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April 5, 2024 - Comments Off on Digital Rights Foundation’s Helpline Records Surge in cases of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) in Pakistan reaching nearly 2500 in 2023

Digital Rights Foundation’s Helpline Records Surge in cases of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) in Pakistan reaching nearly 2500 in 2023

April 5, 2023: The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) has released its seventh annual Cyber Harassment Helpline Report for 2023. The Helpline has completed seven years of operations since its launch in December 2016 and has received a total number of 16,849 complaints from across Pakistan. In 2023 alone a total of 2473 new complaints were received on the helpline with an average number of 206 new complaints received each month and February 2023 having the most complaints in the year.


The helpline report is a compilation of the data from complaints received by the Helpline through its toll-free number (0800-39393), email and DRF’s social media platforms from Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm. The report also contains case studies and feedback from Helpline callers and recommendations for policymakers and law enforcement agencies (LEAs).


The Cyber Harassment Helpline is the region's first dedicated helpline addressing tech-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) with gender-sensitive, confidential and free services. It provides legal advice, digital assistance, and basic psychological assistance and offers a proper referral mechanism. The helpline operates 7 days a week to cater to a growing number of requests over the weekend.  Nighat Dad, Executive Director of DRF, noted, “There’s been a significant rise of complaints relating to technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) against women and marginalized groups in the year 2023. These instances of violence are also leading to a rise in potential offline violence for these groups. Another alarming thing that we noted through the helpline near the elections was the use of generative AI content being used to exacerbate violence against women in the public sphere, particularly women journalists. These growing numbers are alarming and grow to show how online spaces are perpetuating identity-based attacks on women and marginalized groups. There is a need for urgent redressal and protection for survivors facing TFGBV with holistic support from state institutions within the country.”


In 2023 Women were the highest reported victims of online harassment constituting 58.5% of complainants. The Helpline also noted that like the previous year this year the transgender community was subjected to an orchestrated online hate campaign and these complaints made up to approximately 1.6% .. Despite last year’s findings of similar attacks, responses and actions taken by social media platforms have been the same. Hyra Basit, the helpline manager stated, ‘This year, we have seen how the manifestation of TFGBV has evolved over years, with rising complaints of incredible privacy violations of women via unregulated apps, and the use of modern editing and generative AI to produce non-consensual intimate images (NCII)'


Moreover, the report highlights that the highest number of complaints received in 2023 were from Punjab (1724), followed by Sindh (261) and KP (112). This geographical breakdown of data will help in mapping the accessibility of law enforcement agencies and other remedial resources. The FIA, which is the designated law enforcement agency under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA), has cybercrime wings in only 15 cities. While reports can be submitted through their helpline and online complaint form, feedback from multiple complainants shows that these methods are unreliable and the most efficient way to submit a complaint is through in-person complaints. Furthermore, the Helpline occasionally receives complaints from people outside Pakistan which was 58 in 2023, and comprised Pakistani and non-Pakistani citizens, where the lack of physical presence or representation within the country to file a case with the FIA can be a challenge.


Additionally, the report also includes a set of recommendations for policymakers and LEAs regarding online harassment cases in the country. For policymakers, it recommends collaboration with gender-specific civil society organizations for conducting gender sensitization workshops in schools and education institutions, integrating digital literacy and safety into school curriculums, addressing the digital gender divide by removing barriers to internet and device access for women, enacting human rights-compliant legislation on digital privacy and protection, and supporting civil society organizations working on digital rights and gender equality. Recommendations for law enforcement include increasing resource allocation, establishing mechanisms for handling cases in foreign jurisdictions, enhancing the functionality of online complaint portals, developing protocols for coordination with police, collecting gender-disaggregated data on cyber harassment cases, establishing dedicated desks for cyber harassment within cybercrime wings, improving coordination between branches, providing psychological services for victims, implementing a case management and tracking system, enhancing technical expertise, and providing training for judges on cybercrime law, internet governance, and online harassment to improve their ability to adjudicate related cases effectively.

Digital Rights Foundation is a registered research-based NGO in Pakistan. Founded in 2012, DRF focuses on ICTs to support human rights, inclusiveness, democratic processes, and digital governance. DRF works on issues of online free speech, privacy, data protection and online violence against women.


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Nighat Dad

[email protected]

Hyra Basit

[email protected]


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March 20, 2024 - Comments Off on Digital rights foundation public comment on oversight board case: politician’s comments on demographic changes

Digital rights foundation public comment on oversight board case: politician’s comments on demographic changes

Submission Author: Abdullah b. Tariq
Submission Date(s): 12 December 2023

The case is about a French politician, Zemmour, providing a commentary on French demographic changes. The post was shared on Eric Zemmour’s Facebook page by his administrator, in which during an interview Zemmour passed remarks on demographic changes and shift in power balance in Europe, further going on to say that this change in demography has led to Africa colonizing Europe. Zemmour in the past has crossed paths with the European justice system, where he was criticized for “inciting discrimination and religious hatred” in France. On a careful analysis of the current political discourse in Europe and the case's contents, we conclude that the case violates Meta’s hate speech policy under the TIER 3 categorization. The comment not only talks about the immigration policies but also about a broader generalization of Africans in Europe. The post echoes “The Great Replacement”(Le Grand Remplacement) theory. The idea propagated by French author Renaud Camus, promotes violence and hatred by framing the presence of non-white populations, particularly from Muslim-majority countries, as a threat to the ethnic French and white European populations. While Camus publicly condemns white nationalist violence, scholars argue that “implicit calls to violence” are present in his depiction of non-white migrants “as an existential threat”. The theory has been linked to several far-right terrorist acts, including the Christchurch mosque shootings and the El Paso shooting. The theory found support in Europe and has grown popular among anti-migrant and white nationalist movements, with its broader appeal attributed to simple catch-all slogans.  More so than a commentary on immigration policies, the post furthers an existing civil division. Thus, it would be fair to categorize the post's contents in TIER 3 of hate speech. Moreover, the post also includes traces of misinformation and misleading content, which also falls under Meta’s content moderation policy on misinformation.

When provided with contextual information, the statement in question befits the broader conspiracy dialogue in France regarding the Great Replacement. Zemmour has vigorously defended “The Great Replacement”(Le Grand Remplacement) conspiracy. The concept, echoed by the far-right groups in Europe, elucidates that the white population of Europe is being demographically replaced. The sentence “...there are four Africans for one European and Africa colonizes Europe…” tries to induce the elements of segregation and dissent against the wider African diaspora within Europe. Moreover, this ideology has previously been used as the justification by white supremacists to carry out mass shootings in the US and New Zealand – bringing attention to the global relevance and repercussions of such a narrative. Not to mention, that the argument used to infer this claim is equally misleading. Using the correlation of demographics to infer the causation of colonization is a misleading argument and fuels conspiracy amongst the general populace. Additionally, using the term colonization induces a power hierarchy among the demographic segments, which does not exist in the context the Politician is framing it.

Zemmour’s comment, although generally highlighting the demographic analysis of two separate periods of two separate continents, the addition of “...Africa colonizes Europe…” creates a false correlation between demography and colonization. In that context, Zemmour is using false information to target a race and nationality – which goes directly against Meta’s policy against misinformation and hate speech on its platform. Such misinformation poses a danger to European democracies, as intimidation and manipulative narratives further jeopardize the broader political discourse on immigration policies and democratic elections in Europe. 

Such conspiracies not only otherize a whole population segment but also induce hate and fear among the white European population. The statement “...Africa colonizes Europe…” serves as an identifier where Zemmour insinuates that African immigrants living in Europe are the colonizers. Creating a distinction of European citizens from European Citizens of African descent is highly exclusionary and discriminatory based on race and nationality. Moreover, such extreme claims about reverse colonization because of demographic changes take attention away from arguments that are of legitimate concern for most of Europe in current times. Commentary and criticism of immigration policies are healthy discussion topics that should not be restricted in our digital spaces. However, developing well-informed policies becomes a target of manipulated truth when this discourse enters the realm of conspiracies and misinformation. In that instance, it is equally essential to ensure that the wider population, especially protected groups, is kept safe in offline and online spaces. Meta needs to ensure, especially through election periods, that the bogus and conspiratorial claims are identified and marked on their platforms. Until the platform figures out a way to efficiently and effectively include detailed contextual embeddings within their algorithms, there needs to be increased human review of such reports. There are limited laws against the involvement of AI in online political discourses; therefore, as a multi-billion-user company, the responsibility falls on Meta to do its part in ensuring the minimal impact of such automated models on human discourse development.

