June 25, 2021 - Comments Off on May 2021 Newsletter: DRF Commemorates World Press Freedom Day 2021
May 2021 Newsletter: DRF Commemorates World Press Freedom Day 2021
Online Campaigns and Initiatives:

DRF Addresses the impact on COVID-19 on journalists for World Press Freedom Day 2021:
For the #WorldPressFreedomDay, DRF reflected on the struggles of the past year faced by journalists, including the rise in disinformation and the sudden change in how newsrooms are operated across the country, in addition to the risks to health posed by a global pandemic.

First 2021 Edition of the Digital 50.50 Feminist E-Magazine celebrates Women’s History Month:
The Digital Rights Foundation’s Digital 50.50 Feminist E-Magazine’s first edition for 2021 highlighted women’s history month, and the role of prominent women in Pakistan, in enacting major social change, and sheds light on the discrimination faced by these women that has silenced their acheivements. The magazine can be accessed here.
DRF is expanding the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR)
The network of women journalists for digital rights (@NWJDR) is looking for women journalists and reporters from across Pakistan, particularly individuals working with Urdu media platforms. The network aims to create a safe space and support network for women journalists. The network also connects its members to DRF's expert digital safety staff in case of compromises on their devices or other digital safety issues that they may face. Our Cyber Harassment Helpline is also available as a resource in case someone faces online harassment.
Click here to join theNWJDR network:
DRF highlighted the Digital Apartheid on social media
Whatsapp Account Update
Never forget to log out of your WhatsApp account after using it on your laptop or any other device. The new WhatsApp update will keep your WhatsApp account logged on several devices despite being active on your phone. Some of the most common complaints we get on our Helpline have to do with WhatsApp hacks. Use the three steps mentioned above to protect yourself.
Policy Initiatives:

DRF conducts study on “Cyber Harassment Against Female Journalists”:
The Digital Rights Foundation conducted a study on “Cyber Harassment Against Female Journalists”, in which they interviewed 60 journalists, and revealed that 55% of the respondents have been subjected to online abuse while 91% believe that online abuse is gendered. More importantly, 93% of the respondents believed that the state had failed to protect female journalists in online spaces.
DRF’s Cyber Harassment Helpline releases statistics for April 2021:
For the month of April, the Cyber Harassment Helpline received a total of 455 complaints (a 27% increase), in which 327 were women, 111 were men, 13 were minors and two transgender individuals. These numbers are a stark reminder that we must strive together to make the internet a safer space for everyone.
Media Coverage:

DRF’s Cyber Harassment Helpline featured in an article by BBC World News:
In an interview with BBC World News, our Cyber Harassment Helpline Manager, Jannat Fazal, talks about the digital gender divide in Pakistan and the kind of services being offered to vulnerable women at our Helpline. This article highlights how the pandemic affected women's online experiences the world over. It highlights how this is truly a global issue, one that we need to fight together. You can read the article here.
Nighat Dad featured by Women of the World:
Women of the World listed Nighat Dad, Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation, as one of the most prominent women in the country, highlighting her role in setting a precedent for digital security and privacy in Pakistan.
Link to article: https://artsandculture.google.com/story/yQWRVh7d36w05w
Nighat Dad was featured in IFEX’s Faces of Free expression
DRF’s executive director Nighat Dad was featured in the faces of free expression spotlight in which her experience of setting up Digital Rights Foundation and her achievements and accomplishments as an human rights defender were celebrated.
Link: https://www.ifep.io/faces
DRF’s Nighat Dad featured as the ‘Top 10 Tech Influencers in Pakistan’
DRF’s Nighat Dad has been featured as the ‘Top 10 Tech Influencers in Pakistan’. Her achievements have been highlighted among other pioneering tech influencers in the country.
Link to article: https://localwriter.pk/top-tech-influencers-of-pakistan/
Events and Sessions:

Panel Discussion on ‘The State of Journalism in Pakistan’:
Marking the World Press Freedom Day 2021 on the 3rd of May, the Digital Rights Foundation held a panel discussion on the ‘State of Journalism in Pakistan’. The discussion was moderated by Nighat Dad, with a diverse group of panelists, discussing the changes brought on by the global pandemic, and how information is a public good, especially in times of COVID 19.
Link to webinar: https://fb.watch/6hlWT9lXJj/

DRF featured in Privacy International’s Stockholm Internet Forum 2021:
At the annual Stockholm Internet Forum (2021), the Digital Rights Foundation was featured in a comprehensive panel discussion on “Global Lessons and Challenges to Advocate for Data Protection”. More details can be found here.

Nighat Dad featured in panel discussion for Beaconhouse’s School of Tomorrow Conference:
Nighat Dad, Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation, was featured in the Beaconhouse group’s School of Tomorrow (SOT) Virtual Conference, participating in a panel discussion on “Censorship, Human Endurance and Crossfires”. The conference can be accessed here.

Nighat Dad featured in panel discussion for Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum
In a panel discussion for the Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum (RBHR) for 2021, Nighat Dad joined esteemed panelists to discuss “Business and Human Rights in the Digital Era”, which highlighted the most prevalent issues in South Asia and reiterated the need for reform in digital spaces.
DRF’s session with LGS Phase 5 children
DRF conducted a session with 5th Graders for LGS Phase 5 on the 6th of May. These students were conducting a project on advocacy around data protection for their PYP project and members of our team (Zainab Durrani as well as ED Nighat Dad) walked them through the data protection landscape in Pakistan. The session also led to an online data protection advocacy campaign where the content was created by the students, highlighting why #ProtectMyData is the need of the hour.
COVID-19 Updates:
Cyber Harassment Helpline:
Cyber harassment helpline is now available 7 days a week from 9 am to 5 pm through its toll free number and social media platforms. You can contact the helpline on 080039393 or email us at [email protected] between 9 am to 5 pm (monday - friday). The helpline now also provides services to journalists like legal assistance and representation, counselling and digital safety and assistance.

Ab Aur Nahin:
In times of COVID19 domestic abuse is at an all time high where victims do not have anywhere to go. Ab Aur Nahin is a confidential legal and counselor support service specifically designed for victims of harassment and abuse. www.abaurnahin.pk
IWF Portal:
DRF in collaboration with Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and the Global Fund to End Violence Against Children launched a portal to combat children’s online safety in Pakistan. The new portal allows internet users in Pakistan to anonymously report child sexual abuse material in three different languages- English, Urdu and Pashto. www.report.iwf.org.uk/pk
Published by: Digital Rights Foundation in Newsletter
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