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December 17, 2012 - Comments Off on DAY 7 | 1 DEC: WORLD AIDS DAY | RIGHTS WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION


Today we mark World AIDS Day by affirming our universal human rights, free from discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. The recent UN political declaration on HIV and AIDS reaffirms the importance of good quality youth-friendly information and sexual health education to combat HIV/AIDS. It also outlines the commitment to provide full access to comprehensive information and education to enable women and girls to exercise their right to have control over decision making on matters related to their sexuality.

Take Back the Tech! spotlights the Yogyakarta Principles in comic form, developed by Institut Pelangi Perempuan, Indonesia. The comic translates the Yogyakarta Principles into an easier to read format that is more accessible and relatable to younger people. The Yogyajarta Principles outlines the application of international human rights laws related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The comic follows the story of Gina, Fanny and Ai, and is based on the real life experiences of young lesbians in Indonesia. Below is an excerpt of the comic, a full version can be downloaded from here.

  • Follow the adventure. Read the story
  • Pass it on. Print out the comic and leave it on bus stops, the school canteen, or your favourite hang out place.
  • Translate it and share the comic!


YP comic, p 1

YP comic p 2

YP comic, p 3

YP comic, p 4

YP comic, p 5

The comic book, published on the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) website was also blocked by several internet providers in Indonesia for apparently contravening the Anti-Pornography Act. Research has shown that content related to sexual rights, especially on sexual diversity, often become subjected to over-blocking by the government or other actors. Right to information is a fundamental human right, and should be protected without discrimination. It is also critically linked to a range of other rights including education, safety, bodily integrity and health.

Claim our right to information and education – no discrimination & no stigma. Take Back the Tech!

Find out more about IPP, their work and experience with the comic.


From Take Back the Tech!