Zemmour’s comment on demographic changes can not be viewed in isolation, considering his influence on the political discourse in France. The claim of a shift in power and explicit mention of the word “Africans'' targets and alienates the non-white population of Europe. The contextual underpinnings of general anti-migrant discourse in Europe and a lack of non-white voices hint towards the more significant issue of discrimination against groups falling within the protected characteristics. In such an environment, Meta must ensure their platform does not feed into discriminatory practices. Politicians worldwide have massive followings in online spaces and utilize these platforms to address a more comprehensive voting class. However, their followers are primarily the members of society who are already in alignment with the politicians’ political ideologies – as made evident through the response to Eric Zemmour’s post. This creates an echo chamber within the platform where the ideologies propagate and expand without much resistance. A lack of accountability in such situations could birth hostile and harmful narratives. Therefore, it is paramount that Meta ensures much more careful monitoring of what is being propagated in these echo chambers. Although identifying and removing hateful content online is essential, it is equally, if not more important, to evaluate the impact of such content. There should be higher sensitivity in the content moderation policies when evaluating content with a higher influence on the general public. 

The case’s contextual review shows how the post discriminates against a protected group through misleading, fear-mongering narratives and exclusion. The alienation of a non-white demographic segment through Zemmour’s comments exacerbates the ongoing discourse around migration laws. In such situations, Meta needs to ensure that it can identify and differentiate between political commentary and targeting of specific segments of the society (“Africans”) through misinformation and hate speech. Meta in its hate speech policy allows for “commentary and criticism of immigration policies”; however, this exception does not apply to this case. Conspiracy theories and discriminatory speech falls under the the categorization of hate speech; thus a spade should be called a spade and dealt as such. Providing safe spaces for conspiracies and hateful narratives to grow under the guise of political commentary could have a detrimental impact on the democratic values of European people, as well as discriminate and further create a divide among the civilian population. Thus, a more rigorous understanding of the context within different echo chambers and political spheres should be developed by the reviewers of such claims. On such a basis, TIER 3 of Meta’s hate speech policy should take into account the repercussions of specific comments on immigration policies and how they promote segregation and exclusion of protected groups.

March 15, 2024 - Comments Off on February 2024 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at the Munich Security Conference

February 2024 Newsletter: Nighat Dad at the Munich Security Conference

Nighat Dad shared her insights at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) alongside Google CEO Sundar Pichai and former President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid, moderated by Ian Bremmer, delving into the crucial intersection of geopolitics, AI, and electoral integrity.

She highlighted AI's broader societal impact, including inclusivity and human rights, beyond mere technology. While Western regulations are crucial, they may not address global challenges adequately. The Global South's voice gained recognition through the UN's High-Level Panel on AI. Nighat urged platforms to increase resources for human rights and transparency. Empowering researchers and reassessing governance are essential for fair AI. She emphasized integrating human rights into AI security discussions and promoting transparency. Finally, she called for civil society involvement and anchored regulations in human rights for effective AI ethics.

Policy Initiatives:

DRF Election Desk

Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk. It is a mapping project to document instances of network shutdowns and infringements on free speech via the targeted closure of specific social media sites and access to the internet overall. It consolidated all the latest resources and showcased the legal analysis of different parties’ manifestos in relation to digital rights. This endeavor seeks to uphold democratic values and ensure a transparent and open dialogue during such critical events.

For more:

Legal Framework for Financing Election Campaigns in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is responsible for overseeing election processes, including campaign financing. The legal framework for campaign financing is primarily governed by the Election Act of 2017. This Act sets limits on election campaign expenditures by candidates. It requires candidates to keep detailed accounts of their campaign expenses and submit these accounts to the ECP.

Important note: Section 132 does not explicitly differentiate between offline and online election activities, and the provision can be broadly interpreted to cover both offline and online campaign financing.

Accountability around Political Ads on social media platforms of Pakistani Political Actors leading to elections

The regulation of online and social media campaign financing is a relatively new and evolving area. While entities like Meta have implemented their own policies for political advertising, including background checks and transparency requirements in various countries, the ECP's policies do not explicitly address the specifics of online campaign financing or the regulation of political ads on social media networks.

Meta has made their ad library public and you can view the spending for political ads on DRF’s Election Desk website:

What to do on polling day?

DRF Election Desk brought people a guideline on what to do on election day - especially for first time voters the day before Pakistan’s General Elections.

  1. Check your polling station
  2. Go early
  3. Bring your original CNIC
  4. Main order and queue



Difference between our Cyber Harassment Helpline and WhatsApp Disinformation Tipline

DRF’s Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) condemned the use of TFGBV and Gen AI to attack and silence women journalists

More than 60 journalists signed Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWDJR)'s statement condemning the use of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) and Generative AI to attack and silence women journalists.

Read the full statement here:

WhatsApp Hacking Awareness Video

DRF has observed a spike in WhatsApp accounts getting hacked.  We shared an instructional video on how to avoid it.

You can watch it here:

Press Coverage:

How the Digital Rights Foundation Fights for Privacy and Better Internet Governance

Nighat Dad talked to XMTP and her insights offered an essential perspective on the role open and decentralized protocols play in countering the prevalent centralized models of data collection and ownership.

Read more:

Important Analysis of Nighat Dad on Legality of the Decision in Iddat Case

Nighat Dad spoke to Dawn News as a member of WAF (Women Action Forum) about the Iddat case and provided critical legal analysis.

More here:

Nighat spoke to DW Urdu about Pakistan’s General Elections and Internet shutdown

Nighat Dad spoke to DW Urdu and talked about how the use of the internet is also done to obtain information, so the shutdown of mobile and internet services on the day of general elections in Pakistan is a violation of the democratic and fundamental rights of citizens.

Watch here:

In this opinion piece, Nighat Dad discusses the prevalence of internet shutdowns during election cycles in Pakistan, highlighting their detrimental impact on society and the economy. She emphasizes how shutdowns hinder access to crucial information, disrupt economic activities, and impede democratic processes. Additionally, Nighat argues that internet shutdowns exacerbate tensions, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine trust in the democratic system. She calls for the government to refrain from shutting down the internet during elections, stressing the importance of maintaining an open and free internet for democratic participation and accountability.

More here:

Digital Campaigns

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, penned an opinion piece where she talks about the lack of regulation and oversight by Election Commission of Pakistan on online political advertising.

Read here:

Data Privacy: Elections and Beyond

Zainab Durrani discusses the impact of technology on Pakistan's 2024 elections, highlighting concerns about deepfake disinformation and the use of voter data. She points out the lack of a national data protection framework, raising questions about the source and misuse of voter contact information. Durrani emphasizes the vulnerability of citizen data held by entities like NADRA and telecom providers, with documented breaches compromising privacy. She calls for amendments to proposed data protection laws and stresses the need for accountability in political campaigning practices. Additionally, she criticizes outdated election laws for failing to address digital campaigning methods, underscoring the importance of protecting privacy in democratic governance.

