research Associate, Center for Governance Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Shmyla Khan (Director Research and Policy, Digital Rights Foundation, Lahore, Pakistan) and Shruti Shreya (Programme Manager, The Dialogue, New Delhi, India).





Bayan Legal Journal

DRF's Nighat Dad and Zainab Durrani were featured in Simorgh's Bayan Legal Journal Volume 6 that was published this month.

The article titled 'Unlawful Online Content and the Rights of the Citizen' reviews the legal climate in which the recent internet governance laws and regulations were passed in Pakistan and discusses the impact on free speech.


2nd Asma Jahangir Memorial Lecture Series

DRF attended the 2nd Asma Jahangir Memorial Lecture Series on 25 October 2022 with the UN Special Rappartuer on Violence Against Women as the guest speaker. The event was organised by the AGHS Legal Aid Cell.

Digital Dada Podcast

Zainab Durrani, Project Manager at Digital Rights Foundation appeared on the Kenyan Digital Dada Podcast hosted by journalist and digital security trainer Cecilia Maundu. She spoke on DRF's work, the onground situation around online violence in Pakistan and the impact of the overlap of gender. She also highlighted what impedes access to digital rights in Pakistan and discussed the ongoing research work being done under the Data Privacy portfolio she manages at DRF.

Link to podcast:

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 260 complaints in October with 159 of these from women. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


Climate change has had devastating consequences for the country and with the ongoing flood crisis there has been immense loss to property and life. It’s important to donate in this hour of crisis, however it’s also important to verify who you’re donating to.

The following resources are available for anyone who wants to donate during this crisis.

October 17, 2022 - Comments Off on September 2022 Newsletter: DRF’s Nighat Dad at the Ministerial Summit for Information and Democracy

September 2022 Newsletter: DRF’s Nighat Dad at the Ministerial Summit for Information and Democracy

Nighat Dad at the Ministerial Summit for Information and Democracy

Nighat Dad presented the new deal for Journalism as a Vice Chair of the Forum on Information and Democracy to several honorable State Ministers. The forum called on governments to commit up to 1% of their official development assistance to the sustainability of independent journalism.

Online Campaigns

International ID Day

DRF held an online campaign on International Identity Day, 16th September. We believe identity systems have created exclusion, insecurity, and surveillance.

To find out more about visit our website:

Kidnapping Scams

The helpline received a considerable amount of complaints about fake kidnapping cases for which the team developed infographics around how to avoid these scams and report.

The Coalition Against Online Violence

The Coalition Against Online Violence condmemns the ongoing attacks, abuse and harassment of Nighat Dad from the Digital Rights Foundation. The statement was further supported and shared by FPU, Freedom Network, Article 19, Women's Media Center, Women in journalism, International Women's Media Foundation, Freedom on the net, Pen America and NDI gender.

Policy Initiatives

Virtual Learning and Privacy amid COVID-19

DRF conducted a study on Virtual Learning and Privacy Amid COVID-19 to investigate and understand the privacy practices between students, teachers and educational institutions.

Link to study:


DRF Condemns the Arbitrary Youtube Shutdowns in the country as ‘Unconstitutional’

Digital Rights Foundation condemns the arbitrary Youtube shutdowns in the country by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and reiterates that these are unconstitutional blocks.

Read the full statement here:

DRF joined the We Protect Global Alliance

DRF became a part of the WeProtect Global Alliance. We're looking forward to working together with the Alliance to build a digital world designed to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse.

Learn more about the Alliance here:

Press Coverage

Nighat Dad on #ZaraHatKay

DRF’s ED Nighat Dad spoke on the show Zara Hat Kay discussing the arbitrary Youtube Shutdowns in the country as a violation of the constitutional rights of the citizens.

Here’s the full conversation:
Nighat Dad Presents A New Deal For Journalism To Global Leaders

Nighat Dad, Executive Director of Digital Rights Foundation and Member of Meta’s Independent Oversight Board, presented a new deal for journalism to several State Ministers as a Vice Chair of the Forum of Information and Democracy alongside UNGA 2022.

