

Comparison and Legal Analysis of Punjab Defamation Bill 2024

White Paper - A Southern and Southeast Asian lens on Online Harms

Policy Brief Platform Accoutability on Online Harmful Content Affecting Marginalized Groups

DRF Annual Report 2023

DRF's Cyber Harassment Helpline Report 2023

Countering Digital Threats Toolkit

Digital Rights in Pakistan: A Review of 2023

Legal Analysis of Personal Data Protection Bill 2023

Exploring Jurisprudence on Transgender Rights: A Comparative Study

Feedback to Ministry of IT on Draft National Artifical Intelligence Policy 2023

Cyber Harassment Helpline Policy Brief 2022

Digital Rights Foundation Helpline Annual Report 2022

Digital Rights Foundation Annual Report 2022

Analyzing Content Regulation and Model of the Council of Complaints of the Pakistan 
Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), in light of the C.P. No.3506 of 
2020, PEMRA etc vs ARY Digital

Countering Online Misinformation Against Religious Minorities in Pakistan

Data Privacy In Pakistan's Healthcare Sector

Policy Brief: Centering Pakistani Digital Content and Creators

Policy Paper: Unpacking Content Moderation in Local Languages

Visions of Youth: Battling Myopia in Internet Regulation: How the Pakistani Youth Envisions the Internet in 2022

Toolkit for Digital Content Creators in Pakistan (2022)

Cyber Harassment Helpline: 2022 | Policy Brief

Digital Rights Foundation Helpline Annual Report 2021

Digital Rights Foundation Annual Report 2021

Amicus Brief on Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight and Safeguards) Rules, 2021

Virtual Learning and Privacy Amid Covid-19

Dissemination of Relief Packages and Welfare Activities during COVID-19

A Privacy Perspective: The Collection And Use of Health Data in Pakistan

Policy Papers: Perspectives on Gendered Disinformation

Submission on Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression: Opportunities, Challenges and Threats to Media in the Digital Age

Proposed Amendments to “The Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Amendment) Act, 2021”

Submission of comments to Ministry for Personal Data Protection Bill 2021

POLICY BRIEF: #AttacksWontSilenceUs: One Year On

Pakistan Media Development Authority Ordinance, 2021 - Position Paper

Young People & Privacy In Online Spaces

Religious Minorities In Online Spaces

Moral Policing And The Phenomena Of 'RAIDS' In Online Spaces

Digital Rights Foundation Annual Report 2020

Safe And Equal Representation Of Vulnerable Groups In The Media

Cyber Harassment Helpline Report 2020

Cyber Harassment During the COVID-19 Pandemic In Pakistan

Hamara Internet Online Safety of Young Adults Curriculum

Legal Analysis: Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight and Safeguards) Rules, 2020

Comments on Draft Personal Data Protection Bill 2020

Disinformation Campaign on Twitter: Pro-India accounts disseminating disinformation ahead of Pakistan FATF review

Impact and Legality of Surveillance

Cyber Harassment Helpline Report 2019

Addressing Online Attacks On Women Journalists In Pakistan

Chayn x DRF_ Availability and responsiveness of gender-based violence support helplines in Pakistan

Fact-Checking And Source Verification Manual In Times Of COVID19

Data Privacy Booklet [ENGLISH]

Data Privacy Booklet [URDU]

Digital Security Toolkit for Journalists to Cope with COVID 19

COVID 19 and Cyber Harassment

Joint Statement by Digital Rights Foundation and BoloBhi: The Digital Gap During the COVID-19 Pandemic is Exasperating Inequalities

Digital Rights Foundation Annual Report 2019

Citizens Protection (Against Online Harm) Rules, 2020: Legal Analysis

Sifting truth from lies in the digital age of fake news

Policy brief fake news

Recommendations for Anti-Harassment Laws in Pakistan
English Version
 Urdu Version

Submission to United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on new technologies and their impact on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of assemblies, including peaceful protests under res. 38/11

Digital Rights Foundation Annual Report 2018

Fostering Open Spaces in Pakistan

Female journalists in new media: Experiences, challenges and a gendered approach

"Submission to to UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Speech and Expression: The Surveillance Industry and Human Rights"

Policy Brief Cyber Harassment Helpline

Ride-Sharing Apps and Privacy in Pakistan: A detailed study on the practices of Uber and Careem    

Online Participation of Female Politicians In Pakistan's General Elections 2018

Cyber Harassment helpline - Two Year Report December 2016 - November 2018

Experience of Online Harassment in Pakistan: Case studies from the cyber Harassment Helpline

Digital Rights Foundation’s Cyber Harassment Bi-Annual Report December, 2016 - May, 2018

Guidebook on Ethical Journalism on Digital Platforms

Comments on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 - Joint Submission by Digital Rights Foundation and Privacy International

Year in Review 2017

Digital (in)Security of Journalists

Content Regulation in the Digital Age -
Submission to the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression - Human Rights Council Report

Cyber Harassment Helpline -
One Year Report

Online Violence Against Women in Pakistan-
Submission to UNSR on VAW

Cyber Harassment Helpline: Six Month Report

Lack of Accountability in NADRA [PDF]

Measuring Pakistani Women's Experience of Online Violence

Telecoms Privacy & Data Protection Policies in Pakistan

The State of Proactive Disclosure of Information in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab Public Bodies

New Cybercrime Bill Threatens the Rights to Privacy and Free Expression

Privacy International's Comments on the draft Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2015

State of Proactive Disclosure of Information in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab Public Bodies