Read here:

DRF in the Press
The Friday Times Pakistan's Network Of Women Journalists For Digital Rights Demand Accountability And Support For Domestic
Medium Chapter I — How to prevent sexting abuse on WhatsApp in Pakistan?
Deccan Herald Feminists, women lawyers lash out at Pakistan judge for hurting woman's dignity in marriage case verdict
Ifex What’s new and old in 2024: Repressive laws, attacks, and election disinformation in Asia
The Current The ever-looming threat of disinformation in Pakistan
France24 Pakistan suspends mobile service for election day
Samaa TV HRCP demands immediate restoration of internet, mobile services across country
Barron's Pakistan Counts Ballots With Khan In Jail, Vote Marred By Mobile Outage NWJDR Condemns Online Attacks On Women Journalists In Pakistan
The Friday Times Technology-facilitated Gender-based Violence And Generative AI Used To Abuse Women Journalists
Dawn Online attacks on women journalists condemned
IFEX Pakistan Press Foundation condemns smear campaign against journalists in post-election turmoil
ERR Kaljulaid in Munich: EU's AI legal act best for global governance, minus fines Speculation Abounds As X Suspension In Pakistan Enters Third Day
Dawn X faces disruption for third consecutive day
Express Tribune X becomes govt's first target
Global Village Space X faces a nationwide shutdown amid political turmoil - Global Village Space
The News International X access restricted in Pakistan for seventh day
The News International X shutdown enters 7th day in Pakistan
Geo News X shutdown enters 8th day in Pakistan with VPN services also restricted
Times of India Social media platform 'X' shutdown continues for eighth day ..
Arab News Rights activists say free speech ‘critically under threat’ in Pakistan as X disruption enters eighth day
Bolly Inside Social Media Platform X Shutdown Continues for Eighth Day in Pakistan, Users Face Blackout
ANI Pakistan: Social media platform 'X' shutdown continues for eighth day Civil Society Condemns Ichhra Incident
KTN News HD Violence in the Digital World | Insight with Najia Mir


Global Symposium Technology Facilitated Gender Based Violence

DRF actively participated in this year’s virtual Global Symposium hosted by the UNFPA. On Day 1, Nighat Dad set the scene during Panel 1.1 ‘Now and the Future’, where she spoke about the regulatory gaps and challenges in addressing the intersection of artificial intelligence and online abuse, the lack of effective legal responses to the rise in the TFGBV, and the role that social media and tech platforms need to play in combating TFGBV. On Day 2, Hyra Basit was on the panel entitled ‘Responding to TFGBV’ where she highlighted the Cyber Harassment’s journey, its successes, and challenges.

Watch the entire panel here:

Striking the Right Balance: Moderating Online Content During 2024 Elections

The session explored important topics like misinformation, foreign interference, targeted advertising, and the role of algorithms in shaping user attitudes and behaviors. Nighat shared her insight about how with social media's influence on public opinion and elections worldwide, it is crucial to understand how to effectively manage these platforms for fairness and transparency in electoral processes.

Nighat Dad speaking at MobilinkHer Event

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, shared her thoughts on #MobilinkHER - during Mobilink Bank's flagship women returnship program launch. She talked about the importance of creating a supportive & inclusive work environment that enables women to foster holistic economic development and bolster Pakistan’s economy.

APAC regional conversation and consultation

DRF briefed the Global Coalition for Tech Justice partners regarding the elections held on 8th February and around the findings of DRF’s election desk cell on the 21st of February. The consultation was DRF’s attempt to share best practices with partners around monitoring content on platforms in this election year of 2024.

Navigating Online Harms and Gendered Disinformation in Pakistan

DRF conducted a session at LUMS with the Saida Waheed Gender Initiative (SWGI) on  Navigating Online Harms and Gendered Disinformation in Pakistan. The session was facilitated by Seerat Khan and Danish Umar. DRF’s team went over the proliferation of gendered disinformation and how it contributes to the exacerbation of gender-based violence. The team also shared ways in which students can protect themselves online. and spot generative AI content.


Source Verification and Fact-checking workshop for Journalists during Elections held in Islamabad

DRF conducted a session on source verification and fact-checking in Islamabad with Meta's support, keeping in mind the upcoming general elections. The one day workshop addressed the emergence of disinformation and misinformation during elections and how to tackle and report dis/misinformation during this time and was attended by 31 journalists from Islamabad and adjacent areas.

Digital Literacy sessions in schools

This month DRF held four schools in Lahore with their Digital Citizens program. 735 students (females and males) and 44 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms in case of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.

Session:  Introducing all feminist Helplines

Anmol and Hyra participated in an online session on 29 Feb 2024, focused on introducing all the feminist helplines within their community. The session provided a platform for various helplines to present their work, emphasizing their roles in addressing gender-based violence. We have discussed and delved into the specifics of how helplines operate, including the processes involved in providing support and assistance to individuals facing gender-based violence. The session aimed to foster collaboration and mutual understanding among the different helplines, ultimately enhancing their collective efforts in combating gender-based violence within the community.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 236, with 118 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Sunday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.


February 19, 2024 - Comments Off on NWJDR condemns the use of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) and Generative AI to attack and silence women journalists

NWJDR condemns the use of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) and Generative AI to attack and silence women journalists

PAKISTAN: The Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWDJR) is angered and deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks against prominent women journalist Meher Bokhari and others in online spaces by PML(N) party supporters. On examining multiple platforms, NWJDR has found non-consensual use of images (NCUI), non-consensual use of intimate images (NCII) and doctored images created through generative artificial intelligence (AI) and other AI tools of Meher Bokhari being shared online with sexist, misogynistic and sexualized gendered attacks. 


It is not the first time women journalists have been targeted by political party supporters online. There has been pervasive and persistent online harassment, sexualized and otherwise gendered disinformation faced by women journalists in Pakistan, with many being threatened with physical assault and offline violence. We’ve witnessed multiple incidents of female journalists' private information being leaked online with what we can say are well-planned and directed efforts to silence them & resulted in stalking and offline harassment. In Meher’s case, the attempt to malign, scare and threaten her with morphed images of her on objectionable content through generative AI tools points towards a remarkably alarming trend of a new form of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) against journalists. 


Before the elections, NWJDR released the 6-point agenda on media freedom and journalist safety for political parties' electoral manifestos, which was signed by more than 100 journalists and civil society members on journalist safety. It has been quite alarming and disappointing that despite the efforts to raise our concerns with political parties around journalist safety, we witnessed, in a matter of days, attacks on journalists like Meher Bokhari, Maria Memon, Hamid Mir, Saadia Mazhar and Benazir Shah, to name a few along with family members of journalists for simply reporting during Pakistan’s general elections 2024. 


The action angers NWJDR, and we’d like to reiterate that online violence and abuse constitute as an offense and complaint-based action should be taken by relevant authorities. 


Signed by: 