Read the full piece here:
OPINION: As Pakistan flooded, internet shutdown compounded woes

DRF published an op-ed with Thomas Reuters Foundation on the issue of internet shutdowns in Pakistan, particularly in light of bans on YouTube, impending elections and unprecedented flooding in the country.

Read the full piece here:
Human Rights Defenders 2022

DRF’s Nighat Dad was featured on Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s website in the list of human rights defenders of 2022. She shared her story as an activist and the struggles she faced while pursuing her activism.

Read the full interview here:
Emerging Technologies, such as AI, Algorithms etc and their relevance in Pakistan

DRF’s Shmyla Khan spoke Sky FM 89 on Emerging Technologies, such as AI, Algorithims etc and their relevance in Pakistan. She shed light on the growing intergration of technologies in our lives and our reliance on them.

You can listen to the full conversation here:
“Well-being and self-care are collective efforts”

The Open Tech Foundation showcased DRF’s work on the intersection of well-being and digital security. The piece covers ddressing burnout in human-rights defenders facing violence online is crucial.

Read the full piece here:



DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at the Concordia Summit 2022 on Decentralized Governance: Giving Power Away

DRF’s Nighat Dad on behalf od Meta spoke at the Concordia Summit 2022 on the panel Decentralized Governance: Giving Power Away emphasizing on bringing communities at the centre of the conversations.

She spoke about how decentralisation also mean giving away power to its users by tech giants which the Oversight Board has been doing.


Nighat Dad spoke on the High level panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom

Nighat Dad spoke at the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom discussing the growing need to secure emergency safe refuge for journalists at risk on the sidelines.

DRF's Nighat Dad at the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition Event

DRF’s Nighat Dad attended the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition event focusing on Forging paths to digital transformation and inclusive digital societies. The event was held at Twitter headquarters where Doreen Bogdan from the International Telecommunication Union spoke about leaving no one behind when it comes to online connectivity and inclusive digital societies.

The Edge of the Law: A regional approach to confronting legal challenges

DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke on the virtual launch of the report and recommendations from Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales and the American Bar Association Rule of Law intiative on the ‘The Rule of the Law: A regional approach to confronting key legal challenges’ specifically highlighting the chapter about the need for a human rights centric data protection approach in the region.

DRF at Regional Consultations to Support the Development of the 2022 Ottawa

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC)  and the Government of Canada hosted consultations with stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Middle East and North Africa regions to support the development of the upcoming FOC Ottawa Agenda. DRF’s Nighat Dad was part of the consultation representing Pakistan.

Nighat Dad at Trust Con 2022

Nighat Dad on behalf of the Oversighht Board discussed the recommendation and tracking the implementation of the oversight board. She emphasized on the board welcoming more inputs and being a transparent and independent body.

Consultation: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Media in Pakistan

DRF completed its series of consultations with digital media organisations and content creators with a session on September 1st in Lahore. The consultation was organised in partnership with UNESCO and attended by 13 participants (5 digital media organisations, 1 civil society organisation, 1 traditional media organisation, and 4 individual content creators).

Similar to the preceding consultation, participants highlighted issues of growing hate speech and intolerance online and how the community guidelines of social media companies were unequipped with the requisite cultural/linguistic sensitivity to effectively remove/block hate speech. They also expressed the need for educating content creators on social media content policies and local laws including those on copyright infringement.

Hajar e Tifl (Protect the child) panel talk arranged by The City School:

DRF participated in the City School’s panel talk, Hajar e Tifl (Protect the child) under whose banner the panelists addressed Vocabulary of Abuse and the concept of child abuse in physical and digital spaces. The panel talk took place on September 22, 2020, at TCS Paragon Campus, Lahore. The panelists thoroughly spoke on verbal abuse against children in online and offline spaces - the various concepts accounted for included cyber stalking, cyber harassment, bullying etc.

