Hamara Internet


Desktop HDDesktop HD

Because the Internet means so much to us and you, we endeavor to change the way Pakistanis even think about Internet itself. While many elders are still skeptical of the Internet, and instruct their children, especially their daughters to not spend too much time on the Internet, we want all of you to stop treating the Internet as the devil and start treating it more like a tool that you can choose to kill that devil. Just like a knife can be used both for killing someone or for cutting a slice of bread and we never blame the knife, but the user, just like that the Internet is merely a tool – and a powerful tool it is.

Desktop HDDesktop HD

We do what we do because we know that the Internet has liberated our lives and of so many others, and we want the same for all women in Pakistan. As a largely marginalized segment of the society, we want to enable a platform for women to finally voice their dissent online. Women are intellectuals, scientists, business leaders and entrepreneurs too and we want Hamara Internet to act as inspiration for these women to make them realize their dreams through the Internet.


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