    1. Absa Komal - Dawn TV
    2. Hafsa Javed Khawja - The reporters
    3. Mehr F Husain - Editor- The Friday Times/ Publisher, ZUKA Books 
    4. Amber Rahim Shamsi - Director, Centre for Excellence in Journalism 
    5. Saadia Mazhar- Freelance Investigative journalist
    6. Tehreem Azeem - Freelance Journalist and Researcher
    7. Laiba Zainab- The Current 
    8. Rabbiya.A. - Turkman Multimedia Journalist & Documentary Maker
    9. Shehzad Yousafzai
    10. Nighat Dad - Executive Director, Digital Rights Foundation 
    11. Amer Malik - Senior Journalist, The News International 
    12. Kaif Afridi - News Producer, Tribal News Network
    13. Feroza Fayyaz - Web-Editor, Samaa TV
    14. Muhammad Ammad - Copy Editor 
    15. Nasreen Jabeen - AbbTakk News 
    16. Seerat Khan - Programs Lead/Co-editor Digital 50.50 , Digital Rights Foundation
    17. Afra Fatima - Digital journalist 
    18. Fauzia Kalsoom Rana- Producer Power show with Asma Chaudhary, Founder and Convenor Women journalists Association of Pakistan WJAP 
    19. Muhammad Bilal Baseer Abbasi - Multimedia Journalist, Deutsche Welle (DW) News Asia / Urdu Service
    20. Mahwish Fakhar - Producer Dawn TV 
  • Sadia Rafique Radio Broadcaster - FM 101
    1. Sarah B. Haider - Freelance Journalist
    2. Ramsha Jahangir - Journalist 
    3. Zoya Anwer - Independent Journalist 
    4. Afifa Nasar Ullah - Multimedia journalist/foreign correspondent at Deutsche Welle.
  • Sheema Siddiqui- Geo TV Karachi 
  • Mudassir Zeb - Crimes Reporter Daily Aksriyat Peshawar.
  • Nasreen Jabeen - Daily Jang Peshawar
  1. Aftab Mohammad - Dialogue Pakistan 
  2. Anees Takar - Frontier Post, Radio Aman Network 
  3. Unbreen Fatima- Deutsche Welle
  4. Khalida Niaz- Tribal News Network 
  5. Naheed Jahangir- Assistant Media Manager 
  6. Fozia Ghani- Freelance Journalist
  7. Ayesha Saghir- Express News
  8. Aamir Akhtar - Freelance Investigate Journalist  Swabi, GTV News/Such News
  9. Rani Wahidi - Correspondent, Deutsche Welle (DW) Urdu  
  10. Fahmidah Yousfi- Rava Documentary
  11. Kamran Ali- Reporter- Aaj News 
  12. Jamaima Afridi- Freelance Journalist
  13. Fatima Razzaq- Lok Sujag 
  14. Umaima Ahmed- Global Voices
  15. Najia Asher President GNMI
  16. Sanam Junejo - Associated Press of Pakistan
  17. Asma Kundi-
  18. Maryam Nawaz- Geo News
  19. Lubna Jarrar - Freelance Journalist
  20. Sumaira Ashraf-  Video journalist DW
  21. Laiba hussan - Aaj news
  22. Uroosa Jadoon- Geo News 
  23. Tanzeela Mazhar GTV 
  24. Ayesha Rehman - Geo News 
  25. Najia Mir - Anchor/Producer KTN News
  26. Afia Salam- Freelance Journalist
  27. Farieha Aziz - Co-founder, Bolo Bhi
  28. Mehmal Sarfraz-  Journalist
  29. Benazir Shah-  Editor, Geo Fact Check
  30. Mahjabeen Abid- PTV National Multan 
  31. Zainab Durrani - Senior Program Manager, Digital Rights Foundation 
  32. Nadia Malik - Senior Executive Producer Geo News
  33. Annam Lodhi - Freelance Journalist 
  34. Fatima Sheikh - Freelance Journalist/ Communications Executive at CEJ-IBA
  35. Maryam Saeed - Editor Digital 50.50
  36. Rabia Mushtaq - Senior Sub-editor,
  37. Nadia Naqi, Dawn News

February 19, 2024 - Comments Off on Demanding Accountability, Transparency, and Support for Domestic Violence survivors/victims in the Media Industry

Demanding Accountability, Transparency, and Support for Domestic Violence survivors/victims in the Media Industry


PAKISTAN: The Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWDJR) is not only deeply concerned but fiercely angered at yet another instance of brutal domestic violence by the male members of the journalist community. This time, the alleged perpetrator is an influential media person, an ARY anchor named Ashfaque Ishaq Satti. 


Enough is enough; we are appalled at the criminal justice systems and institutions permeated with patriarchy that condone violence against women, dismissing it as a mere “personal or private dispute.” Domestic violence is criminalised in Pakistan under the Domestic Violence (Protection and Prevention) Act 2020. Additionally, the dignity of an individual is a fundamental right protected in the Constitution of Pakistan, and dismissing it as “a personal” matter is incongruous when the law specifically safeguards it as a human right. Domestic violence is the result of deep-rooted political structures and power dynamics that are intrinsically oppressive and patriarchal. We strongly believe that the personal is political, and for women, the challenges they face in their personal lives--the double shift due to inequitable distribution of care and domestic work, violence within the home, harassment in work and public places, online abuse directed at them--impacts and often puts their lives in danger. 


We have not forgotten the murder of Shaheena Shaheen at the hands of her husband, another perpetrator from the media fraternity. NWJDR has also received individual testimonies from its members of women journalists who are facing severe domestic abuse and violence from their partners who are also part of the media industry, and holding influential positions. Through the countless testimonies we have received, we foresee a new and dangerous trend of male journalists perpetrating violence in their relationships, highlighting a bleak picture that needs urgent action. 


As reported by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) in 2020, over 90% of Pakistani women have faced domestic violence in their lifetime. According to a media report in Express Tribune in 2022, “data released under the Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act 2013, cases of domestic violence saw an increase in the last five years. Same is the situation in courts; an estimated forty percent of cases in courts are family cases, and the remaining sixty percent involve crimes like murder, kidnapping and theft. For example, if a court has 150 total cases for hearing, at least eighty-five cases are family cases, mainly of violence”. How many more women will have to become victims of domestic abuse for it to be taken seriously? 


Domestic violence is often an underreported crime due to the stigma surrounding it and because of the lack of accessibility to complaint mechanisms for victims. Women are not believed; even when they provide evidence of abuse there is a hue and cry on how there are “two sides” to the story. How men use influence in cases of domestic violence to evade accountability and impunity is not uncommon. Law enforcement agencies, including the police, also force the survivors of abuse to reach a settlement outside the court, again reiterating how a “private” matter should remain within the confines of the house and associating ‘family honor’ with a woman’s dignity and identity. 


The concerns that women face should be taken seriously and acted upon, and in cases where male journalists are involved, media outlets as well as the government must respond immediately to ensure that influence is not exercised to evade legal action.  State inaction sends a message to women that they are on their own and in the long term discourages them from speaking up against abuse and filing a complaint. The challenges that women face before they actually speak up are already humongous; from living in close proximity with the perpetrators who are constantly surveilling their physical movement and devices to going back to the same house after registering a complaint can cost women their lives.  


Additionally NWJDR acknowledges and appreciates the step taken by ARY Management to immediately suspend Ashfaq Satti till the law takes its course and decides the matter. It is a promising step on how our society should have zero tolerance for violence against women. However, a lot more needs to be done before to prevent the menace of domestic violence in our country.


We, the undersigned, demand the following:


  1. We call upon media outlets to thoroughly investigate allegations against their personnel and take prompt and decisive action against individuals found guilty of domestic violence. Media organizations must not shield perpetrators and should instead prioritize the safety and well-being of women who are subjected to human rights abuses.
  2. We urge law enforcement agencies, especially the police, to handle cases of domestic violence with the seriousness they deserve. Survivor complaints should be thoroughly and impartially investigated, and survivors should not be coerced into settling outside the court. The police should actively pursue legal action against perpetrators, ensuring that the law is applied without influence or bias.
  3. We call upon the National Commission of Human Rights (NCHR) to proactively intervene in cases of domestic violence, particularly those involving perpetrators from the media industry. This includes conducting independent investigations into reported incidents, ensuring the protection of survivors, and holding perpetrators accountable under the law.
  4. We urge press clubs and journalist unions to actively condemn such grave incidents and avoid using their influence to silence or pressure women survivors of domestic violence to save male members of the media fraternity. These organizations must prioritize the safety and well-being of their members over protecting individuals accused of such heinous acts.
  5. Domestic abuse leaves a lasting impact on mental health and well being of the victim. The government must provide free psychological assistance to the victims.
  6. Healthcare in Pakistan is not easy and free to obtain especially when a case has been registered with the police. The government must ensure setting up sections in hospitals where victims are provided with free medical treatment.