Multi-stakeholder Consultation: Safety of Journalists in the Digital Age

DRF took part in a consultation organised on by International Media Support (IMS) and UNESCO that brought together journalists, tech company representatives, digital safety experts and civil society representatives on the issue of journalist safety in digital spaces. DRF presented the issues faced by women journalists on digital platforms, particularly highlighting disinformation campaigns. The consultation was held Copenhagen, with the DRF team joining virtually.

To find out more about the event visit:
Online 4th session for Women Journalists' Digital Well-being & Safety Fellowship 2.0

On the 21st September 2022, the Legal team conducted an overview of the concept of defamation, cyber harassment and Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight and Safeguards) Rules, 2021 etc.. The interactive session discussed personal experiences of women journalists and discussed the legal recourse which the participants could potentially refer to and legally safeguard themselves in difficult situations.

Democratising South Asia in the Digital Age

DRF’s Seerat Khan spoke on the conference Democratising South Asia in the Digital Age on the panel Closed Borders, Open Websites. The panel discussed the importance accessible websites in the South Asian region and the need for greater solidarity.

You can listen to the session here:

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 232 complaints in September with 134 of these from women and 2 from trans women throughout the country. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan.

The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


Climate change has had devastating consequences for the country and with the ongoing flood crisis there has been immense loss to property and life. It’s important to donate in this hour of crisis, however it’s also important to verify who you’re donating to.

The following resources are available for anyone who wants to donate during this crisis.

September 8, 2022 - Comments Off on August 2022 Newsletter: Digital 50.50 Edition on Threats and Harms of Gendered Disinformation

August 2022 Newsletter: Digital 50.50 Edition on Threats and Harms of Gendered Disinformation

Digital Rights Foundation launched its second edition of the feminist e-magazine, Digital 50.50 on the 5th of August 2022. The magazine focused on the threats and harms of gendered disinformation targeted towards women in public life. The magazine had articles, vlogs and illustrations on the said theme. They discussed what gendered disinformation meant as an emerging form of disinformation that relies on sex-based narrratives and like most online gender-based violence is targeted at or about women and girls and other gender minorities. Gendered disinformation impacts women’s access to and participation in public life by silencing and threatening them. Many authoritarian regimes have resorted to targeting women politicians, activists and journalists with organised gendered disinformation campaigns to silence and restrict their participation in public life.

A feature penned by Hira Nadeem talks about the social and emotional consequences of gendered disinformation circulated in the society about transgender individuals. A research-based article by Aiza Nadeem discusses how new and emerging channels and content creators on YouTube manipulate and spin the narrative to sustain viewership using the case study of Aurat March. Khalida Niaz wrote about how women singers and performers have time and again become a target of fake news in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The edition has some amazing illustrations by Bushra Saleem which represent the theme.

Read the edition here.

Online Campaigns


DRF did a 21 day campaign on the A to Z of online safety sharing resources and tips on online safety. In the campaign tools that are widely used online were also discussed in detail along with possible privacy concerns associated to them.

Policy Initiatives

Consultation: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Media in Pakistan

Third consultation held on August 15, 2022

In the month of August DRF conducted a series of three consultations with digital media and non-traditional content creation organizations and individuals in order to map and better understand the digital media landscape in Pakistan. In partnership with UNESCO, these consultations were the first step in developing targeted policy recommendations for the digital media landscape from a policy, legal, gendered and economic lens.

Partnership between DRF and Beti No Misogyny

DRF and Beti No Misogyny have signed an MOU to collaborate together to fight online misogyny, hate & abuse. We hope to create an all inclusive space for everyone through this collaboration.

DRF Condemns the Digital Abuse and Hate Speech against Trans Folks Online

DRF has been monitoring the digital abuse, hate speech & threats that the trans community has been facing in the past few days. As an organization that works on digital safety, we condemn the attacks that prevent the community from feeling safe & engaging in online spaces.

Media Coverage

DRF’s team spoke to Express News on Cyber Harassment

Helpline and legal team spoke to Ms Ayesha Saghir on the prevalent issues related to cyber harassment. The increasing number of cases being reported to the DRF’s Helpline along with the technical and procedural problems encountered by the complainants who register their complaints with the Federal Investigation Agency were discussed within the short interviews. The package was later run on the Express News.

