December 19, 2018 - Comments Off on Cyberbullying In Children and What You Can Do

Cyberbullying In Children and What You Can Do

Cyber harassment or cyberbullying is a form of harassment using digital means. It has become extremely common, especially among teenagers. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting threat, rumors, a victim’s personal information, pejorative labels or sexual remarks.  This can have a negative effect on a child’s social life and self esteem.According to the statistics of Digital Rights Foundation, the Cyber Harassment Helpline has received 58 calls from individuals under the age of 18 who were a victim of cyber harassment and bullying, This number is not only increasing but raising concerns about the safety of our children in the online sphere.

Common Signs of Cyberbullying:

Avoiding socializing
If you notice that your child is being private and secretive about his or her digital life or is showing anti-social behavior and is avoiding gatherings, you might want to check in on him or her and ask if everything is okay.
Bad behavior and bad performance in school
If you feel like your child has been acting out more than usual and notice that she or he is not performing well in school, that might be an indication of your child being harassed online.
Wanting to stop using phone/computer
If you notice that your child has not been using social media, phone or his/her computer as often as he or she used to you might want to check up on them.
Displays signs of emotional distress
If you’ve noticed that your child is showing emotional distress (eg. crying easily, not eating properly) or reacts to certain situations irrationally, there is a chance they might be a victim of cyberbullying.
What parents/Older siblings and schools can do
As parents, the most important thing you can do is to discuss cyberbullying with your children. Building a conversation and an open ground for support is always effective. It’s a good idea to start talking about cyberbullying when they start using social media sites, or when they get a mobile phone. However, you should make sure that you do not interfere to the extent that your child starts keeping you out of the loop entirely, it is important for your child to know that you trust them.

Maintain honest and open communication and build a relationship so they confide in you easily. Don’t forget to ensure that their phone and social media apps are password protected. Schools can adopt a zero-tolerance policy for all types of bullying. Make it clear that any harassment, intimidation or threatening behavior will be dealt with seriously and appropriate action will be taken.

If you have any more questions or if you wish to talk to a representative, call us at the Cyber Harassment Helpline from 9 AM to 5 PM (7 days a week) at 0800-39393. We would encourage you to call if you are feeling emotional distress or depression of any kind.


Author: Qirat Gill

Published by: Digital Rights Foundation in Blog

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