  Name Organization Location
1 Bushra Iqbal Multimedia Journalist Islamabad
2 Laiba Zainab The Current Lahore
3 Madiha Abid Ali Anchor Person  PTV News Islamabad
4 Khalida Niaz sub editor TNN Peshawar
5 Lubna Jerar Naqvi Freelance Journalist Karachi
6 Zeenat Bibi Freelance  Journalist Peshawar
7 Asma Sherazi Senior Anchor, journalist Islamabad
8 Zainab Durrani Senior Program Manager DRF  
9 Xari Jalil Editor/Co-founder, Voicepk Lahore
10 Afshan Mansab Native media Lahore
11 Saddia Mazhar DW Urdu  
12 Umaima Ahmed Global Voices Lahore
13 Mahwish Fakhar Dawn TV Islamabad
14 Saeeda Salarzai Freelance  
15 Unbreen Fatima Freelance Journalist Karachi
16 Fozia Ghani Freelance Lahore
17 Ayesha Saghir Express News Lahore
18 Fahmidah Yousfi Rava Documentary Karachi
19 Salma jehangir TNN Peshawar
20 Sheeama Siddiqui Geo Karachi
21 Pernia Khan Freelance Lahore
22 Mahjabeen abid Pakistan Television Multan
23 Tanzeela Mazhar GTV Islamabad
24 Tayyaba Nisar Khan PTV World Islamabad
25 Ayesha Khalid Comms Manager, Media Matters for Democracy  
26 Rabia Mushtaq Karachi
27 Afia Salam  Environmental journalist Karachi
28 Fatima Razzaq, Journalist, CEO Lok Sujag  
29 Samina Chaudhary APP Islamabad
30 Tehreem Azeem Freelance Lahore
31 Bilal Azmat SM Executive   Dawn    Islamabad
32 Bushra Pasha DW Karachi
33 Moazzam Bhatti Freelance journalist Islamabad
34 Zoya Anwer, Freelance Journalist  
35 Miranda Husain, Editor and Journalist Lahore
36 Fauzia Kalsoom Rana Founder and Convenor Women journalists Association of Pakistan WJAP Islamabad
37 Islam Gul Afridi Correspondent,Special broadcasting Services Peshawar
38 Dr. Rabia Noor ARY News Lahore
39 Sanam junejo APP Islamabad
40 Nabila Feroz Bhatti Freelance Journalist Lahore
41 Asma Kundi,  
42 Maryam Nawaz Geo news Islamabad
43 Xari Jalil Lahore
44 Sabahat Khan Freelance Islamabad
45 Sarah B. Haider Freelance journalist Islamabad
46 Mahnoor shakeel Freelance journalist Mardan
47 Ambreen Sikander GTV News Karachi
48 ShaziaMehboob Tribune Islamabad
49 Aneela Ashraf Freelance Journalist & Founder Journalists Save Movement Multan
50 Sumeira Ashraf Head of assignment and planning at 24 news HD Islamabad
51 Shawaiz Tahir Samaa Tv Islamabad
52 Beena Sarwar Founder Editor, Sapan News Network Boston
53 Ali Jabir Malik Reporter, APP                                         Islamabad 
54 Haya Fatima Iqbal Co Founder, Documentary Association of Pakistan  
55 Syeda Mehr Mustafa Freelancer  
56 Zeenat Shehzadi Investigative Journalist  
57 Zunaira Rafi We News Urdu  
58 Sophia Siddiqui Chief Editor Glory Magazine Islamabad
59 Maryam Saeed Editor Digital 50.50 Digital Rights Foundation  
60 Mehr F Husain Editor, The Friday Times/ Publisher, ZUKA Lahore/Dubai
61 Kainat Malik Chief Editor Jamal e jahan Rajanpur
62 Wajeeha aslam Samaa news manager special project Lahore
63 Rabia Anum Tv Host  
64 Marian Sharaf Joseph Freelance Journalist Lahore
65 Ismat Jabeen DW Correspondent Islamabad
66 Shinza nawaz PTV Islamabad
67 Ali Tanoli Geo News Islamabad
68 Nadir Guramani Anchor, journalist, Dawn news Islamabad
69 Qurrat ul Ain Shirazi Roving CorrespondentThe Independent Urdu Islamabad
70 Fatima Ali Correspondent Independent Urdu Lahore
71 Fauzia Yazdani    
72 Beenish Javed Freelance journalist Islamabad /Berlin
73 Jamaima Afridi Freelance Journalist  
74 Asad Ali Toor freelance journalist  
75 Arifa Noor Dawn tv Islamabad
76 Sabah Bano Malik Freelance journalist, Radio Host CityFM89 Karachi
77 Haroon Rasheed Indy Urdu  
78 Mehmal Sarfraz Journalist Lahore
79 Naheed jehangir Assistant media manager lady Reading Hospital Peshawar
80 Maryam Zia Anchor, PTV World  
81 Muhammad Faheem Mashriq Peshawar
82 Anam Baloch Comms Manager, Digital Rights Foundation Lahore
83 Sualeha Qureshi Director, Soch Media Karachi


February 13, 2024 - Comments Off on January 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk

January 2024 Newsletter: Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk

Digital Rights Foundation launched its Election Desk. You can follow the initiative on social media through #DRFElectionDesk. And on our website -

Policy Initiatives: 

DRF Election Desk

6 Point Agenda on Digital Rights Protections For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos

DRF's Election Desk has identified six key digital rights issues, and we urge political parties to include them in their manifestos due to the inextricable connection between online and offline spaces. 

Read the entire agenda here:


6-Point Agenda on Media Freedom And Journalist Safety For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos

More than 100 journalists and members of civil society signed the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights'  6-Point Agenda on Media Freedom And Journalist Safety For Political Parties’ Electoral Manifestos.


Read the entire agenda here:


Spotting Generative Content

  1. Unnecessary details: Extra fingers and warped backdrops.
  2. Repetitive imagery: Keep an eye on skin, clothing, or items.
  3. Disruptive lighting: Physics-defying highlights and shadows!
  4. Background error: Look for smooth or distorted backdrops!
  5. Unusual objects: Search for colors spilling over lines or floating hair!
  6. Reflections and Transparency: AI may alter reality in reflective materials!
  7. Facial features and movements: Distorted features? AI could be at play!
  8. Text errors: Typos, incorrect fonts, or formatting issues? Artificial intelligence could be the culprit!
  9. Lack of Analysis: Short sentences, repeated words, and meaningless content - classic AI giveaways!


WhatsApp Disinformation Tipline

If you come across misleading content online, please contact Mithu via our WhatsApp Disinformation Tip Line at +9203013249539.


Statement by Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) - Demanding Accountability, Transparency, and Support for Domestic Violence survivors/victims in the Media Industry

83 journalists, including male journalists, signed Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights’ statement raising their voices against domestic violence, condemning the alleged case of domestic violence committed by a TV anchor, and demanding the state take measures to address this menace. 


Read the full statement here:


Hamara Internet Mahfooz Internet - Digital Citizenship Program

DRF’s 'Hamara Internet Mehfooz Internet' project brought a wave of digital literacy & safety to Lahore's public schools by the end of 2023.


Training 1417 students, 138 teachers, and 31 digital rights youth ambassadors, this initiative is about building a safer digital world for our youth.


Data Privacy Day 2024

Digital Rights Foundation conducted research on 'Data Privacy in Pakistan's Healthcare Sector'. And on this #DataPrivacyDay2024, it is critical to highlight the research available to us to work on data privacy in Pakistan and it is time to #TakeControlofYourData.


Cyber Harassment Helpline Awareness

Press Coverage: 

Nighat speaking to Wilton Park, Executive Agency of Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office UK

Speaking at Wilton Park’s  event on human rights and new & emerging technology,  DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad reflected on the need to safeguard human rights in tech development & design.


Nighat Dad on Bol News Network

Executive Director of DRF, Nighat Dad, spoke with Bol News about the challenges of combating disinformation in the era of AI and Generative AI. She says we're not prepared to deal with disinformation in this manner.


The deepfake elections are here | Context

DRF’s Executive Director, Nighat Dad, wrote an opinion piece for  Context: "The harsh truth is that deep fakes and synthetic media can indeed influence the mindset of voters, and eventually affect the results of elections."


Nighat Dad on PTV News 

Nighat Dad, DRF’s Executive Director, went on PTV News to talk about Pakistan’s General Election 2024 and the rampant disinformation online. She explained the meaning of fake news, deep fake & AI generated disinformation that will impact General Election 2024 in Pakistan & how we are just not prepared to handle it.