What is Digital 50.50 on FM 100

DRF’s team members conducted a session for the radio station FM 100 on the topic “What is Digital 50 50: Know Your Digital Rights” on August 11, 2022. A recording of the session can be accessed here.

Data Protection and Privacy Radio Program on FM 100

Our Program Manager Zainab Durrani spoke with RJ Haya Khan of FM 100 on the topic of ‘Data Protection and Privacy’ where the two discussed what the current landscape of data privacy looks like in Pakistan today, the overlap of gender and privacy, the gender digital divide in Pakistan and its cultural aspects, the upcoming Personal Data Protection Bill as well as DRF’s latest study on healthcare data privacy that is underway at the moment.

The show was cast live for radio audience and also simultaneously available for viewing on FM 100’s Facebook page ( )

DRF spoke at Taggeschau

DRF contributed to Taggeschau, a German radio channel report on revenge porn in the context of online dating in Pakistan, the consequences faced by survivors, and what kind of help they can receive.

NCHR Launches Complaint Cell for Women Journalists Experiencing Harassment

The Friday Times covered the collaboration between DRF, NCHR and CEJ on combatting harassment women journalsits face online.

Read the full article here:



Nighat Dad at Young Global Leaders (YGL) Summit by World Economic Forum (WEF)


DRF’s Nighat Dad spoke at Young Global Leaders (YGL) Summit by World Economic Forum in Geneva. She gave a session on digital safety for world leaders along and spoke about disinformations impact in digital age and how it’s impacting democaracies around the world.

Nighat Dad part of the Commonwealth Observer Group in Kenya

DRF’s Nighat Dad was part of the Commonwealth Observer Group in Kenya for the general elections this year. Nighat was part of an advance team  on the ground to observe preparations ahead of the polls and campaigns. The team after the observation will update the main Group about their meetings with stakeholders and their preliminary findings, which will be pivotal in the observation role and report.

Nighat Dad at Wilton Park on a meeting on Gender based Violence

DRF’s ED Nighat Dad joined Wilton Park from 16th till 19th August focusing on evidence base for tackling gender-based harassment and abuse online. A discussion around better standards and definitions around gender based violence took place along with a need for stronger stakeholder collaboration and engagement.

Training for Prosecutors & Legal Aid Lawyer on women's marriage rights and violence against women laws

Legal Team attended a two (02) day training organized by Musawi in collaboration with the Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors,“Training for Prosecutors & Legal Aid Lawyer on women's marriage rights and violence against women laws” on the 29th and 30th August 2022. The session initiated with a brief overlook on the concept of gender sensitization leading to an elaborate discussion on women’s protection laws, laws including but not limited to The Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) Act 202, Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Act 2016 and others. Furthermore, the training touched upon the practical touchstones of the women’s marriage rights in Punjab and endorsed increased dialogue, information sharing about nikkahnama (marriage contract), and advocacy for marriage laws.

Online Training on Digital Safety for South Asia

DRF conducted an online training workshop for over 20 participants from the South Asian region on digital safety on August 10, 2022. Given the complex and unique nature of the South Asian context, this training supported by Meedan went a long way in addressing the specific challenges participants faced.

Panel at LACAS A Levels JT Campus

DRF was invited to speak at a panel on ‘Challenging Youth Exclusion in Digital Safety’. The event was arranged by the students themselves, which showcases the interest that the youth of today have in owning their right to digital safety and access and voicing their concerns regarding relevant laws in the country. They asked questions regarding the role of social media platforms, who should be making the rules regarding data privacy, contributing to the discussion on internet access and safety especially post Covid.

DRF Updates

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 258 complaints in August with 169 of these from women and 5 from trans women throughout the country. If you’re encountering a problem online you can reach out to our helpline on 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

Resources for Flood Relief

Climate change has had devastating consequences for the country and with the ongoing flood crisis there has been immense loss to property and life. It’s important to donate in this hour of crisis, however it’s also important to verify who you’re donating to.

The following resources are available for anyone who wants to donate during this crisis.