Nighat Dad on Neo TV

Nighat Dad went on Sahafi program on Neo TV to answer some important questions in relation with the General Elections of Pakistan 2024: 

How is propaganda done? How can deep fake and fake news be countered? How prepared is Pakistan to tackle fake news?

Watch it here:


DRF on Jhoot Such

DRF’s Program Lead Seerat Khan spoke to PTV News’s Jhoot Such about Cyber Stalking and the perils associated with it.


Link to talk:

DRF’s Sr. Project Manager Zainab Durrani talked to PTV’s Jhoot Such about the role of AI and Gen AI in the upcoming General Elections in Pakistan 2024. 


Link to talk:


DRF on Awami Mukalma: Countering Online Hate Speech in Pakistan’s Election Discourse 

DRF’s Programs Lead Seerat Khan spoke on Awami Mukalma on countering hate speech in Pakistan’s Election Discourse. Seerat shared insights on what is hate speech and the importance of countering hate speech and reporting it during election time. She was joined on the panel by Asad Baig from Media Matters for Democracy and journalist Adil Shahzeb. 


Link to talk:


DRF in Press

1 Electronic Frontier Foundation Joint Statement on the Proposed Cybercrime Treaty Ahead of the Concluding Session
2 Economic Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
3 The Hindu Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
4 Telecom | The Economic Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before elections
5 Phone World Doctored Videos Of Politicians Circulate In India, Pakistan Ahead Of Elections 2024
6 The Friday Times Political Parties Urged To Include Digital Protections In Electoral Manifestos
7 BNN Digital Rights Foundation Calls for Inclusion of Digital Rights in Pakistan’s Electoral Platforms
8 The Current Legal fraternity criticizes Justice Naqvi’s resignation over expected perks
9 The CS Monitor Could TikTok hoaxes tip upcoming South Asian elections?
10 Context News The deep fake elections are here
11 Urdu Point Digital rights activist calls for public awareness of fake news
12 Dawn Online rallies, AI script: New threats loom ahead of 2024 polls
13 Pi News Digital rights activist calls for public awareness of fake news
14 Minute Mirror Digital Rights Foundation unveils 6-point agenda on media freedom, journalist safety ahead of general elections
15 The Nation Social media, internet services reportedly down again in parts of Pakistan
16 The News Fintech industry for kids faces cybersecurity risks: experts
17 100 Journalists Sign Agenda For Inclusion Of Media, Digital Rights In Party Manifesto
18 Gulf Times Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before polls
19 Ifex Looking ahead: Censorship, AI, disinformation, and repression undermining elections
20 Nikkei Asia Pakistan social media outages squeeze Imran Khan party's last bastion
21 The Nation Demanding accountability, transparency, and support for domestic violence survivors/victims in the media industry
22 The Media Line Press Under Fire: Concerns Rise for Journalistic Freedoms in Pakistan After Reporters Summoned for Defaming Judiciary
23 TechPolicy.Press A Growing Number of Women Activists Confront Technology and Gender-Based Violence
24 The Minute Mirror 83 journalists of Pakistan take firm stand for Nomaika Ashfaque Satti



DRF at Alan Turing Institute at London School of Economics

DRF's Research Lead, Maryam Saeed, spoke at a panel hosted by the Alan Turing Institute in collaboration with the London School of Economics' Media and Communications Department. Alan Turing's data justice documentary was also shown at the event as part of their Advancing Data Justice Research Project, which included DRF as one of 12 global policy partners.


Watch the documentary here:


Policy Dialogue at LUMS

DRF's Legal Team, represented by Irum Shujah and Shafia Imran, attended the Policy Dialogue event organized by the Directorate General Social Welfare & Bait ul Maal, Punjab, at LUMS. The legal team actively shaped the discourse around the forthcoming policy document to the Social Welfare and Bait ul Maal Department, Punjab.


During this dialogue, the legal team advocated for crucial aspects of digital inclusion and protection while emphasizing the need for digital literacy programs, robust data protection measures, and the importance of user-friendly online services. Additionally, the team underscored the importance of cybersecurity awareness and proposed collaboration with DRF to tackle evolving digital challenges.


TikTok CPC Training

DRF was invited to attend a training session on the new escalation system designed by TikTok. The Cyber Harassment Helpline team attended and has already started to use the new portal for escalating user complaints. 


Capacity building workshops in Islamabad and Karachi

DRF organized a series of three in-person capacity building workshops on navigating technology-facilitated online harms during the upcoming elections in Pakistan. Through our series of workshops, we aimed to build the capacity of social media users on different forms and nature of technology-facilitated online harms and the best practices to ensure that the digital spaces are accessible and their participation is safe in the charged political environment during the elections. The second workshop was held on 11th January in Islamabad with 25 participants and the third workshop was held on 18th January in Karachi with 28 participants from diverse religious backgrounds. They shared their experiences of online spaces and how it has impacted their lives in the real world.


Digital Citizen Program in Government Schools:

After the winter break, DRF held two sessions in government high schools in Lahore. 355 students (females and males) and 33 teachers were informed about ways of staying safe in online spaces and reporting mechanisms in case of harassment or bullying. The participants were given gift bags with online safety resources and stationary.

Cyberbullying and online safety session at LGS International 

DRF’s program lead Seerat Khan conducted a session on ‘'Cyberbullying and online safety’' at the LGS International school which was attended by 80 students from middle school. Students enthusiastically participated in the session and asked questions about specific online safety practices they should be keeping in mind. 


Source Verification and Fact-checking workshop for Journalists during Elections held in Peshawar 

DRF conducted a session on source verification and fact-checking in Peshawar with the support of Meta keeping in mind the upcoming general elections. The one day workshop addressed the emergence of disinformation and misinformation during elections and how to tackle and report dis/misinformation during this time and was attended by 30 journalists from Peshawar and adjacent areas. 


DRF Updates: 

Cyber Harassment Helpline 


The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 260 complaints in total in January, with 127 complaints by men. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.

January 16, 2024 - Comments Off on DRF launches Disinformation Whatsapp Tipline to counter Gendered Disinformation during the elections

DRF launches Disinformation Whatsapp Tipline to counter Gendered Disinformation during the elections

December 21, 2023

Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) in collaboration with Meedan and Check has launched the Disinformation Whatsapp Tipline to counter growing gendered disinformation and misinformation during the elections. The WhatsApp Tipline is a move towards documenting instances of growing disinformation which is shaping narratives and reinforcing online harms like hate speech and technology facilitated-gender-based violence in Pakistan, particularly during election time. 

The WhatsApp Tipline is available in both Urdu and English and can be reached at 0301-3249539. Mithu, an interactive bot, greets users at the Tipline and collects content that is false, sexist, and misogynistic in nature which can be in the form of text, pictures, videos and audio. To share content on the Tipline all one needs to do is share links or the content itself on the WhatsApp number and their response will be recorded by Mithu. With the upcoming elections, there will be a rise of disinformation particularly targeting women politicians, journalists and human rights defenders which will translate into offline spaces. The WhatsApp tipline is a step to counter these harmful narratives stemming from social media platforms in such a crucial democratic moment. 

DRF’s Nighat Dad noted, ‘We’re seeing a rise in harmful content online particularly with respect to gendered disinformation with the use of false information manipulating the masses and the use of sexist and misogynistic narratives that are perpetuating harms. These attacks are well coordinated and planned and seem to be adding to offline harms of individuals, particularly women human rights defenders and journalists. The tipline is one step towards documenting these and ensuring to make Hamara Internet a safer space for all.’

Digital Rights Foundation is a registered research-based NGO in Pakistan. Founded in 2012, DRF focuses on ICTs to support human rights, inclusiveness, democratic processes, and digital governance. DRF works on issues of online free speech, privacy, data protection and online violence against women.

QR Code for Disinformation Whatsapp Tipline

For more information log on: 



Nighat Dad 
[email protected] 

Hyra Basit 
[email protected] 

Seerat Khan
[email protected]

January 16, 2024 - Comments Off on Digital Rights Foundation’s Conference on Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities

Digital Rights Foundation’s Conference on Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities

December 15, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) held a conference titled, ‘Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities’ on Friday, 15th December 2023 in Islamabad. DRF’s conference addressed the lack of discourse relating to online freedoms in the country particularly with the rise of hate speech and disinformation against vulnerable and at-risk communities in Pakistan. The conference brought together experts from across the country with two panels that highlighted DRF’s engagements and redressal mechanisms available in the country for at-risk communities in Pakistan.

The event started off with welcome remarks by Seerat Khan Programs Lead at DRF in which she highlighted the particular vulnerabilities that religious minorities face in the country, especially with respect to rising hate speech and disinformation. Nighat Dad, Executive Director at Digital Rights Foundation also noted that “With the upcoming elections we see how harmful content pertaining to religious minorities in the country is increasing, particularly (the elements of) disinformation and hate speech. The rise in hate speech and disinformation will be even more rapid with the use of AI and generative AI which is quite concerning. The Election Commission and government institutions need to address this and include hate speech in the code of conduct for political parties that the Commission is developing. Social media platforms also need to do more to address how hate speech and disinformation spread and impact they have on at-risk communities in countries like Pakistan.”

In 2021, DRF conducted a research on "Religious Minorities in Online Spaces (2021)," addressing communities' vulnerabilities to attacks, disinformation campaigns, harassment, and hate speech. The research mapped the experiences of religious minorities in online spaces and through surveys and interviews, we found a majority of respondents for the aforementioned research experienced online negativity, including backlash or threats on the basis of religious affiliation and/or a combination of factors.

The first panel of the conference, ‘Navigating Digital Boundaries: Combating Online Hate Speech and Disinformation’ was a conversation about the challenges posed by online hate speech and disinformation targeting at-risk communities. The panel was moderated by Senior Program Manager Zainab Durrani and included NCHR Secretary Mr. Kamran Rajar, Dr. Shoaib Suddle, One Man Commission for Minorities, Academic Dr. Ayra Patras, Journalist Sajjad Azhar and Director of Bolo Bhi, Usama Khilji. The panelists shed light on how online hate speech and disinformation manifest online and how to combat these as a community together.

Dr. Ayra Patras said,”When religious minority communities are ostracized in real life then you see the replication of this behavior online as well. We see more hate speech and there are no recompense mechanisms in place that actually work.” She added,”The social discrimination faced by these communities germinates into social exclusion and the consequences are far-reaching and become entrenched in real life.

The second panel of the event was on ‘Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensuring Equal Access for All’ which was moderated by Programs Lead Seerat Khan. The panel was joined by NCHR Member Minorities Manzoor Masih, Former Senator Farahtullah Baber, Community Leader and Activist Sunil Gulzar Khan and Cyber Harassment Helpline Manager Hyra Basit. The panel addressed mechanisms needed to ensure safe spaces for at-risk communities, particularly in light of the upcoming elections and the need for community building and resilience.

Senator Farhatullah Babar said,”The discussion around digital divide is very timely in light of  the upcoming elections. In Pakistan, media has played a great role in elections and online disinformation is a very real issue.” He added,”It is very important to considers all actors complicit in the online disinformation campaign and more than most, its the state is complicit”. He advocated for the Election Commission of Pakistan to develop a code of conduct for media house that is focused on combating disinformation on social media.

Digital Rights Foundation is a registered research-based NGO in Pakistan. Founded in 2012, DRF focuses on ICTs to support human rights, inclusiveness, democratic processes, and digital governance. DRF works on issues of online free speech, privacy, data protection and online violence against women.
For more information log on:


Nighat Dad 
[email protected]

Seerat Khan
[email protected]

Anam Baloch
[email protected]

January 11, 2024 - Comments Off on December 2023 Newsletter: DRF holds Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities Conference

December 2023 Newsletter: DRF holds Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities Conference

Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) held a conference ‘Countering Digital Threats and Building Resilience of Communities’ on 15th December 2023 in Islamabad. The conference brought together experts from across the country to discuss digital safety, online religious freedoms and building a safer Hamara Internet and countering hate speech and disinformation for greater access to the internet for all.

Press Coverage:

We News
Pak Profile
Jehan Pakistan
Express Tribune
Pak Observer
The Friday Times
Minute Mirror
The Destination
The Spokesman
Islamabad Post
DRF’s Legal Team wins case against ARY in favor of Journalist Asma Shirazi

We laud the recent decision of the Islamabad High Court by Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani in "Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 16 of 2023, Asma Shirazi versus Council of Complaints through Secretary" in support of Asma Shirazi, a senior female journalist in Pakistan. Represented by the all-women legal team from DRF, which included Nighat Dad, Irum Shujah, Aqsa Javed, Shafia Imran Lati, and Minahil Farooq, this legal victory against the state-owned media watchdog's complaint body marks a significant milestone. It signifies a crucial step in holding accountable those responsible for spreading disinformation, especially when their targets are women journalists. This verdict represents a noteworthy moment in Pakistan's legal landscape. We appreciate the established precedent that now empowers journalists to raise their voices against entities and individuals attempting to tarnish their credibility and work.

Read the judgement here:

Nighat Dad at UNSG AI High Level Advisory Board meeting

Nighat Dad attended the UNSG AI High Level Advisory Board meeting where she worked on setting a robust foundation for a report on AI harms, opportunities and AI governance. This report poised to shape how AI intertwines with our societal fabric. Nighat worked with Antonio Guterres, UN General Secretary, who amidst the Security Council meeting, spent number of hours to engage in discussions about AI governance with the members of the High-Level Advisory Body on AI.

Policy Initiatives:

High-Level Advisory Body on AI | Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity

The United Nations' High-Level Advisory Body on AI launched its "Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity" discusses the global governance deficit in AI and makes preliminary recommendations. The report emphasizes the importance of inclusive, public-interest-focused governance, integrating AI with data governance, and basing AI governance on the UN Charter, International Human Rights Law, and the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines the institutional functions required for international AI governance, such as conducting regular assessments of AI's future directions, developing standards, and promoting international collaboration. The report advocates for a balanced approach in which AI benefits humanity while mitigating risks.

Read the entire report here:

#16DaysofActivism Campaign
  • Digital Art Competition: DRF’s program team held a digital art exhibition of feminist digital art in Pakistan with 6 digital artists on the topic ‘AI and Generative AI’s Impact on Technology- Facilitated Gender-based Violence in South Asia.’
  • Digital Art Competition Winners Live Chat:

  • Link to video:
  • Countering Digital Threats Toolkit Launch | X Space
  • DRF’s legal team discussed our “Countering Digital Threats” toolkit. They shared information on cybercrimes, relevant laws, and steps on how to keep yourself safe online. It is a go-to manual for a secure online world.

    Link to space:

  • 75th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Saanjhi Kahaniyan

DRF's communications team wrote & co-directed 'Saanjhi Kahaniyan: Diverse Experiences of Individuals Online', a theater play about DRF's Cyber Harassment Helpline cases. The play depicted vulnerable people's online experiences.

Watch the play here:

Press Coverage:

Nighat Dad speaks to Hum News about AI

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad talked to Hum News about how AI has the potential to change the world, but we must take into account the dire consequences of misusing AI and Generative AI & find ways to govern it globally. This is what she as a member of UN's AI Advisory Body focus on.

Unmasking the Epidemic of Womens Abuse | Daily Times

The article discusses the severe issue of women's abuse in Balochistan, Pakistan, particularly focusing on teenage girls facing cyberbullying. It highlights the situation in cities like Quetta and Turbat, where young girls preparing for medical college admission tests are subjected to cyberbullying. The Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) is mentioned in reference to its 2018 report, which revealed that 72% of Pakistani women subjected to cyberbullying experienced various forms of online persecution, impacting their education and well-being. The article calls for comprehensive strategies to address these issues, including educational reforms and legal measures.


Nighat Dad at the 75th Anniversary of Genocide Convention - Human Rights Council

DRF's Executive Director Nighat Dad spoke on the 75th Anniversary of Genocide Convention - Human Rights Council addressing the role of social media platforms in response to content that incites violence and discrimination.

Watch it here:

Nighat Dad speaks at Human Rights 75 – High-level Event by UN

Nighat Dad spoke at the UN 75 High-level Event "The Future of Human Rights and Digital Technologies," and said that now that we're talking about emerging tech and how governments will make frameworks and policies, we should take a pause and actually think about what we've done in the past 15 years, and whether we're not making the same mistakes as before. Are we thinking about the existing international human rights frameworks and CSO interventions? That, I believe, should be our starting point.

Watch it here:

One Day Self-care Wellbeing Workshop

DRF in collaboration with Dr. Nabiha Chaudhary held a one-day participatory workshop with women human rights defenders on 12th December 2023. The workshop addressed the specific needs of woman human rights defenders relating to self-care and well-being and also addressed burnout that individuals face in the field.

Source Verification and Fact-Checking Workshop During Elections

DRF in collaboration with Meta held a one-day workshop on source verification and fact-checking workshop in times of elections in Lahore with 30 journalists. The workshop addressed election-specific disinformation, misinformation and hate speech and presented tools to participants for verifying the authenticity of the news.

Capacity Building Workshop in Lahore

DRF is organizing a series of three in-person capacity building workshops on navigating technology-facilitated online harms during the upcoming elections Pakistan. Through our series of workshops, we aim to build the capacity of social media users on different forms and nature of technology-facilitated online harms and the best practices to ensure that the digital spaces are accessible and their participation is safe in the charged political environment during the elections. The first was held on 12th December in Lahore with 36 participants from diverse religious backgrounds. They shared their experiences of online spaces and how it has impacted their lives in the real world.

IFEX Generative AI Cafecito

DRF attended the session “Hey, ChatGPT? We have Questions!” - IFEX’s virtual Cafecito on the implications of Generative AI for our work and our world on 5th December. The event focused on the adoption of generative AI and the human rights implications due to it. Conversations around the potential impact of generative AI on the work of human rights defenders and civil society also took place in the session in breakout groups. DRF’s programs lead Seerat Khan facilitate a breakout session for the closed event.

DRF Updates:

Cyber Harassment Helpline

The Cyber Harassment Helpline received 159 complaints in total December, with 90 complaints by women. If you’re encountering a problem online, you can reach out to our helpline at 0800-39393, email us at [email protected] or reach out to us on our social media accounts. We’re available for assistance from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

IWF Portal

DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu, and Pashto.

Meta along with Revenge Porn Helpline (RPH) has launched a portal to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII). NCII is a free portal for reporting cases of sensitive or sexual content existing online. Once you report a case, the necessary steps will be taken to block the images from the platform.



With the upcoming general elections in Pakistan, the Digital Rights Foundation urges political parties to include six key digital rights issues in their manifestos. This is crucial for a robust democracy, enabling citizens to scrutinize the new government effectively. The issues range from funding AI research initiatives and establishing a robust data protection regime, including enacting Data Protection Law, to PECA amendments and law enforcement capacity building. Additionally, it involves parliamentary oversight on the FIA’s Cyber Crime Wing, monitoring the actions of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, conducting human rights impact assessments on tech tools and cyber policies, bridging digital divide across Pakistan and revising existing tech policies that are detrimental to fundamental rights in the digital age.

1. Institute Parliamentary Oversight, Impact Assessment and Human Rights Audits:
    • Ensure effective and robust parliamentary oversight of the FIA under Section 53 of the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016, while ensuring alignment with human rights principles.
    • Convene a multi-stakeholder committee, inclusive of legal experts, human rights advocates, and technology professionals, to amend the problematic and vague sections of PECA.
      • Defamation should be removed as a criminal offense by repealing Section 20 of the ‘Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016’ and Section 499/500 of the Pakistan Penal Code in compliance with General Comment No. 34, Human Rights Committee.
      • Section 37 of the ‘Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016’ should be repealed and ‘Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight and Safeguards), Rules 2021’ should be denotified, and all laws concerning freedom of expression should be amended to remove vague/overbroad criteria for online content moderation.
    • Initiate a comprehensive impact assessment of the Federal Investigation Agency's Cyber Crime Wing, with a focus on evaluating its effectiveness and adherence to human rights standards. Ensure the findings of impact assessments lead to amendments and improvements to the existing structure, capacity, objectives and rules and protocols that aim to safeguard vulnerable groups rather than harm them.
    • Establish and implement effective transparency and accountability measures through mandatory human rights audits, such as through the National Commission on Human Rights, of state agencies and bodies regarding the acquisition of technologies used to regulate digital content, communications and data.
2. Ensure Digital Accessibility and Inclusion:
      • Make a firm commitment to prohibit and prevent arbitrary internet shutdowns that hamper the citizen’s access to the internet, a fundamental right and one essential for the exercise of other human rights. Pay particular attention to the internet shutdown in the ex-FATA area which has lasted more than 7 years since its issuance in June 2016. Despite some progress in 2021 regarding the restoration of the internet in some parts overall access in these regions remain precarious as services are frequently re-suspended on vague security grounds.
      • Ensure the incorporation of digital accessibility standards into national policies, such as the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), to ensure that website content and online services and platforms are accessible for individuals with disabilities and language constraints.
      • Invest in the expansion of reliable and affordable internet infrastructure, prioritizing rural and underserved areas to bridge the digital divide for this demographic and women and girls. Additionally, collaborate with technology providers to ensure the availability of budget-friendly and user-friendly devices, catering specifically to the needs of women and girls.

3. Protect Online Freedoms: Right to Privacy, Assembly and Association & Freedom of Expression

      • Amend the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 to align it with the international human rights standards. Initiate transparent and inclusive consultations with relevant stakeholders to make the bill human rights centric as the current bill falls short of ensuring protection of people, their data and rights.  Ensure that the law requires establishing an independent oversight body which has substantive powers to hold private and public bodies accountable for breaches of citizens’ privacy and data security and finally enact data protection law in order to protect personal data of citizens of Pakistan.
      • Ensure Constitutional guarantees including the right to online freedom of assembly and association under Article 16. Make explicit guarantees to stop blocking of digital communications to prevent public gatherings and mobilisation under section 54(3) of the ‘Pakistan Telecommunications Act 1996’. 
      • Implement safeguards to prevent the misuse of cybercrime laws on the freedom of expression of citizens, particularly individuals charged by authorities for online content deemed critical of public figures and institutions.
4. Ensure Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI):
        • Establish a dedicated AI Ethics Committee with inclusive representatives from civil society, academics, businesses, and technical experts to:
          • develop and adhere to clear Ethical Guidelines for the Use of AI by the State, particularly including the use of facial recognition systems and social media surveillance to ensure they are grounded in the human rights principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality.
          • continuously assess and update the guidelines to ensure that the development, design and deployment of AI technology is human rights centric and doesn’t exclude the experiences of marginalized communities.
5. Protect Rights of Businesses and IT Industry
    • Establish a task force comprising industry experts, businesses and policymakers to regularly review and update policies that impact the industry, fostering innovation and growth.
    • Implement inclusive policies and strategies that cater to the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the IT sector, such as providing access to finance, mentorship programs, and regulatory relief. 

Align national laws and regulations with international standards and treaties, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which ensure that businesses operate responsibly and respect human rights throughout their activities

6. Elevate Digital Literacy and Research on Tech and AI
      • Implement targeted digital literacy programs designed for women, girls and the transgender community aimed at fostering proficiency in fundamental computer literacy, internet navigation, and online safety practices, particularly focusing on the rural and fringe populations..
      • Incorporate comprehensive digital citizenship programs into education curricula, emphasizing responsible online behavior, ethical use of technology and AI, and digital rights awareness for children.
      • Enhance research infrastructure in Pakistan and foster collaboration with foreign research think tanks to expedite research on technology, digital rights, and AI, facilitating informed policies and strategies.
 General comment no. 34, Article 19, Freedoms of opinion and expression, UN. Human Rights Committee (102nd sess.:201:Geneva). Accessed at: